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ok... looks like after I read the other forum that this surgery stuff is pretty serious.. aka PAINFUL.... the girl describes it as the worst days of her life.. so, everyone needs to at least buddy up.. So, I'm thinking May -Oct is my time frame.. Sounds like there won't be any shopping for most of the first week... but I guess that's the price of vanity.
umm.... so if anyone else doesn't want to wait that long, be sure to contact me or respond to this.. I promise we'll have as much fun as possible!:nuts:

Just in case if other people would like to know why I chose BK, it is because of articles like this..
AsiaOne Just Woman

Also, I think it was in Time magazine that their facility was known for the infamous nine... their surgeons have an AWESOME reputation. Their facilities are considered great too... Even though they are busy.. they do offer the best as far as skill and talent...or at least that's what their literature says... PLUS their free stay rooms after surgery is a huge benefit! I like to be taken care of...:yes:
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Heya guys and gals!

This thread is getting popular now Im having problems keeping up!!
I havent yet read all the posts word for word but had a skim,
but it seems there isnt one surgeon/surgery that has the complete green lights..
I def dont like the sounds of the surgeon ALSO giving aesthetic thats a DEF NONO!!
I have been reading alot about this lady called Cindy Jackson (Cindy Jackson - The Original Extreme Makeover. Author, TV personality and creator of the remarkable Professional Performance Microdermabrasion)
And there are some pointers she gives about finding a aesthetician, and these SHOULD BE 2
SEPERATE people!!
She also said that a good surgeon shouldn't be easily available.. so this brings me back to
the online consulatant of' OZclinic' dam they were fast.. is this a good thing? Any guys
and girls Cindys pretty good, shes had Loads of experience of finding surgeons etc, although
not specific asian, still a good PS all rounder :smile:
maskd2003 yes your right, I think it will be pretty painful - I dont expect to do alot of any
shopping there - :sad: This is because like Jez I'm thinking of having facial contouring also
as I'm sick of people saying I have chubby cheeks grrr! Also no amount of exercise
seems to shift the old cheek fat!!
So whoevers joining keropi and I can keep keropi company shopping in Seoul as I'll probs
have my face wrapped up like a mummy! :P
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Wow Robinh! Thats actually the thread I was talking about. I kind of stayed away from it because it was growing ridiculously large and there was this one user who was QUITE disagreeable.

I also wanted to know more about Jelim but they have no English website? And I also wanted to know more about Cinderella Clinic but they have no English website either and no email to contact. ¿¬¿¹¼ºÇü Àü¹® Ŭ¸®´Ð! ½Åµ¥·¼¶ó ¼ºÇü¿Ü°ú ÀÔ´Ï´Ù. I wish they had an English website -.-.

I need to figure out when I can go. Argh!:cursing: With school and everything I can only go during winter and summer break. Although May of next year (08) sounds good. Or December of 07. -.-

How long do you guys plan to stay? I want stay for a month :nuts:. I plan to do some MAJOR shopping depending on how much moolah I'll have after this surgery...By the way, how do you guys plan on paying for this thing? I'm going to have to pay AT LEAST half of surgery myself. And then for accommodations, food, shopping I will have to completely pay for myself (how the hell am I going to do ths?! I'm only 17!:shrugs::nuts:) I wanna buy tons of clothes, bags, accessories, and beauty products. xDD Ahh I'm gonna have to work so hard over the summer to be able to save up all this money. I hope it wont be impossible..xDDD I am nuts aren't I? :nuts::nuts::nuts:

Love the link you posted meowgirl. That Cindy woman has got some KILLER curves!!! She looks wonderful.. 0.O

I guess BK clinic wouldnt be too bad of a choice then! Thanks maskd2003 :sweatdrop:.
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meowgirl- about the chubby cheeks, wouldn't just dieting work? I am chinese and I find eating smaller portions of meals and then a fruit in between if really craving sugar lol for about 2 weeks made my face look not so cutesy.. BUT I'm not advocating like.. anorexia or anything. =/ just pointing out an observation in my own body. :yes:

numberlinh- i am in the same boat as you, i don't really wanna tell my parents about this just cuz I absolutely KNOW they will try to change my mind.. so I am stuck with the option of working all this summer and going either winter break or next summer =( sigh* but i'm not as young as you, i wish i thought of this sooner like before i went into university =P then it would have been like a completely fresh start. buh yeah.. i think i wanna pay by credit card haha, :Push:which i still haven't gotten yet since i just turned 18 in december
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numberlinh! Stay for one month?! WHOA you're good girl! ;) I wish I could do that!!! I really dont think i can afford staying for a month, even 2 weeksn might be stretching it :sad: BOO!! BUT going shopping with you bunch of girls sounds fantastic (starts dreaming...) I havent actually sat down to do my sums yet, but Im glad we're aiming to go at the end of the year - gives us more time to save precious ££$$$!! Numberlinh please try come with us!!! (No pressure :P - p.s is your mate still going with u?)

