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How can I make my calves smaller?

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i am so glad i found this forum. i have the same problem, i feel that my calves are huge and i am always so embarrassed to wear shorts or skirts.

i have added pictures of my legs. what do you think? i feel so self conscious about the size of my calves!
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My calves are 15" around and my thighs are 17.5" No kidding. They appear to be about the same exact size. Let me share some pictures...

I dont think surgery is the right method for dealing with this problem we share. My husband and I have been looking into edema and think that this possibly explains why my calves are so large. I smoke, don't workout, eat whatever... These are all things that can lead to edema, which can be treated but not cured unless the things causing it cease. I don't plan to quit smoking, so if that's the cause, my legs will continue to remain their current size unless I treat them successfully.
Treatment for edema involves exercising, using leg wraps and elevating your legs above your heart for periods of time.
So far I've been using the wraps (compression socks), I bought mine at a drug store, but have yet to see results. I might start elevating on a regular basis as a second method in addition to the wraps at night and when I have time. Exercise is a last resort... lol
Here are some sites on edema if you want to look into it and find out if you have symptoms of it.
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^^ I'm so glad i visited this post!! Leothlnss, I have edema from a variety of things- bc pills, vitamins, and just genetics and I've been looking for solutions. Thank you for posting those!
I do exercise like a fiend though, and if anything, that's made it worse. Exercise won't really make them smaller but it will shrink the swelling. I can't see a difference because any swelling that's gone down is invisible becasue of the muscle I gained from excercising.
I'm going to try the leg wraps and see.
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^ I think the compression wraps and leg elevation are a great way to start. I'm just starting too and have gotten most of my info online.
At some point I want to visit a doctor and get their opinion on it as well.
I really hope it works out because my calves have been too big for a long time and it would be so nice to have legs that are proportionate for a girl my size. I hope it works for you too! Keep us updated on how it goes.
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To be honest I think your calves look good! You can see the toned muscle in them. They are a little wide towards the top but since they taper down your leg towards your ankle I think it gives them a nice shape.
From what I can see your ankles look good too... My ankles are pretty wide, it's especially noticeable in flip flops or other flat shoes.
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The ideal circumference of the calf is 20% of your height, while the ideal length of the calf is 22% of your height.

Lydia, I think your legs look fine, but I can understand if you would prefer them to be less muscular. Everyone always told me I had great calves, but had the surgery because I didn't like the muscle.
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^ It's taken me some time to get used to mine but lately I've been forcing myself to wear shorts and skirts because it's terrible to let something so superficial keep you from wearing the things you want. It actually feels pretty great to wear shorts and not hear anyone say anything about my legs. Just make sure you don't bring them up, I make sure not to bring mine up because it will just make you more self-concious.
I am jealous of your muscle btw! I wish the muscle in mine were visible, it's all on the inside near the bone and overtop the muscle is all this liquid. I'm pretty sure I have edema in my calves where liquid collects because the heart isn't pumping it back through the body. It ends up making them look kind of flabby and giggly... I'd much prefer them to be hard and muscular, to be honest.
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Hey everybody, I really want to get the calf reduction surgery at OZ clinic with Dr. Park, I've saved up money and did a whole lot of research, I'm just scared because I feel like it's such a big risk, I'm an accountant and us accountants don't take much risks if you know what I mean lol! I mean, having huge calves is better than being paralyzed....?? bleh so many complications
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