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Ah! Wow those are pretty cheap tickets! But I was talking about going in the summer. They're like at least 1000. >.< But oh well it IS the summer. But good to know they're so much cheaper in the winter break period. Thanks!! xD :P

I have the same problem too!!! Are you from the states? Most colleges that my friends go to are out by the second week of December. So anytime in October or November would be too early because those breaks are only for like two or three days at most.
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Good to know! After going to Korea for a nose job and shopping I'll be soo broke.

There a scary stories out there about the post-op care they give to their patients. They probably only treat the gorgeous k-movie starts the best because it would damage their reputation if they didn't.

Lol! Looks like keropijennifer and meowgirl have another person to drag off onto the trip! xD :party:

Ai ya..I really need this trip. I think one thing I wont like is the fact that after getting the nose job I wont be able to get into spas. All the PS say that you cant go into them. Or maybe I was misinformed (being hopeful here) and I really can go into the spas? 0.O
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How disappointing. I was hoping it would be a good clinic. It was my first choice. Now I feel a bit uneasy. So dreamclinic is the best so far? Good to know about these things. Thanks jas3n for posting your reviews! :smile:

OH yea, I hope the other PS allow the use of Sinecch. I don't think I'd want to do the nose job without it...
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I am a nurse in training to be a certified registered nurse anesthetist. The red flag for me in the post above was - the surgeon does the anesthesia himself. NOT SAFE. Who is monitoring your vital signs and comfort level? If it's a nurse that's not good enough, s/he's not trained to manage the airway of a sedated patient. If the drugs should cause you to stop breathing, no one would be available to place a breathing tube or otherwise assist you. The surgeon has enough to do with the surgery. Nasal surgery is not terribly painful with the local anesthetic, but you will need sedation and possibly narcotics for pain throughout. A trained individual should be in charge of your anesthetic care. I don't know if Korea commonly uses physicians, nurse anesthetists or another kind of anesthesia provider; it doesn't matter as long as they are appropriately trained and credentialled.

I'm glad you're doing your research!
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:Push: Thats good to know! So when you said, sedation and narcotics throughout..you mean throughout the surgery right?

I'm still wondering how many meds you'll have to take after getting the nose job.
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I c we kinda have a problem here....that is to arrange a time when we can All go together! I dont think I can go till at least nov at the mo. So.....I think there may be several groups of us going oct/nov time.:s Anyway...i think the first thing we shd all think about is which surgeon/clinic wd be the best one for us, cause personal I aint gona go until I know for sure I have at least two good repuatable clinics to go to. U knw....fm wat Jas3n has said, it does sound like Dream clinic is a lot better than OZclinic, but.... I think 'u shd never judge a book by its cover'. Ok, Ozclinic hasnt got the lastest most sophisticated techology, but I mean, does it really make that much of a difference...i mean, its not that his equipments are really old right? It may well be that the surgeon is really good....I mean.....the only way wd know for sure who is better is if we actually get to see a client come out with their new nose! And this is the annoying part....lol,....no one lives in seoul at the mo! So if any one has been to either of these clinics or any of the good ones in seoul, PLEASE write us a message here!!!!! :smile:
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I was wondering if you knew the email for dreamclinic since it doesnt look so clear on the website it just says dream@dreamsurgery :s

I'm also planning to get my nose done and facial contouring so would like to investigate a few clinics also.

I be going to korea end of march.

Whats peoples views so far on which clinics look the most promising?

I can probably get an intepreter if there are some korean only sites which people want to investigate. Also have a few korean friends but rather not get them involved as such.
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Hey numberlinh,

I think I read someone mentioning the same thing about BKClinic. Can you tell me where you heard this, or do you actually know somebody who had a procedure done there and experienced really bad post-op care? Dr. Kim seems to have a good reputation. He also seems to be responsive on his consultation Web site, so I could email him to see what he says about the bad rep he's getting on post-op care.

Just like keropijennifer, I'd like to identify 2 reputable clinics b4 I take the plunge to go to Korea.
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it really looks like theres gonna be at least 5 or 6 of us going to korea now. :roflmfao:
anyway. i havent had a look at BKclinic, but plan to next time im there; the reason why i didnt research that place was because i'd heard about the poor post op care from this forum. i am curious why that was said too.

anyway, i emailed a few clinics that i thought might speak english, found these from the ISAPS website: AT aesthetic clinic, Neoclinic (³×¿À¼ºÇü¿Ü°ú or ÄÚ¼ºÇü À̾߱â). they didnt reply.
so i guess that rules them out as speaking english. The surgeons there look to be highly rated. So..Jez if you're willing to get an interpreter i guess you could start there.

