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How can I make my calves smaller?

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Im sure both are great doctors, but I guess I felt Dr Park may be better option for me as Dr Jong said he only does about 10 of these surgerys a year in an email, and not many caucasian people. Whereas I believe Dr Park has done about 1000 now? Its hard making this decision. My legs are at 40 cm and want this surgery bad but still want them to be shapely not just straight up and down xxx
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Good luck with whatever you choose. I’m third day post op now in Taiwan with Dr Jong. It is so damn hard, honestly. Reading over this thread actually made it worse for me cos it made me feel like I made a ****ty mistake in choosing my doctor. Luckily in the past day, someone reached out to me and through her I was referred to even more people who have been through it and it helped so much. Especially the ones that have been past this more than 1-2 years and even longer. Really showed me there was light at the end of the tunnel and why I chose to do this in the first place.

And I heard from girls who went to both doctors. You just gotta find the right person for me. I had my doubts to be honest because when you’re down and depressed and someone keeps reinforcing the same thing in you, it becomes your insecurity as well? Anyway, I’m glad I got out of that and over it. I know it’s just hard now but I am sure again I chose the right doctor for me!

I chose dr Jong cos he could address an area that I had concerns with. Doctor park can take more off but does it matter if it’s not from where I want to take it off? So it’s up to you, don’t let anyone else stir you :smile:

It’s only been 3 days since I was on the operating table. It’s so hard coz I’m alone especially. But I look down now and I’m so happy already. Like I see how he has changed the shape of it so much even if the size don’t go down that much, I love the shape my legs look as compared to before. So unless my legs get larger and regrow the exact same shape as before he cut it. At this point, I’d probably just give up haha.

Right now it’s a lot smaller but I’m going to stress as little as I can over every mm for now as it’s going to drive me crazy. I checked my legs and measured it a bit and I asked, “it’s still swelling, right?” He looked at me and said “of course” in the nicest “well duh” way that I just bursted out laughing at how dumb my question is. Which shows my mental state. Getting in touch with women who are nearly 10 years post op now is amazing!!! And I’ve already been told about the bad cases before my operation, I just chose to focus on them and this forum did too so in my head, it was “common”.

Anyway, mentally I am much better now. Thank you get those reaching out to me if you did. If anyone reads this in the future, don’t be afraid! The person who helped me said this to me “well - it’s up to you. You can be afraid of random crap on the internet or your mental state, what your legs are going through and what your body will be going through in the future.” That’s true. I don’t care anymore - not more than how much my legs hurt so damn much from surgery!

Anyway my legs were 42.5cm on both or 43cm on the other. They don’t actually that big and every doctor (including Park) has told me they must be much smaller before measuring and confirming themselves it is that big. It is now 38cm to 39 but will expect to bounce up and down for the ages. Trying not to worry to death about cm every day.

I love the shape already. He took out the part that bulged out and was the main problem. Without that problem, I am already very happy and they look a lot slimmer than their actual size.

Have faith and don’t be too emo like I was dwelling on all the negativity.
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Dr J is not a sculptor, he was my surgeon. Who said they put on a brave face? Or did you think of that yourself? Don’t you mean we are all putting on a brave face? Well I am. I’m just going through a surgery to remove part of my calves. Even Dr Park himself said that sometimes calves get bigger after surgery, it usually doesn’t last. One or two cases it was unsuccessful. This isn’t just for park or Jong but both.

My legs were huge. Like bigger than anyone’s here and I knew this and chose dr Jong. I’m glad I did. I’m glad you are happy with your surgeon but the view you have put across on the board here is completely biased and misleading. It isn’t helpful to others, it was acually harmful until another member who has done this gave me help with reason not just bad mouthing. So I’m going to do what she did and tell you to stop too.

Dr Jong cut out about 400g off each calf of mine. Is that still too little for you? I don’t even think his bed side manner is that nice to be honest. It’s normal? Anyway, I was introduced to someone and Skyped them yesterday which made me feel so much better now because she showed me her legs and they were so nice. And her initial size wasn’t that big like 37 and he managed to it down to her ideal proportion which is 32 or something can’t remember. But it looks so good omg. She showed me old photos of her legs which was so kind of her cos she didn’t need to I think because vanitygirl told her how depressed I was. Haha omg. Anyway, the muscle she had was bulging out and unflattering like mine were pre op. Even though she was much smaller than me to begin with, I am so so relieved to see he addressed that problem for her perfectly. I don’t even wish mine is that small, I just want it to look like how I wanted it to look which is why i came in for this surgery.