Hey am_cake! Thanks for the advice, but my cheeKs just dont budge! Ive actually lost some weight around the face but its ended up looking weird because the top part has slimmed leaving a fat lump at the bottom (not very nice! even my bro said my face looks weird now :sad: ) am-cake when are you thinking of having your surgery done then?
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Another thing about OZclinic..meowgirl you said they replied really fast to online queries. i guess the doctor spends his time in between patients in his consultation room on the net. from what i saw he seems to have more time than he should to do this so that sorta goes in line with my negative review of the place.

numberlinh you mentioned cinderella clinic. i saw the ad for that place in the subway too. but unfortunately there wasnt any english on the clinics website i think.
cinderalla clinic's ad was one among lots of others in the subway. in fact there was like a wall full of them. especially around gangnam/apgujeong stations. of the good english ones, clinic9 had a massive ad, so did dreamsurgery/clinic and so did another clinic, the Real Group; this one owns the 'Real for men' clinic i visited early on. the womens clinic is quite large i think and docs there may speak english too. this clinic probably isnt as acclaimed as BK clinc tho.

from what ive read now, BK clinic does look great, i dont believe i saw any big ads for BK (maybe it doesnt have to); it is a whole lot bigger than Dr Jungs and the doctor seems very ably qualified. if the doctor speaks good english he'll be up there or better than Dr Park from dreamclinic.
but just be aware the figures BK clinic are probably the same as what other large clinics will be earning. like clinic 9 for an example; so those huge figures shouldnt be taken as the clinics sole indicator of being good.

btw with regards to facial contouring, if that is your main goal; then consider Dr Park (yes another one) from Clinic 9- according to the counselor there, and she was qwuite honest with me, that Dr speaks good english (better than the nose surgeon i saw there). His specialisation is facial bone contouring i believe and he does noses too, tho that isnt his main area.
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hey numberlinh
ill be staying for 1.5 -2 months in gangnam gu. i also plan to go shopping but not a whole lot. theres only so much a guy like me needs.
as for paying..my parents will be paying for it...at least that's whats been agreed.. :s
accomodation will be the biggest killer i think, unless you plan on eating out and eating in style every night. Korean food is cheap, like maybe $US 7 or less for bibimbap (rice, vegies and egg + chilli sauce + kimchi). thats like a meal. but if you dont like kimchi..then you could eat italian (which is big here), in cafes or maybe McDonalds. italian food can be min $US 13 or 14 for a pasta around apgujeong and up to $50 for high class places. apgujeong is expensive though. MCdonalds is probably $US 4 and tastes good :drool: cheapest of all would be if you cook..then you can eat for cheap.
btw if you plan on staying that long in korea, you'd probably need to find a short stay apartment. how you do this i have no idea, or else a backpackers hostel. the days around surgery i think you'd need to have a nice place to stay and recover. like in a nice hotel...actually.. ozclinic recommends the Human Starville which is like 3 km from the main clinics district. that would be a nice place to hole up in

numberlinh id say if you live in NY or LA or another big US city then shopping would be better there for branded goods -clothing, shoes, whatever..
or you could try HK
i just came back from HK where some sales were on. Seoul's sales and the range of labels cant really compare to HK. like bags and shoes are probably way cheaper in HK from what i saw in a handful of places -lane crawford in times square, ocean terminal shopping centre?. you gotta go when sales are on though.
on the other hand, HK girls dont seem to dress as well as Korean girls (just my opinion)..and the climate doesnt get as dry and cold in HK as Korea. so winter clothing shopping does seem to be better in Korea.

lastly. yes you are nuts and you should start saving/working now (and maybe investing too to make it grow):yes::P
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am_cake: actually, I've told my parents quite a while ago :P. I know they don't want me to do it. But! They also know they cant change my mind and CAN'T stop me. xD hahahahah.

meowgirl: I WANT TO COME AHHH. Cant afford it?! Well the lodging seems like it would be pretty cheap compared to vacations in other countries. And I heard eating out in Korea seems to be cheaper than actually buying food (which is apparently REALLY expensive?). My friend isn't coming with me. Oh well. :sad: But more time for shopping...xD


Hahah "theres only so much a guy like me needs" xD

Wow, I heard making your own food (going grocery shopping) was more expensive? I've been reading Korean expat blogs..xD. But I LOVE bibimbap and kimchi. I just LOVE LOVE LOOOVE Korean food. (Always bother guy friends about driving to a Korean restaurant to eat xD)

Yea, see if I were to do OZclinic, I would stay at that hotel for like maybe 5 to 6 days. Enough time for recovery. And then I would go to like.. a guest house or something. Hopefully they would give discounts for those who stay longer than a couple of days.

See thats the thing Jas3n, I'm not really interested in brand stuff that you can get back here. I wanna get stuff only from Korea, their clothes for winter look sooo cute. And whenever I go to anywhere in Asia I make it a point to buy shoes because...-.-.. I am a size 5. So shoe shopping over here in the US is a big pain unless I order online.

I think HK girls are a bit more emo/eclectic in terms of style than Korean girls who dress more..girly and frilly. xD I like both though.

And yes I've already started to save! xD Can 17 year olds invest in stocks??? 0.O Once school starts to simmer down I'll be working full time (40hrs).