Robinh. More than anything i too would i'd love to find another one or two REPUTABLE clinics that speak english, so i can compare the options based on their merits and less on the faults.

BTW facial contouring is something that seems to only happen in korea, but seems to be pretty effective. When i went to Njelim clinic the b4 and after shots looked pretty incredible for those who did that particular op.
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I actually heard it on another forum. The girl was freaking out because he dismissed her when she started freaking out about her nose. His post-op care IS BAD. But in the end the girl had a great nose apparently. But I don't know if I would go to any doctor who would comfort his/her patient this way. I've actually already asked him about this whole "conveyor belt" procedure (one patient after another) and he said something along the lines of "I'm only one man and business is really booming so I'm usually very busy. I do my best to help my patients" something like that. You could probably find my question on his board somewhere, but its probably swamped by now. xD

Yea I'd like to have at least two options before going to Korea too. So Dream clinics seems to have gotten the best reviews...but they don't seem to have qualifications in rhinoplasty??? Maybe I didnt clearly enough. Their English website is pretty plain, no board, and no pictures.
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Hey everyone,

I found this other forum of people from Singapore who are discussing the same topic.

Singapore Expats Forum - View topic - Plastic and cosmetic surgery abroad

A couple of the members, myNose and hatemynose, actually had nose surgery at BK clinic. They seem to both be happy about the results, but confirmed that the post-op care isn't great. Dr. Kim is just too busy to spend any time with his patients, but both these members still highly recommend BK.

In that forum, myNose said that her Korean friends who had very nice nose jobs, recommended 2 clinics: BK clinic and Jelim http://www.jelimps.com/ . Jelim's English Web site has hardly any info and no pictures! :hysteric: Has anyone heard anything about Jelim? Maybe they could be the 2nd option we're all looking for.
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SORRY for the multiple posts! Don't know what happened, but I can't seem to delete them.
Hey everyone,

I found this other forum of people from Singapore who are discussing the same topic.

Singapore Expats Forum - View topic - Plastic and cosmetic surgery abroad

A couple of the members, myNose and hatemynose, actually had nose surgery at BK clinic. They seem to both be happy about the results, but confirmed that the post-op care isn't great. Dr. Kim is just too busy to spend any time with his patients, but both these members still highly recommend BK.

In that forum, myNose said that her Korean friends who had very nice nose jobs, recommended 2 clinics: BK clinic and Jelim http://www.jelimps.com/ . Jelim's English Web site has hardly any info and no pictures! :hysteric: Has anyone heard anything about Jelim? Maybe they could be the 2nd option we're all looking for.
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Hey everyone,

I found this other forum of people from Singapore who are discussing the same topic.

Singapore Expats Forum - View topic - Plastic and cosmetic surgery abroad

A couple of the members, myNose and hatemynose, actually had nose surgery at BK clinic. They seem to both be happy about the results, but confirmed that the post-op care isn't great. Dr. Kim is just too busy to spend any time with his patients, but both these members still highly recommend BK.

In that forum, myNose said that her Korean friends who had very nice nose jobs, recommended 2 clinics: BK clinic and Jelim http://www.jelimps.com/ . Jelim's English Web site has hardly any info and no pictures! :hysteric: Has anyone heard anything about Jelim? Maybe they could be the 2nd option we're all looking for.
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Yes, sedation and narcotics for the procedure. General anesthesia (totally asleep, breathing tube) is also an option, but probably not used so much because it can't be done without an anesthesia provider and that costs more.

Usually they inject quite a bit of local anesthetic into the nose so the immediate post-op pain isn't too bad. Within 4-8 hours or so that will wear off and you will be pretty sore, and probably have a headache. That's when you'll need Vicodin, Percocet or whatever pain medication the surgeon has prescribed. I don't know how long the pain continues after surgery since I don't see my patients again after they leave the recovery room. I would guess 3 days to a week of needing pain pills. But check with the doc, it's really not my area of expertise.

Anyone who does do this, I'd be very interested in hearing about your anesthesia experience abroad. I'm curious about different practices elsewhere compared to what I'm being taught here in the US.
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