This isn about sharing different opinion. You are putting things out there that are simply untrue. If this is your opinion, fine. I can say worse things about dr Park too.

Anyway, anyone else reading this. I just found a private chat group of about a dozen people who have done it before. They are all very nice and kind and supportive no matter what choice you make and I’m newest member they all are well recovered. Even the girl who had to get revision surgery as she wasn’t happy with dr park isn’t talking down on dr park. I don’t want to speak too much for her but I can ask if she wants to reach out when members could use the support.
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These are pre op photos of my legs before and after weight gain. I gained about 15kg from medication I recently went on. I plan to stop taking the medication when I get back/switch to an alternative once my body has adjusted to the surgery. In the past, I’ve been able to drop the weight gain about 2-3 weeks after stopping medication.

Anyway, my pre op measurements are significant higher than most others. I don’t even care that much as the rest of my body is quite curvy in the typical hourglass shape so I don’t want to have skinny legs as the ideal circumference. What I absolutely hated is how manly they look in their shape - where they bulge out and has no femininity whatsoever to their shape. With the rest of my body, I feel that they are terribly mismatched. If I wear something to cover my legs calves down, I feel great. I have D cup boobs so with these huge calves, I just look frumpy and fat. At least that’s how I feel.

In saying that, because oh how big the measurements are, id still want maximum reduction possible as then it’d still be considered not skinny. After long conversations with Dr Park, I decided against him as I feel that he didn’t appreciate or understand my ideals of beauty for myself and body. I decided that I’d risk the supposed less reduction with Dr Jong who would give me a better shape, even if he didn’t take off as much, I felt like he would take it off where it would look better and slender than taking more off where I don’t care. Then I found out that Dr Park had no plan to tough the sol area so it was an obvious choice thereon.

I’ve spoken others and both doctors have many successful cases and both have some less successful and a few unsuccessful ones. I thought about what I wanted and what was right for me and with Dr Jong in Taipei.

To my surprise, Dr Jong has taken more off than how much Dr Park estimated for me. He didn’t promise me anything when I consulted with him, that really worried me and I considered in the last minute of switching to fly to Seoul haha. That was a bit scary and depressing.



I didn’t look at my legs at all the first two days. I knew it was futile and pointless at that time anyway.

The first day post op (day of surgery) there was no pain at all. I guess my body was in shock.

The second day onwards was different. In saying this, the mental and emotional battle started on day -2 and was pretty bad the first few days. I don’t know why I told my BF to fly in a couple of days later (today) lol. At least now I’m well enough to spend time with him and enjoy Taipei.

Dr measured my legs today before discharging me from his clinic. 38cm on both legs. He said I have a lot of swelling which is expected - my body reacts by swelling and then some to everything. Even having the catheter in my vein for the drip and medicine made my hand swell. So I can’t wait to see how it would be in a few months then finally the next year.

I’m so pleased with the shape! Even if it stays at 38 or 39, I’d choose that over less than 35 with the shape I hated. Obviously, hopefully I get the best of both worlds but so far, so good.

I stayed a total 3 nights cos I didn’t want to be alone (usually it’s like 2 nights stay). I paid an extra $60 or something for it. Since it was full service and all inclusive, I thought that was a great deal especially as I was so upset and lonely by myself, etc. IMG_8533.JPG
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@PrincessAF Hi! I think your legs look great. For me, I didn't have to decide between Dr. Park or Jong. I chose Dr. Park because I'm more familiar with South korea than Taipei plastic surgery. Odd reason, but I needed to feel safe and familiar with a big surgery like this. Also I'm surprised you say no pain day 1! I know from reading posts from here over and over that many report the same, but I can't imagine that because day 1 was my worst lol. I totally get your mental and emotional hardship also, I experienced the same and have been very vocal about that here. I wish you a speedy recovery!
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Hey there!

I don’t think it’s a weird or bad reason at all. It is a huge ordeal IMO to go and do this especially if you don’t have all of your support system. So familiarity definitely makes sense. If I had a viable option closer and more familiar for me, that would go to one of the top swaying factor. Korea and Taiwan are same same for me otherwise it might very much be a different story. And I’m glad you were able to do the surgery with an option that made you feel more at ease in this trying time

Thank you for your well wishes! I feel much better and today is post op day 5. I would say it peaked around day 3-4 for me in terms of pain and discomfort and about 30 hours after coming out of the surgery.
I have read that also and used to think that’s quite strange. I had my face contoured in Korea before with jaw reduction and coming out of the surgery room and the following 48 hours felt like my head had been slammed against a concrete wall. But I woke up from this extremely tired just like I was sleep deprived and slept through the first day. After this time, I woke up completely refreshed

Then the dull, aching pain start set in the night of Day 2.

