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My first name in Chinese is Ling. I think it'd probably be easier if everyone just their location in their profile so that it would appear on left side of their post.

Yea, actually most plastic surgeons look quite nice. They kinda have to since its their business (literally). xD DECEMBER07!!!
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I google 'asian nose job' and found this forum... its great to know others are going through the same dilemma. I live in Toronto but am from China... i'm thinking of going back in summer to get it done but its scary and also i dont wanna tell my relatives there about it. I wish i had a friend in Shanghai or Beijing that could take me.. Can anyone recommand good surgeons in those two cities?
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Hey Shoegirl,

I looked at ConBio in Shanghai.... they were not attentive to emails unfortunately... that and most of them don't have emphasis on facial surgery...
I know this sounds very scary, but if you're looking at not only getting an implant, but any reduction, just keep in mind that the nostrils can look pinched afterwards if the doctor hasn't had enough experience, or even worse, your nose can collapse, a month, a year, a few years from the operation. Then, it will NEVER be the same again, no matter how many times you go back to the hospital.
Shoegirl, you sound very sweet... and I know that nowadays in China, they do perform a heck of a lot of nose jobs, especially.. but in Korea, it is a constant thing...
If you're still interested in China, I'll help you do some research, but I must admit, I do have more confidence in Korea... But, you know it is your choice, and in the beginning, I must admit, I wanted to go to China instead too.
Good luck gal.
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Sweeties, what exactly happens out of an Asian nose job? Every gorgeous Asian gal I have seen doesn't need ANY plastic surgery to me! What sort of things do you want done? Just curious. I just hate to think of unnecessary surgery on such gorgeous faces!!
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You're right Sonic...
I don't need plastic...and I'm sure that some of these other girls don't either and it is frivolous, but it's just what we want.. I guess that's the easiest way of putting it. Most people around the world who get it, don't need it.
I know how to photoshop and just by a few slight nudges of my mouse, I can look better... and I'd prefer to look that way.

Hey, Shoegirl.. check out: Shanghai No. 9 People's Hospital
People's Daily Online -- Beauty, however, comes at a price
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]Shanghai No 9 People's Hospital, 639 Zhizhaoju Road, Tel: 6313-8341 ext 5278 (for the special dental clinic) and ext 5279 (for the Sino-Canadian dental clinic).[/SIZE][/FONT]
You going in May is so tempting... :drool:

Oh Shoegirl, I may want to go to China to do this. This article says that even Korean actresses may go to China for PS.
Cosmetic Surgery Develops Locally

IF WE GO TO CHINA, we CANNOT go to a private organization
Shanghaiist: Plastic surgery docs not qualified to slice and dice

But to tell you the truth, I still would prefer to go to Korea.. their pictures of before and afters are WAY more impressive... I like their style a lot better.. and to my nose, it's worth the extra thousand..

By the way, I hate freaking reading articles (I've read WAY TOO many) or people's comments saying that asians are influenced by westerners. That simply isn't true. The same argument can go towards Caucasians. Why do they tan? Why do they inject their lips... Generally, all other races have poutier lips... do they want to be not white? Why breast implants? Do they want to be black? Why do they all dye their hair blond? Do all the girls want to be Aryan? Cheek implants, do they want to be asian? smaller nose... I could go on and on... so stupid...
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Read my previous posts. =]

Yep. Thats true maskd2003, in my previous posts you could see my reasoning towards that a little too. It is stupid. And I'd just like to say, this thread is for Asian girls who've decided to take the plunge. So yea...xD
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hey numberlinh i just wanted to answer ur question b4 it got left behind..
LOL. this thread is moving so fast now..its so hard to keep up!

about food:
yeh grocery shopping is pretty expensive...meat is the biggest issue especially beef . i read in the paper that the prices for beef here are highest or 2nd highest in the world. in a restaurant for example getting a cheap US$10-15 steak is pretty impossible, and i dont think you can even get a decent one for US$20. other stuff is alright. other stuff like milk, vegies and fruit are ok. especially since there's a few discount chains here:
Costco, Emart (used to be wal-mart but is now korean owned i think), Carrefour among others

i think it only gets expensive if you're buying for one or two people. in that case the trouble of going to the supermarket, having to cook and the highish cost of food doesnt really make it worth it; so it sort of only gets economical if you;re cooking for/sharing food with a few other people. BUT
becuase most of you probably wont be staying longer than 2 weeks i guess cooking would be out of the question. in the first week we're probably all gonna be recovering, and by the second week you'll probably all want to get out and see the town without having to stay at home and get food prepared and worst of all.. having to do the dishes

anyawy numberlinh i think Korean food is tops too :nuts: i hated kimchi wen i first arrived.. now..although i still dont love it..i hvae at least a little bit wenever i eat korean. kimchi soup. boo yeh :graucho:!

