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Korea is like Brazil in Asia practically almost all women get something done in Korea.
These are some of respected plastic surgeon known for nose job. They are not cheap as cheap as some other countries in Asia: $2000-4000. I would rather go for the best surgeon than hunting for bargain especially when it comes to surgery on face.

This website has English option

This website has Chinese and Japanese option.
This doctor is also known for breast implant surgery.
I went for breast implant consultation: price is around $6000-7000
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So I went for my consultation with Dr. Jung. I must say there were quite a few patients waiting in the lobby, about half of them with bandages on their noses. I went in for my consultation, and he definitely was very sincere and patiently listened to all my questions and concerns. I was pretty amazed how he had close attention to detail like the small bump on my bridge which I never even noticed. I think his bedside manner would be very nice. The only thing that bothers me are the pictures. Some of the pictures he showed me did not seem very natural to me. Some of the noses looked pinched, and some of the nostrils seemed uneven. I dont know what to do bc after reading this forum it seems like everyone who went to Dr. Jung seems more than satisfied. I'm getting more and more scared and confused about this whole nose job thing~! I dont know what to do~!!
doobao- I would be sooo soo sooooo grateful if you could send me some before/after pics to help me with my decision. I'm just worried bc it seems like alarplasty is pretty hard compared to other types of nose jobs and since you had alarplasty from Dr. Jung it would be so helpful to see how yours turned out. :sweatdrop:
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I am so happy to hear that you like your new nose! :biggrin: After a few surgeries...you must be thrilled to really like the final results. I agree with you that Dr. Jung makes the nose more natural with goretex. btw, do you wear the hot water plastic splint Dr. Jung gave you?
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What is your email address?
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Don't worry, I think you are a good candidate for plastic surgery & will turn out fine. I've seen worse cases than yours & it still turned out ok. Btw, I don't think your nose is horrendous or anything :Push:
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You don't know how happy I am. This was seriously my final time getting my nose done & I'm grateful everyday that I like it. My nose looks so natural already, I love it. But it's not the wide looking natural if that makes sense.

I did wear that hot water splint for like a day or two. Funny story is one day I fell asleep with it on & several hours later when I woke up, I bolted awake & felt that splint on my nose & took it off. Then imagined I felt little ridges or something & looked in the mirror & all was fine lol. I don't know about other people but everytime I woke up from little naps I looked in the mirror right away to make sure nothing shifted or horrendously turned wrong lol :sweatdrop:
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Hi All,

I'm glad to come across to this page! I've used 2 nights to read through all the posts here regarding Asian Nose Job. I have typical asian nose, with wide bullbous nose and flat nose bridge. I had my first nose job in year 2004 but it came out slanted to left side. I was so depressed. Thereafter I had my 2nd nose job by another doctor in Malaysia who is a very famous plastic surgeon..nevertheless, the doctor correct the slanted nose, but he made my nose too sharp and long now. I can feel the tit of the silicone ( L ) implant at my nose tip easily. It's too sharp and I am praying hard for not having extrusion. I'm so worried. As I always fly, the air pressure in the aircraft is making me feel extremely not comfortable especially in my nose area. I am desperately needed a good P.S. doc to correct my nose problem. I've sent mail to Dr. Huang ( Taipei ) , Dr. Jung ( Korea ) few weeks ago, but I didn't receive any reply from them. May I know is there anyway about getting in contact with them effeciently?
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Emails sometimes takes awhile since the doctors are so busy but you can try sending them another email from a different email address as well. Sometimes I think my first email landed in a junk folder or something & I got a quicker response that way. Either that or they thought I was persistent lol :rolleyes:
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Congrats~~Only a few weeks ago you received no compliments, but now strangers compliment you. BIG signal that you are healing well and you do look good. PS is worth is afterall...

My smile is still horrible if I break a full smile. My upperlips are stiff and my nose is pinched. I even lost my dimples. I was told that it takes like 5 months to heal, so I will be patient at one month post op. All I can do is cover my mouth when I laugh, which is kinda weird to me but not to others. I take tracking photos on a daily basis and the ones that I smile/laugh look extremely weird. I am like a robot. :sad: Well maybe it's good time to train myself to be more ladylike by not laughing hysterically.

I would be very worried if other forumers had not told me that my smile would come back eventually...but they have gone through the process so I trust what they say. :smile:
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I was told by Dr. Jung's staff that his apprentice doctors actually answer emails on his behalf because Dr. Jung is too busy to do admin stuff. Just keep on emailing him to get his attention. He (the team) usually reply after a few days according to my experience.
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Hi all,

I need some advice so please take the time to read my post and help! I'll be glad to answer questions in return.

First, i'll share my experience. The plastic surgeon I went to (in koreatown, US) had all the credentials; he went to a good med school, was certified by the american board as a cosmetic surgeon, had an award as the safest sugeon, etc. the problem is..HIS IDEA OF A PRETTY NOSE IS FCKING UGLY.

my consultation with him was around 5 min. this should have been a warning sign to me. before my actual surgery, he looked at some pictures i gave him. i specifically told him i wanted a higher bridge, but not too high, and a round tip, NOT POINTY, and a thicker, natural looking bridge (some bridges are SO skinny bc of the silicone). the doctor confidently assured me there would be no problem. however, he didn't give us the basic facts at all, like the fact that he was using an open surgery, instead of closed, meaning healing would take longer.

now, a week later, w/ the cast removed, my nose is SO ugly. the bridge has no direct angle, as in the implant connect from my forehead to the middle of my nose. he brought the tip down too low, so my face is unbalanced. and from a side view, instead of a straight bridge, it's CURVED. that's pretty nasty.

my question is, today is the 7th day since the op. do you think i could have him do a revision (shave down some areas, and add more to other areas) ASAP or just simply REMOVE EVERYTHING HE DID from my nose ASAP? he used a silicon implant and i think one layer of thin goretex over the nose, along with some ear cartilage. i read that goretex removal should be soon to avoid deformity of the nose, but i also read that it's not safe to operate on the nose so soon after the op?

what do you guys think? does anyone have experience with revision and goretex? any opinion would be good; help please!!
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You are still very early in the healing stage. It will take about 6 weeks for the swelling on the bridge to go down from the slicone implant. You will start seeing the tip take better shape starting at about 2 months and it may take 6 months or longer to see the final result. Most doctors have the patients wait 6 months to a year before doing any revisions.

When I had my splint removed 5 days post-op, I looked like a cat. My bridge started at my forehead and made my nose look really long. I also had the same exact reaction as you...I wanted a revision right away. I thought the bridge was too high. At 6 weeks post-op, my bridge looks very nice. I think it was around week 4 that I started to notice less swelling at the bridge. The tip takes the longest to settle. Since it is cartilage, there will be some absorption and the it will shrink in size. I can't wait for the tip to deswell, because I can tell my nose will look really nice.

I think you will be fine. You just have to give it some time. You should take arnica, bromelain and use cold or warm compresses to speed up healing.
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