I saw your results and your reduction is substantial. Congrats! I think coming out of that immediate window ought to be celebrated regardless of the result and moreso when you see the immediate difference. I can’t believe we did it!

This is something I’ve always wanted to do for so long but before had too many reasons if, this, but, that, etc.

But now it’s done! Go us!
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I’ve been following your posts as well and you got me thinking of going back to my life in Sydney. My BF lives in NYC and I have worked there myself. I don’t know how you are fighting the subway game considering I had struggles when I was fully able and mobile.

Congrats on coming out of the wood works btw
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Hi Julia, how are you?
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Day 17, 18, 19, 20 - Post-op, updates on walking
So if you are wondering why it seems like I am tracking my progress on walking instead of the circumference of my calves, well my reason is this: I am already very happy with shape. Right now its still imperfect as you guys saw so much swelling in my ankles that its hard to see myself in shorts, skirts and dresses just yet. However, I already know BY HEART what my old calves look like and it is already a 1000% improvement. It's amazing how much it has helped my self-esteem, which apparently cost ~7,500 USD to regain lol.
Anyway, so I am more concerned with recovering with the walking because I'm an active person and I would love to go back to my active life. I'm a regular at my gym and people are looking for me lol. My next mission is to go on a healthy diet and workout plan so I can lose maybe 5-10lbs. The difference this time is it will be easier to commit because I will not feel hopeless seeing my stomach shrink but my calves still the same! Before, I was so obsessed with working out and running (I used to do 4-6 miles A DAY) to feel good about myself, and I did, but I still hated my body because of my calves. I just felt fat.
Monday morning (day 17) something changed with my stride. Before, my limp forced me to carry my weight on my heels which is why I had narrated how painful it was to stand prolonged or walk prolonged. Maybe it was because I rested well during the weekend but in any case, it was a GOOD change. See when you walk normally usually it is on the ball of your foot (between arch and toes) that will hit ground first then it stretches out every step. I took advantage and trained myself again to walk that way which is the proper way. I feel my calves activate every step. Going downstairs is still hard but much better now. I would love to switch to flat shoes (it is recommended) but none fit me??? My feet have reduced swelling but sides are still tender and some parts numb. Like tingling numb, as if sleeping. If you backread you will find this is very common, even up to many months. Bruises have faded on thigh, but the area around knees are still a darker color. Of course more bruising is concentrated there.
However, I still get pain mostly at night. On Day 18, I woke up from pain and in my half-asleep state I apparently unwrapped my bandages because they were bothering me that much. So the next day I vowed to up my stretching game. Even though post-op instructions say reduce stretching after 2 weeks, I felt like I needed to stretch more. I must admit, I wasn't that religious in the last 2 weeks just because stretching was PAINFUL. Yes it is a hurts-so-good pain, with instant gratification in the form of smoother stride walking, but in the 3 minutes of the stretch itself it is painful and I always "oof" back to my chair after. So now I have an app that pings every 25minutes and I do a good 3-5minute stretch no matter how painful. I know for a fact my right leg will recover slower because putting feet flat on the floor is still difficult and more painful than the left one. I knew this since day 1 if you backread my post, this is the calf that I forced nurse to unbandage because it was electrifying numb and tight right after surgery.
Day 19, I tried yet again to aspirate but no luck. I am now convinced I am doing it wrong since I'm scared of blood and flesh and poking. I will ask my mom to do it.
I also want to say I am starting to believe I recover slower than other posters here, which doesn't surprise me. I had 39cm calves on a 5'0 frame and it was a lot. I read some posts and many mention having just "tightness" but I can't say the same. I still have pain, night cramps sometimes. Not a constant, debilitating pain but enough pain to make walking still not ok. Walking normally is my priority because it will allow me to really resume more activities such as GOING OUT, walking a lot, going to gym, riding subway, etc.

Day 21 - Post-op, three weeks! One more week to a month!
Wow time flies. It's almost a month since I flew to Seoul alone, had surgery and went through a depressing couple of days lol. I feel accomplished but also I know recovery is a long road ahead. Remembering Day 1, or even my 20+ hr flight back home makes me want to hug myself for going through all that discomfort. I have a favorite line from this thread about recovery: "THIS AIN'T NO INSTANT PUDDING!" I want to frame it or tattoo it lol. It's very important I keep my mental state at 100% while my physical state is still around 70%.
I wish to fit in my old shoes and I miss my ankles so much. No regrets though. So I reinstate my advice since the beginning: it is so important to keep a healthy mental and psychological outlook before and more importantly after the surgery. I don't see it a lot in the posts here maybe because most girls are good by 2 weeks, but some have slower recoveries like me. This weekend I plan on giving my ugly feet a pedicure and waxing the bandaged area just to lift my spirits lol. If they are swollen might as well make them look pretty so that I don't feel too weird.
Ciao update again next week.
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Thanks for updating us on your progress. But the above is everything. Highlighted parts for emphasis.

