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5th Day After Surgery : [​IMG] 7th Day After Surgery : [​IMG]
8th Day After Surgery, which the day on our way back to Singapore : Frontal [​IMG] Lateral [​IMG]

For the photo of other gals, I will get there permission first and post in this thread in a later date:smile:
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Hi Kimosa,
Are you still sticking to your plan to fly there in dec?
Cos 1 gal who wanted to fly there on 12th Dec to get surgery done by Dr Kim, maybe you can buddy her?

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My eyes sunk when I smile and honestly if I knew that was going to happen, I would have told the surgeon to "easy" on taking out all the fat. I just did not know. I think there is a method call fat grafting done for people who want to restore the fat to their eyes but I really have not clue how effective that is.

For now, I just want to focus on restoring my nose back to its health and proper shape. So all the best in your search with your eyes. If you do find something promising to restore the fat on the eyes, please do inform us about it.

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Keenose... I asked my aunt about that for you... I'm sorry to hear that. But she says to ABSOLUTELY NOT take it out yourself... She says to wait till you see the doctor again, and if you don't... get another doctor to do it for you. But she says to be careful and pick a doctor wisely... It's not that big of a deal if you let it heal. and take it out later though. Because it's only the black nylon thread right??
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Keenose, please don't worry too much. I am sorry to see you like this but stop fretting. There is nothing you can really do now so just bit the bullet and go see a PS. Just take heap of all the suggestions made in this forum and go see a doctor. Yes, travelling back to Taiwan is out of questions for you because of the cost but I am sure there is alternative. When I see Dr. Chuang I will mention what happen to a patient of his (meaning you and btw, I will not name name since I don't know who you are in real life) and see what is his input will be. Maybe he will get in touch with you and give you a free surgery of your choice, who know?? :smile: I rather see that you go pay a $150 for the initial consultation fee and then ask the surgeon what they can do for you. Do you really think they will say give me another $2000 and I will help you take out a stitch. That would be ludicrate. Just don't worry too much OK and let us know how you're doing.
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Hey guys, just want to share this fact about Dr. Chuang with regards to ownership of the clinic he's working in. His parents own the clinic and in essence he will inherit the whole business in the end but he also mention that he wants to focus just on the professional field for now. I don't want to cut & paste his email as its somewhat of an invasion of privacy for him and really its nobody's business since what's important is that person's skill and ability to perform. If any of you guys are dying to know, just PM me. I can relate to his desire to just focus on developing himself to be better at what he does vs. the business aspect.
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Thanks meowgirl...

Soooooooo that means my eyelids MIGHT have stitches there as well? :sweatdrop:

I also posted my concerns at the singapore forum.. but nobody seems to have such issues.....:sad:
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Hey Benlan,

Thanks alot for asking your auntie. I appreciate it ;)

Yeah I guess I have the same concerns like your auntie about getting another doctor to do it. So I really dont know if I would place my nose in another doctor's hands......

Oh so its ok if I let it heal completely and then take it out later on? Like maybe 1 year later... or even .. if I dont take it out?

If I take it out after it heals... then will the hole there be permanent? As in, it wont close up anymore?

Yes, its the black dot...thread.

When I get my hands on my camera, I will show you.
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Hey want2change,

Thanks for your concerns...

As I am situated in Malaysia.. I really dont know where to find a reliable PS doctor....

Yes, maybe it might be $150.. but my concern is that... what if the doctor has a "HECK cARE" attitude.. since this work is not done by him anyway.. who cares if it leaves a scar? Who cares if it breaks the collumea...

IF it breaks the collumea.. maybe he/she might be happier as they will have to redo the stitches which means......... MORE earnings?

Yes, you can mention my case to Dr Chuang. He actually knows me by my email nick of keenose ! haha

I just feel that... they should be more through and check carefully .....ESPECIALLY for overseas patients.. since we really cannot afford to go back frequently. :crybaby:

Ok currently, there is still another stitch left inside my left nosetril.. I think I will wait till that falls off.. I am hoping that its kinda attached to the collumea string and will pull it out from inside?

Dont know if that is what happens... will wait till that falls out then..
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I think it will be interesting to know!

Can you email me at [email protected]?
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Keenose - Don't worry too much. I know easier said than done but I think I would bite the bullet & go see another doctor to take a look at it. I think most doctors will want to do their job right & take care of your nose properly even if it was done by someone else. :yes:
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What did the $10,000 include & when did you get it done :?:
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I'll be leaving this coming week & leaving by that time. Eeek so scared & excited now :nuts:
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