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welcome back, maskd. now I don't just want nose job, I want cheek and jaw bone shaving as well. my face is pretty fat and round, a high nose won't fit my nose. do you know anything about bone shaving? where does the doctor cut through to shave the bone? would that be risky?
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I think I have said to you privately before that your original nose is not bad, it only lacks "body" and height so I suspect Dr. Chuang had a rather small implant for you because its slightly enhanced and still looks narrow and blends well.

Your natural tip is not bad, with enough cartilage and projection right? Its good news.

Did you see any man's noses at Chuang's clinic? Any good? you know man's noses are very different and difficult to enhance....

BTW, for those who had gone to Chuang, where did you guys stay?? Any recommendations especially for the budget conscious??
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I think this model nose is a nice nose. Suit her face. But it also a very unique style kind of nose so it won't suit everyone but on her nice. Whether she had surgery I don't know.

I have looked high and low for a good surgeon. And in my conclusion there is almost no surgeon in UK with enough experience to perform the surgery for an oriental patient - pretty much due to not enough people or they are going abroad.

Second, USA don't seem to have enough good surgeons either.

i) I see some of the Lam plasty after and before photos and after carefully examing it they are not very impressive. He talks highly of harmony and balance and I definately don't see it in his asian after photos. So that's a no.

ii) The other surgeon base in LA California I think called Charles S Lee uses silicon and looking at all the after and before photos all his patients bridge all look the same. They have a popicle (if that is the correct word) line in the middle of their face and somehow it doesn't look right.

ii) The other surgeon Dean Toriumi does a very good job so I can see he has an eye for balance and harmony. But he very expensive but I have to say, using a rib graft I suspect you really can't aford to have a revision otherwise it means taking more bone from your ribs and not many will like the idea. So in his work he has to make sure he get it right the first time round. Since he uses rib graft that a no unless.

China for surgery a big NO!

So, I have been browsing the net high and low again and everyone saying Korea is the leading place to go for asian rhinoplasty.


Looking at this photo above I think the girl looks yummy LOL.

So, I think right now I am going to contemplate on Korea. I think I will need to find a way to break my english accross.

I haven't look at Japan yet but it strange not many people talk highly of such a developed country.

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Good luck with stich removal, must be very exciting! Do you know if Dr tseng does alot of alar work? Now that maskd has mentioned it, i dont see alot of tip work on his website. And i do want alot of tip work, haha. Although i dont see alot of change in Dr Chaung's pictures either...
Do you know if Dr tseng prefers gortex to silicon? Someone showed me this really nice nose he did recently with gortex and i just dont know if he can achieve same results with silicon I-implant.

Your the second person that have mentioned it hurt during surgery, i read this other girl woke up in middle of surgery and felt sharp pains. Im kinda concerned about what dr tseng uses for anesthia.. i heard he works for a clinic with many surgeons and he's the top one right? How does the clinic look like, and the facilities?...
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Here's a pic of my nose. It looks good but I think it can be better. The doctor I went with is really good but he tends to make his noses more narrow. I also don't want my nose to point up like they do for most asians that have rhinoplasty. I like the tip to be longer like the picture I showed earlier. Goretex is excellent coz it looks so natural and it doesn't shine like other noses I've seen. No one knows I had my nose done. My mom even asked why I wasted my money since she couldn't even tell I had anything done. But you know how parents are.


I had my eyes done as well. This I'm really happy about so I'm not planning to have any future eye surgeries. I thought I had slight ptosis but I guess I'm just too picky. Doctors that I've seen think I'm crazy but oh well.
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Hey Jazabel,

Your nose and eyes look great! Your nose shape is quite nice.. long bridge and small nostrils. I know we all view our own faces critically but i think its quite nice. Thanks for sharing your pictures with us. How long ago did you get your surgeries? How long was it before your eyes and nose looked relatively normal so you can go outside and stuff?
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Hey.. I'm also interested in having a nose job, but I haven't finally decided yet.
I've been searching for a large collection of before and after pics to see and comapre and ro decide, and that's what I've found.

Plastic Sergeant RhinoPlasty

I hope this will be useful for you too
(also hope its okay to post links))
Good luck!
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