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This is late in the thread... but I found this to be really FUNNY!! :roflmfao:
I've seen people like that here in Canada too, it makes me wonder if they know they know odd.
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Oh I heard from goody that using merderma, must be consistant to see results.
I read that we need to apply like 3 times a day?

I also read that it itches because the skin is healing?

Anyway, I will try and get my hands on those and see if it works on me. hehe

Do you happen to know if I can use that on my lids? Safe?
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No.. the fact is.. I happen to hate pineapples. Not happening for me. haha

After I think... good for you! You pineapple lover ... :shame:
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I like your siggy!! hahah funny :tup:
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hi! =) sorry it took me sooo long to respond, i've been super busy. thanks for your kind words *hugs*. well, i've been working and saving up, i can go anytime, i was really interested in toriumi because of summerskin's result, but he is expensive. i think jung is somehow associated with toriumi, because i believe i saw a picture of them together on jung's site.

i'm still catching up with the thread =).

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hi keenose, sorry i haven't been checking on the thread for awhile. thanks for your kindness =). I definitely need a revision badly, but i'm scared it would be another bad one. I heard dr. jung is pretty good and his price is reasonable compared with toriumi's. but i am not sure how good he is. i like toriumi's nose, it's well define. can someone tell me about the scar where the rib cartilage will be harvested? how big and visible is it? better yet i would really like it very much if i can chat with someone who had the rib cartilage nose procedure with toriumi or jung. i have so many questions. thanks

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Hey guys,

This is Dr. Chuang @ Wish Clinic replying to me in terms of the number of noses he operate per annum.

Would you mind giving me an estimate of the noses you perform each year?
---> 600cases per year

Also how many patient have you worked who are similar to my situation and what was the success rate on it. Were the patients happy with their results?

---> Averaglly there will be 10~15 cases like your situation. Most of them are very happy with what I've done for them.

Would you also mind if I ask you how many years of experience you have performing nose surgery?
---> 8 years already.

How many rib grafting rhinoplasty do you do per year?
---> About 50 cases per year

I am looking to get rib grafting done to my nose due to the complication of it. I had liquid silicon injected in my nose 3 years ago exactly and now the shape of my nose is loosing grip. The silicon is migrating very very slowly and my nose is becoming flatter as time goes on. Anyways, I have consulted with Dr Jung (the father of all revisioned nose in Korea), Dr. Jimmy Chuang @ Wish Clinic and Dr. Ryan Hsu (I can say an extremely nice doctor btw). I really hate to pass up a nice doctor like Dr. Ryan but he's only been in the arena for about 2 years and his price is very reasonable. Dr. Jung must be a very skilled doctor but I am not really sure if he can really craft a "pretty" nose for me. On the other hands Dr. Chuang has 8 years of rhinoplasty experience had had seem cases like my before and the one he had operated on are very happy with the result.

All 3 recommends rib grafting for me. I am still in the midst of deciding. Anybody likes to add anything to my post, feel free.

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Kimosa, according to Dr. Jung web site,


"Since 1995 until today I am only doing nasal cosmetic surgery for 12 years. In depth knowledge of the nose function and structure is a great help in doing my job at the moment"

I like how how he put this paragraph in his last of the welcoming letter. It seems kinda funny to me when I first read it for some reason :smile:

It is nonsense to call somebody undereducated person if the person got a high school diploma through a communication course and a bachelors and a masters degree from university. The point is how well the doctor performs operations than which area the doctor has studied.
I had completed the full training course for becoming ENT specialist for 4 years after the graduation of medical school. I have a lot of experience in nasal cosmetic surgery and I will keep focusing on this cosmetic surgery field to contribute myself to the development of nasal cosmetic surgery academically.

Finally, I will continue to do my best to help those who are not satisfied with the shape of noses, those who have inherited abnormal noses, and those who suffer from any side effects after operation from other doctors. Thanks.
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Yeah Mederma does indeed work for me...got some wounds from beach accidents and i applied mederma onto it as soon as the scabs have falled off...I think the key is that you must start applying it early (while the scars are new) and keep applying 3 times a day for at least a month, religiously..old scars dont work as good.

The irritating thing about it is that it smells..(reminds me too much of snot..) and when it dries, it gets a bit flakey...:smile: I think it works on skin on any parts of the body so long as you dont get it into your eyes ha ha. I've used it a lot on my face before (when i got chickenpox...that is such an evil disease!)
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Hi everyone... again.. hah. I'm getting my double eyelids redone NEXT week!! On the 22nd. I wanted to ask for some advice....! If anyone can help me It would be super appreciated...

Anyways... Is there anything I need to prepare before my surgury??
How Long will it take?
What kind of drugs will they use to "knock me out"? (the first time I did it, they used this gas thing, and I was asleep within 30 seconds)
Should I take any Vitamins before surgury? A week Before?
Do eyes look better if they have that "slit" at the corner of the eyes?(I'm deciding if I want to do that)
How much do you think a double eyelid procedure would cost? (I'm actually going to my AUNT(she is a plastic surgeon here in Taiwan) (So she doesn't ever charge me, but I want to give her money anyways, I just have no idea have much I have to prepare to give her)

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Hey Asiandoll,

I have already replied your email, just so you know. :yes:

With a goretex in your nose now, its important to find a doctor who does goretex nose..and can handle goretex revisions.

I think you could email both doctors with your pictures and ask them for their opinons.
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All right. I am definately going to get this merderma thing.

My alar scars are freaking me out..
Today when I applied tinted moisturizer on it.. it actually wasnt able to cover it completely and making it look WORSE.

Ok imagine this... like a piece of bread with holes... and you try to smear some light butter on it.. the butter just doesnt go in all the deep holes.. and with the contrast of color, makes the holes look obvious.

PLUS.. they are red.. so after putting on concealer or tinted moisturizer, they actually look like reddish holes which make it appear that my nose is breaking up... Like ripping apart.

I wonder .. if its because I smile and laugh too much?
I remember the nurse told me not to laugh too broadly for 2 months.. but who the hell can do that? hmmm
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