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thanks for your input! you sound very experienced. but the thing is, it doesn't seem like the bridge will drop very much =\ i have an ashley tisdale-nose! here's a pic of her: http://www.theradreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/12/ashley_tisdale_nose_job-4.jpg

if the tip is going to shrink even more, i def don't want that!! a high bridge like angela baby's : http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d28/a_r_han/z61353954.jpg is pretty hot i don't think an ashley tisdale kinda nose can deswell in that kinda nose =(

as of right now, i'm meeting my doctor next week. i honestly don't think my nose will change any more bc i'm healing very rapidly. there's no swelling, and i have only 2-% of stiffness on my upper lip. i think i'll ask him to take out the implant, maybe take his ass to adjudication, and go back to taiwan or korea in august to get a revision. many of my friends have done nose jobs, and it runs in my fam to get a NJ, but i'm the first to get a whammy like this! it doesn't help that i have summer school next week! lksjdfklsjdklfjskldjf i don't want to face my roomies =( and i'm afraid to go meet any cute guys living in my dorm =(
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i didn't bruise during recovery, which was very rapid. 6 days? i just swelled like a chipmunk!! but that went down in a few days, and there was no discoloration :smile:. it's the 8th day and i can basically go out clubbing or hanging out if i want to now!! what i had done was tip refinement with cartilage from my ear, a silicone implant for the bridge with goretex layered over it. hope that helps!
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I looked worse! I didn't have much bruising but the swelling was extreme. I looked like the lion king. It took about 8-10 days for me to start looking human again. It also depends on what you have done. I had the nasal bones broken, alar reduction and bridge augmentation.
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I really didn't think that my bridge was going to drop in height either at 2 weeks post op, but it eventually did. I think there must have been swelling in the tissue underneath the implant as well as on top of it.
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If you can, I really suggest you wait it out. After all you just got silicon with a layer of Goretex on top so it should be fairly easy to take out after 6 months if you still don't like it then.

I thought there is no way that my silicon nose will look natural but months later, it miraculously did! There is more swelling than what you see a week or two after surgery. It keeps going down & keeps looking better the more time you give it. From my 2nd month & 5th month there was a noticeable difference too so your nose is still healing during that time.

Btw, I'm curious to know who your surgeon is? Good luck whatever you decide ;)
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thanks for your advice! the thing is, even if the bridge goes down, my nose is still curved instead of straight =\. i'll see what happens.

my doctor is dr. peter g. lee, in socal koreatown. actually, i think he's a good surgeon, but just a little bit stubborn. he spent an hour and 40 minutes on my nose only!! you just really need to communite what you want with him.
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I looked way worse on day 5 than the pics on this article. My face is beyond recognition by even myself--very scary. I was able to go out with make up covered on day 13...
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I see what you mean about the curved bridge. Unless it's way too curvy for you, I still say to let it heal out & then change it.

I was never really one to like the curved noses but I let Dr. Jung give me a slight barely there curve & it looks really good. So if your like me, maybe you will like your nose too once the swelling goes down. :smile:
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Hi xjoiedevivre,
I live in los angeles too. I know there is a really good doc here. charles lee http://www.asiancosmeticsurgery.com/html/contactnew.asp why don't you go see him. see what he has to say about ur situation. He is by far i think probably the most experienced doc in los angeles regarding to asian rhinoplasty. im going to see him too. why don't you come alone: ). [email protected]
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Hi there, I'm a 31 yr. old Korean woman needing of my asian double eyelid surgery I had done about 13 years ago. I live in Northern New Jersey now very close to Manhattan. I'm getting married this fall and would like this done asap to speed up the healing time. After 3 consultations with Edmund Kwan, Jeffrey Ahn & Eric Choe, I'm planning on getting it done by Dr. Eric Choe just because he seemed the most competent and talented.

I'm planning to book my surgery ASAP. This surgery scares the hell out of me with my wedding coming up....there is absolutely no room for mistakes! Just wanted to see if anyone's heard of him, had surgery performed by him, had any bad experiences, etc. and/or anyone else you can recommend in NY/NJ would be VERY helpful.

I think there's another one in NY/NJ named Chae In (have no idea how he would romanize his Korean name) but it sounds like that.

Thanks so much again and would very much appreciate any feedback!
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HEY everyone!

Ive been a silent read on here for the past couple months, usually just skimming through ... but in the last 4 days I've been reading every single page! 310 pages is ALOT to read!! But it was worth it!

Anyway, in two weeks and a bit i'm going to Hong Kong for holiday, and from Hong Kong I am going to o to Korea to get eyelid revision and rhinoplasty. I am planning to go to Dr.Kim for my surgery because I like his work the most and I've been in contact with him for like a year and he seems quite nice and decent.
Even though I have heard the horror stories and his aftercare isnt really good but I don't mind about the aftercare, I usually dont ask a lot of questions afterwards anyway. The HongKong doctor who did my eyes was the same. (Afterwards the nurses just looked after me and he went away didnt talk to me)!

But i want to know, what do you guys think i should have done to my nose. So far i only know i want to get implant to make my nose straighter (cos thers this hump which annoys me and after that hump my nose goes downwards instead of straight!!)

Here are my pictures ::


(lol first pic on the left is the beginning of a nite out and the second one is the end!! aahh sweatyness)

BUT yeh can u see in my picture (right) that i have abit of a hump which make my nose looks uber gross!
I think from the front it's abit ok, i think once i have implant it'll get rid f the bulbousnoss? right?

argh im so scared! But ive seen some results like Jang (really nice!!) and this other person who posted a couple pictures back also VERY NICE! your noses turn out so pretty ^_^

Anyway, hope you can help :biggrin:

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I went to Dr. Kim as well & he'll ask you what you want done & give his opinion on it.

I think you need rasping, which will shave down the bumps on top. If you are looking for more height, a silicon or Goretex implant, a little osteotomy for the sides of the nose to get a little more narrow, & a little tip work to make the tip a little sharper & higher instead of going downwards. It sounds like a lot but it's just little corrections to give you a beautiful nose afterwards. :smile:
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Hey kimosa

thanks ^_^
i shall ask him about all of those!!!

did you like Dr Kim
i know you sed he made your nose too natural, but did you think he was a good surgeon?
and you said in previous post you did revisional eyelid?? Im also doing revisional eyelid, did your turn out the way you wanted??

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He is definitely a good surgeon. I didn't mind that he didn't have very good bedside manners either, since I was going there from a previous bad surgery & was too worried about other things.

My eyes are perfect now. He made them just the way I wanted them although they are still a bit swollen, I like the shape & size. I don't think you have anything to worry about. Good luck & hope you update us with pics if you don't mind later :smile:
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Hi! I'm not sure if you wanted me to come along or not (there might be a typo present?) but I have a strong distrust for doctors in the US now =\. I'm not trying to be biased or anything. My parents are going to send me to asia to correct my horrible nose =\. If things don't work out with Charles Lee, and you decide to consider going to asia for surgery, then contact me and maybe we could go together! Good luck!
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