I thought of this the other day. This surgery seemed like a huge thing but how much have I spent all my life and will continue to do so to hide my problem or disguise it in some ways.
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Day 5 Post Op

Um my legs are starting to itch like hell. Also, the stitches hurt. Even being pushed in a wheelchair all day tired my legs and feet out and made me super swollen but thank god for my angel (slave he called it) of a BF for patiently pushing me around all the bumpy half made roads of Taipei.

Ok the itching. Like last night, it itched so much I thought I was going to scratch the skin off and I did a bit :sad:

I was 42cm pre op - the photo is a relaxed calf look compared to its actual form and you can see where it hung so low like some kind of meat for sale at the market, with flies buzzing around eating it up.

Umm my hand is still swollen from the catheter that got take out days ago so no doubt my legs are having a field day. I’m a very swelly person.

I read back to the beginning of this thread out of boredom and depression lol and someone said something about going to those traditional acupuncture places in your city and that’s what alleviated her buildup of fluid and blood. If that’s something to consider. The idea of drawing blood out of my calves makes me want to throw up even to consider. It’s so weird coz when I thought of amici92’s post saying she can’t do it, I think “aww it won’t be that bad you can do it” then I think of me doing it to myself and yep nope I think I will subconsciously not even be able to if I tried. IMG_8586.JPGIMG_8565.JPG
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I thought of this the other day. This surgery seemed like a huge thing but how much have I spent all my life and will continue to do so to hide my problem or disguise it in some ways.[/QUOTE]

This does seem drastic but if I dont do it I will continue to let it rule my life : (
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Oh good lord! What in the world has happened? It is Day 6 and I am in more pain than I’ve ever been combined!

Is this the day 5-6 pushback that the body is doing that some people have mentioned?

I went to the Dr today (left his clinics care 2 days ago). He unwrapped everything and looked at the muscles with the ultrasound.

He seemed pleased and said that there was minimal smelling, I was caring for it quite well and the wound is very dry. So he decided it is good to waterproof it so I can take a proper shower and not worry about it. The ultra sound showed very minimal bleeding, which hopefully means less aspiration.

Then he got me to show him how I did the bandages and said I was doing it too loose and there’d be no point if it is too too loose. At this point, he made me go tighter which I was fine with.

We got back to the apartment where bf helped me take a full body shower. It would be one of the clumsiest, sloppiest, least sexy thing we’ve ever done together. I would describe it as him trying to help me from being drowned by nothing. Like he had to hold me up and my legs were starting to buckle for some reason and it was the longest it’s ever been completely exposed. Then he noticed how much it’s swollen up since everything was taken off. We tried our best to put everything back on but still took quite a bit of time due to some random untimely interruption.

Since then, the swelling began to take serious form and only increased as the hours went by. And then the pain. Oh god. I feel like I finally understand what you guys are going through when speaking about pain level 9 and also discomfort level 9.

Bf had to go out and buy ice bags for me to put my feet and the extremely painful part of the leg on. It hurt like hell but did help a bit. Now the pain is back.

Reading back really helps when people have mentioned it and I don’t feel like I severely messed up somewhere to cause this upon myself after 6 days of being relatively lucky. Hopefully it is just that phase the body likes to go through and push back against all this that has happened to it.

Thank you to those.
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Thanks for all who contributed and posted their surgery recovery process here. I want to share my journey with those who are interested in this surgery too. Hope it helps :smile:

Day 0
Touched down in Seoul today morning and met with Dr Park in the afternoon. The clinic was simply and chic, and the nurses were efficient and professional. My first meeting with Dr Park was great, He explained all my questions clearly and thoroughly. After measuring my calves, He explained that my calves muscle are really pretty big, and he will probably take off roughly 70% of the muscle. He mentioned that because of my big muscle, I could probably expect an obvious big change after my surgery. So excited for this chance. I have been anticipating this since I was maybe 15. Paid for the surgery in cash after the consultation, and got a 10% discount which was great.
The surgery is 10am tomorrow morning. Excited and yet frightful. Wish me luck girls

My height : 152 cm
circumference: unsure, but definitely big !

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