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Wow you look really good! Congrats!!! The nose looks great!
Yeah do you have a before picture to compare?

How much did you pay for the operation?

Any special tips for us for healing?
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Could be because your number of posts are still low at the moment. The PM option usually shows when you click the person's name.
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haha thanks!

Hmm I've been waiting for a confirmed date for so long, and now its finally here. I was more excited initially, but I guess the feeling would kick in when I reach Taipei !:roflmfao:

I'm thinking of things to bring etc.. questions to ask...
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Yeah wow sigma you are some hottie!! All your facial features look so natural, if you didn't say you had your nose done I would have thought you'd had it done!! Did he use silicon or gortex on your nose?
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i paid $5900 for my operation. i had a silicone implant put in. dr. lee grafted cartilage from my ear for the tip.

here are some before pictures...

they're from my birthday in june.




my bridge is a lot higher now than it was before..

expect to have skin problems after surgery.
my face gets super duper shiny!! it gets ridiculously oily! it's kinda gross! you'll encounter problems with enlarged pores and blackheads. i was told not to use the biore strips.

before surgery ~ i took vitamin c 500mg twice a day. i was told it would reduce bruising. im assuming it worked cause i have very minimal bruising. my face was yellow ~ not black & blue like most people. stop taking vitamin c the day before surgery though.

for icing ~ use palmolive dishwashing soap! freeze it in ziplocs and you're good to go. it turns into this squishy slushy thing that you can mold.

recovery isn't all that fun. i think the worst part was being restricted from certain foods. i was told to stay away from seafood and sodium. high-sodium foods makes my nose swell up like no other!!! so far i've lost 7lbs, which is a lot since i was under 100lbs to begin with.

ill write more later... ! bye guys!
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Keenose - Congrats on your upcoming surgery! Can't wait to hear from you afterwards. :roflmfao:

Sigmabratxx - Definitely a nice change from your before pictures. Btw, can only Palmolive freeze like that or any dishwashing soap?

(Funny when I board the plane & they ask why I have a ziplock of Palmolive hehe) :supacool:
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Sigma's pictures are making me reconsider my decision to go to Dr. Chuang. Dr. Lee does such beautiful work and after factoring in the plane ticket + hotel expenses, Dr. Lee and Dr. Chuang come to pretty much the same price!
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I went to Dr. Charles Lee.. through referrals. 3 of my best friend's friends went to Dr. Lee. One for a revision, and they were all very pleased. A friend of mine went to him for her eyes, and she was also very happy with the results.

I consulted with Dr. Charles Lee and Dr. David Kim in beverly hills, but went with Dr. Lee. He seems more qualified, since he specializes in asian eyes & noses. Dr.Kim seems to be a popular surgeon for breast augmentation though. Dr. Kim did Kendra's boobs. She's one of heff's girlfriends on The girls NExt door show on E! Dr Lee's been on Oprah, the Tyra Banks show, and the discovery channel... during the consultation, they asked me if i wanted to go on Dr. Phil ~ the operation would be FREE!

Dr. Lee doesnt have very many before/after pics on his website,which kinda worried me. He doesn't have them in his office either. I asked for pics of his other patients and they didnt have any. There's a discount if you let them use your before/after pics. I opted not to though.

Since my operation was over $5000, they let me stay in a one-bedroom apartment for 3 days free of charge. There was a $60 cleaning fee though.

I should get paid for this sort of advertising! haha. anyways. GOod luck researching guys! BYE!
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lol this is what i was talking about earlier in this thread.
only someone who has been brainwashed by a eurocentric society would say that an asian getting a nose job means u are trying to be white , meanwhile ignoring all the white people (the most in the world mind you) who are out their chopping off thier european noses. stop with ur biased bullsh*t when a white person gets plastic surgery its becasue they want to look better but when an ethnic person does it its shameful and u want to say they are trying to shed their identity? get over ur white privilege bullsh*t this is 2007.
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