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Oh it doesnt work anymore?

Try looking in the makemeheal webbie to see if they sell it.

I'm currently getting ready to go on the trip.. hehe

By the way, just for everybody to know... we have to get to the clinic ourselves, they dont provide a free VIP pick up service even though their website states that. Maybe is not updated.

Will let you guys know how it goes... :yes:
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then I guess everybody would have to stay longer as he might not be able to cram everybody's surgery in one day... depending on what you guys are doing I guess..
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Dejavu is currently at NT1700 per night.
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Keenose - Good luck on your upcoming surgery! OMG time is just flying by, I'll be going soon too. I did contact the website too to see if they know what I'm talking about. Let us know how everything goes :yes:

I usually like blue but for Purseforum, I liked the pink lol. I do like this shade of blue though, easy on the eyes :P
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Keenose - good luck on your surgery! wat are all you're getting done? and how long are u staying? Im planning to go in december around the 13th, is anyone going around that time? My sister is suppose to go with me but she might bail out, and so i need someone to go with me who is from the states. If u are going and interested in getting a discount on the tickets, just message me and ill give u more info.i have a really good hookup as as far as the tickets go...im located in atlanta, so it be best if we can leave from the same airport....
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hey, I missed you guys. I've been busy with school and the average of my sleeping hours is 4, and my eyes got infected by the contact lenses. whenever I yarn, my eyes hurt by the tears that come after the yarning. it happened soon I put my contact in my eyes two months after the eye surgery. I had no idea what it was util I called the doctor today. I will go see both my plastic eye doctor and my eye exam doctor to find out what's going on. I think it's because I wear my cnotact way too soon after the surgery and I want you guys to know something about this. anyways, missed all of you. I might not be here since school takes most of my time and you know what it is like to be a good student,lol. keenose, good luck on your trip, I'm not sure if I'm going to Taiwan any more since so far the pictures that satisfy me the most are the ones from Dr.Toriumi's web site, which shows dramastic change. I think when I'm rich enough, I'm going to him. I want to finish school first even though I'm absessed with plastic surgeries.love you all.good luck!:flowers:
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hehe yeah.. sure will. I'll try to remember as much as I can.
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Thanks! Time flies! In no time it'd be your turn
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