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Check this out guys!:

This is part of Dream surgery clinic, altho its a branch in shanghai and not the one in seoul, it has some useful info which u cant find on the dream clinic website. Personally, I prefer dream clinic's methods as opposed to BK clinic: not only do they perfom alot of closed ops, they also only use goretex, which is wat I prefer. I shall email them to find out if they let patients stay at their clinic after the op, and will get bak to u guys wen i hear fm them!
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I'm planning to go from Oct-Dec. Place me in the list.
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I think we have to do a final head count nearer the time for the Oct/Nov/Dec there seems to be loads of us going :smile: I think theres only two for the UK at the mo, so we'll meet the rest of your there!

Does it seem like the 2 surgeries that are top list BK and Dream now? I cant keep up!!

maskd2003 - heehee I had eyelash extensions done for christmas, dam expensive here at £70 and it wasnt even done that well! I wanted to pull mine out after 3 weeks but it was well and truly super glued!! But I think asian people will do it better (had a western beautician)
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Hey! Count me in (looking to go in Dec. cant make october or november -.-').

I was thinking that if the flight is going to take off from NY, why pay the money to be flown there when I can take the bus up there, and then get on the plane there? (I'm in DC, it'll be easy to take a bus up to any of the Chinatown's in the NY)

Meowgirl, I asked Dr. Park the same thing about the passport. He laughed! Lol! He said it wouldn't be too big of a problem and so on..yea..xD

I'm sooo excited! I must save up and make my money GROOOW! xD
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Wow cool!!!! We have soo many ppl going end of this yr! Even if we're not all going for the same length of time, I'm sure we cd all meet up and if we all happen to go to the same clinic, lol, we might be room mates too! Hey I c a few of u guys cd fly together fm NYC, and a few of us fly together fm london! this wil be one of a holiday! :party:
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Well, it looks like BKclinic and Dreamclinic are the favs so far. I do have a couple concerns about Dreamclinic. First off, Jas3n said that Dr. Park didn't use b4 and after photos, and he couldn't get any from the counselor either. Without at least seeing some photos, I'm going to be too scared to let him touch my nose! He might have the best credentials, but the fact that you can't get any photos from him during a consultation, and none are offered on their website, makes me very concerned. :wtf:

Second, I haven't found anyone who has had work done there, or who can recommend them, even on the Singapore expat forum I found. They are not mentioned in any of the articles (Time, AsianOne Just Woman).

keropijennifer - if you are able to make contact with them, maybe you could ask them about getting some b4/after photos. :yes:

I wanna go sooner, but I'm too scared to do this alone, especially with the language barrier and all, plus I need to start saving BIG time. November might work out for me. I don't know how you guys are getting the moolah to pay for all this, much less go shopping. Oh well, I can always just charge it! :graucho:
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Hey Maskd2003 and robinh, I've emailed Dream clinic: [email protected], but Im not sure if this is the correct webaddress as I havent got a reply fm them yet.

Robinh, if u look at the weblink I've put up on this page, u will see some b4 and after pics from dream surgery clinic. They look quite good, quite natural too! To find the pictures, on the left hand side menu, click on YE Dream rhinoplasty!
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meowgirl- i'm looking into going in December over the break, i think my exams for the fall semester can end as early as the 6th or as late as the 22nd *sigh T_T hopefully i choose courses that don't have exams so late :Push: like philosophy, that bumped the start of my break to the 16th but i did have a whole week of nothingness to study .. blahh

jas3n- woah =o your parents are paying? my parents like buying stuff for me and all but I've never asked them for something as expensive as surgery haha Mostly just racks of new clothes ^_^

ohh, you ppl reminded me that i wanna learn to cook over the summer :wlae:it's gonna be fuun xD watch the kitchen explodes due to my incompetence =P buh yeah..

..is anyone from Canada here? =(
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I have family in Singapore, i think i'm going there next year summer =] If my December plan fails then there's always hoping for the summer!!

btw Dr. Martin Huang is pretty ****ing sexy =O holy crap, i searched for "Singapore plastic surgery clinic" on google and i got his site, he's completely droolable compared to most of the korean surgeons we've been looking at. :wtf: What is everyone's chinese name if they have one btw? haha I was looking at that Singapore expat forum and saw usernames like mountain, aww so cute =]

Mine is Zheng Siwen.. :yes: oh and i normally don't swear ever, just MUCH needed emphasis =P
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