If anyone else has any other tips to save/invest/ or just make money grow at all...please post them here or PM me (since that may be getting a bit off topic..xD) !!!!

So then Jas3n which clinic in your opinion would be the best job for rhinoplasty? (taking into account of everything?)
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I read in CNN or Time, one of the two, I can't remember now, but the three most popular places according to the article about Korean surgery was Cinderella, Clinic 9 and BKclinic... They said both of these places have celebrities going to them, and they are always busy...

And, I think Dream clinic sounds good too... because of Jas3n:smile:, and because they have multiple doctors... more doctors always makes me feel a little better.
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ok... for girls who want to increase their $$... If you want to invest... ALWAYS ALWAYS go to morningstar.com to see the stock or fund's rating before investing.... or if you want to be safer... NEVER NEVER put your money into a bank's savings account.. Inflation increases faster than your interest! Put it into Emigrant direct.. an online savings that gives you back a little over 5%.. It is FDIC insured, so you're guaranteed the interest... it makes a big difference not to put it into a traditional bank savings, especially if you are saving a huge amount of money. The only thing is that it takes a while to transfer money from account to account.
So, way ahead of time, before you go to Korea, transfer it back to your regular bank account. You may need to be 18.. to have this... not sure... but you could always save under your parents..
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Keropi, meowgirl...

Are you ladies still going in Nov?... It just doesn't seem like anyone will be able to do it sooner... and I'm so greedy to get it done soon... but it does sound SOO scary to be alone... and it would be so FUN if we all went together.
Can you guys count me in if you all are still contemplating Nov?
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Hey Maskd2003,
The more the merrier so ur welcome to join us of course. We'll only be able to confirm exactly when we can go nearer the time tho. :wlae:
Hey if ppl are worried about accomodation and prices etc, I think BKclinic lets u stay at their place for a few days for free I think, if u get ur surgery done with them cause ur fm overseas, which sounds really tempting cause u knw....that'll save me some money! And a lot less hassel, then I'll book a hotel they recommended for 8-10 days maybe. I hope that after one wk, I'll look decent enough to go out shopping in seoul!!!!! Now coming to think about it.....I know it seems that BKclinic is pretty bad at post op care, but IF they are REALLY that good, then surely, there shdnt be any major prob rite? Having had some realy thinking, I decided its safer to go to either Dream clinic or BK clinic as opposed to Ozclinic, cause for me, the difference in price isnt that big, I think nasal augmentation is like $2500 (US) for Dream and BK clinic and $1600 for OZ. Dr Park fm Oz cd well be really good, cause fm the pics, I admit, they are the best ones (in my opinion), but fm his profile, he has been working as a private doctor for a long long time, and over the last decade, there has been major extensive improvements on how to operate on noses etc, and cause he isnt affiliated as a top surgeon at any major hospitals, his techniques MAY be slightly older than the others.....I was planning on taking this risk and going to him cause of the price and pictures, but I had an awful dream (actually more like a nightmare!) a couple days ago about my nose job! eeekkkkss....i dont even wana talk about it.......so lol, just to be REALLY safe, Ive opted to go for someone really famous and has had loadsa of experience (and as long as the price is < $3000). I do feel alittle bad, cause Dr Park fm Oz has really helped me by answering all my qu and given me a beter understanding on this whole nose job thing.....oh well....:shrugs:

Anyway.......Wat I'd like to know is if u increase the height or ur nose (or nasal dorsum they sometimes call it), does that increase the height of ur tip (projecting forward alittle) too? Cause Im wondering whether I need to use ear graft for my tip, cause I knw u use that if u want to alter the SHAPE of the tip, but wasnt sure if it ws also done if u want to increase height /projection of it. Cause if I increase my brigde alittle, and dont have the tip augmentation, what I dont want is for my nose to look more vertical and less feminine.
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Hey people!

as we're going on about other subjects such as accomadtion/food/shopping.. I just had a thought.. whats passport control going to be like once we had it done?! You guys staying for a month of so its ok as you've kinda healed... what happens if I have nose /face done and only 2 weeks out there.. do I go to the airport with bandages/swollen face?? heehee
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they always do the augment in consideration with the tip of your nose... you don't have to worry about that... I think when you augment the nose... there's a little part of it that's for the tip... you might want to write it on the bkclinic forum

You're not going to be bandaged anymore at 2 weeks... If you're going to get stitches, they take them out within a week, and bandages are off before then... You may be a little swollen... but not really... stitches for face contouring are the type that do not need to be taken out... they're the ones that become part of your flesh and are invisible.

ooo... girls.. This is going to be fun... oh, they have eyelash extensions there for cheap... it's not surgery... they just make your eyelashes super girlie and long...
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Oh yea... BKclinic allows all their patients a special on a four star hotel nearby for 55 bucks a night... we'll want to stay at the clinic for at least the first few days of course... oh and their food at the clinic will be specially for healing patients, and I heard it is cheap, and they get it for you and all.... but for the rest of our trip, we can stay at the hotel..We can all share a room... it really doesn't matter all that much to me.
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