agree about the korean/HK girl distinction. but i still find some HK girls dress a bit weird. like i dont get the love affair with converse sneakers. :shrugs:... hmm what does eclectic mean btw?..
I think the shoe size thing wont be a problem here. i went with my mum and shes a sz 4.5 i think but she doesnt have problems finding stuff, neither does my sister and im pretty sure shes a 6.

ok.which clinic do i think i'd go to? well its a toss up between BK and dream clinic so far. i bet BK is a much nicer and newer clinic than dream. honestly dream is not that attractive to look at. bad feng shui among other things.
but Dr Park was impressive, dont know if i mentioned it before but my mum mentioned Dr Park seemed to have an air of knowledgeability about him, like bordering on arrogance!

For those considering CHina for various reasons like price and language; i too would cnsider the Ye medical centre in Shanghai (韩国整形美容-上海艺星门诊有限公司) if i didnt have to opportunity to come to korea.

it looks impressive. very good english on the website. very nice and successful looking clinic from the pictures. as easy on the eye as Clinic9.
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dr park from ozclinic mentioned that the nasal tip was enhanced by autologous cartilage (your ear cartilage i think) and the nasal dorsum was goretex/silicon. i think that technique is quite common among surgeons.
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robinh i have the same concerns as you. i really dont like not being able to see b4 and after pics, just makes me think that perhaps his results are nothign special (im quite sure he is less risky than dr park from ozclinic). i also dont like the fact that there arent any referalls or articles written about the doctor/clinic...that said. there are probably many many articles in korea about the clinic.
i remember in each clinic there was at least one or two folders containing laminated press clippings which were newspaper, mag articles or even TV screenshots (from interviews the surgeons had done on TV) on each of the respective clinics. i DONT recall dreamclinic NOT having one of these.
clinic9 btw had probably the most of these.

however, this clinic is still the one im most likely to go to. the sister clinic under the 'dream group' that does skin has one of the nicest clinics iv seen and a very able doc. (my mum saw dr lee there) µå¸²ÇǺΰú
so i think 'dream medical group' in general has a very good rep among koreans.

next time i visit korea however i will hopefully be able to visit the following clinics:
AT aesthetic (not sure abt the website)
Njelim (again. but dont think the doc speaks much english)
NEO aesthetic (³×¿À¼ºÇü¿Ü°ú)

these are the big boys of korean surgery that i havent fully seen.

my decision wont be made until iv done enough research..and it doesnt need to be made until at least 3 months b4 op day as i wont need to reserve a place at the busier clinics till then.

finally.. i think we all need to start saving too myself included. my sister is pretty strongly against my getting a nose job and she has enough influence with my dad to seriously dent my hopes. and hes the main breadwinner in the house. :sad:
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keropi are you sure the YE dream clinic is affiliated wth dream surgery?
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Oh... by the way... many articles like the first one in my last post say that winter break is the busiest for procedures... for this reason alone, Dec may not be the best time to go... maybe go a little earlier or a little later... for those who cannot make it otherwise.
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Thanks for the link, keropi. I looked at the pictures and they do look very natural, but I wish there were more!

jas3n - Thanks for your additional observations about Dreamclinic.

maskd2003 - Thanks for sharing the article on Dreamclinic. I like the fact the the article calls them "an established set-up in Seoul." Makes me feel a lot better about them. Plus, if they have the $$ to expand to Shanghai, they must have a good reputation. btw, I just love Jeon Ji Hyun. She's one of my favorite k-actresses.

QQGuy - I'm in SF, California.

Ya know, after we all get our noses done, I've been wondering about how careful we need to be with our new noses, even after everything has been healed. I've been looking at this girls' blog:

Xiaxue.blogspot.com - Everyone's reading it.

She has pictures and a diary of how her nose surgery went. She had it done by the famous Dr. Huang in Singapore. What's freaking me out is that her nose shifted when she bumped her nose while kissing a guy!! :wtf: She had to go back to Dr. Huang, and she said that it was painful for him to move it back into position. What's with that?? Does anybody know how fragile the implant is.
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Well, I found this website by browing the korean version of DREAM surgery clinic, and if u check out the surgeons, they are the ones from DREAM clinic (altho Dr Park isnt on it). Check out the website urself and ul see what I mean.
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