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How can I make my calves smaller?

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what did dr park say was your goal cm? and also is your soleus or the lateral part of your leg really hypertrophic and bulging (since the soleus extends from back ankle to lateral part of leg? if so did he say your legs will look slightly bowed after surgery? I'm just asking bc my calves are similar to your size but the lateral part is really bulging. however, dr park said he can do the surgery. I'm just afraid of going to visit him and have him say my soleus is very big and removing just the gastromecius muscles will make my legs looked bowed.
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34.5cm is my goal. He never mentioned anything about my legs looking bowed after the surgery, but I don't think I have an overly large soleus (in porportion to the rest of my leg). For me it was mainly the gastro that bulged out. I think it's important to have a realistic goal and not expect perfection when considering this surgery. Improvment is all I'm hoping for, and I am more than pleased with the results so far :biggrin:

Have you sent Dr Park good quality photos? He should be able to tell from the pics if he can help you or not. From what I've read on the forum, he is always more than honest and up-front when it comes to your goals vrs what he is actually able to do based on your anatomy.
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Hey dancinmama
Theres just some trivial questions abt transportation and some details id like to
Ask u abt. Do u think u can email me at r e x . X r 8 7 @ gmail? Theres no spaces. I just want to make sure u see that. :smile: thank you
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Of course, happy to help! Just emailed you :biggrin:
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Jackkki, I can't send private msg's yet...and I stupidly didn't take any good before pics. I will see if Dr Park can send me the ones he took. If you want to PM your email I will try to send them to you. I can recieve PM's just can't send...
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hi, mwf, thanks for the support and advise on skype. the paralysis cases, which clinics are they? do you remember? so we can avoid. im pretty sure dr park is 100% till now. in fact, he is the best but i think it will be good to know which doctors are not good so we know which to avoid. good luck to you too. i hope u find what you want soon.
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hi, mwf, thanks for the support and advice on skype. the paralysis cases, which clinics are they? do you remember? so we can avoid. im pretty sure dr park is 100% till now. in fact, he is the best but i think it will be good to know which doctors are not good so we know which to avoid. good luck to you too. i hope u find what you want soon.
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hi jackkki, thanks for reply. good luck. hope u decide soon. there is one lady who did lipo and calf reduction with dr jong and she posted here. if you search "jong" you should be able to find her. she's a very brave one who went alone and did all that!!!
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dancinmama, thanks for posting! i come online to read now and love posts such as yours where people say : i have no regrets!! i wish mine was sooner. darn. have to wait another month and half....
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thanks. i think I'm planning to go this may 2012. the only thing is that i've been reading this forum over and over and have only read two people that went to dr jong and everyone else went to dr park. But i know I have a wide soleus and dr jong will be the only one to fix it. It is difficult because it seems as if there is not much information on the surgery except that only these two doctors perform it. It is also hard due to the fact that I am going to another country to perform surgery that cannot be fixed in my country if something goes wrong. I do not know how the regulations work in taiwan or korea on plastic surgery especially if your a foreigner. I've seen a lot of horror stories of plastic surgery in mexico on the news but i don't know how it is in asia. Im not trying to scare anyone but just being realistic and stating what I know. though i may go through with the procedure blind and ignorant, I feel that I just need to do it. I'm sure that many feel that way in this forum but it is important to tell at least one person you are going through with the surgery, where, the hotel & clinic number, and the days you will be gone for in case something happens. we all need to be safe at least in that way.
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No problem scaredcat! Best of luck with your surgery :tup: a month and a half will be here before you know it, and you will be thrilled once you do it! xx
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Hi dancinmama do you mind emailing me at [email protected] some details as I'm deciding whether to book with dr park or dr Jong now and have consulted both of them.

Would like to find out a little bit more from you before I decide! Hope you will be free to share and thank you for the help!
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Hi jackki I will be heading in may 2012 too. But deciding between dr Jong and dr park now!

Let me know who you decided to do with and good luck! :smile:
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Hi dancin mama can I ask did u go alone and how much did u spend for hotel, transport, misc etc

Thank you for your help and would appreciate if you could email me
At [email protected]!!
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