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So far, the nose looks really nice. It's still healing and there is still some swelling. I was told that from 2 months to 6 months is when the tip starts to take shape, so I'm still waiting for that. Right now, I'm close to 10 weeks post-op. The chin also looks nice. However, I still feel some very minor soreness in the area from time to time. Both the chin and nose has really improved my profile. I don't look as flat-faced anymore. From the front, my features look sharper, more refined.
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What type of implant did you get? Goretex or Silicone, why did you get that implanti? How was Dr. Charles Lee overall as a doctor? I am so sorry for all these questions!
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Thanks for the reply! Really? The thought of it still makes me hold on to dear ear. D=

Exactly my fear as well, I was supposed to go to Manila and have my nose done there. But the plane ride alone is going to kill me from panic attacks. And if I were to die under anesthesia, at least Im home.

No, Im from Alberta. =) But I heard Dr. Rival is really really good. Do you know the "Make me heal" website? They have nothing but praises for him there eh?

Good luck with your consultation!
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Hey maskd2003!
I stumbled upon this website and came across your post about getting work done in Korea.
I'm kind of in the middle of studying for my midterms right now, so I don't have much time to read up on all your posts.
Did you really pull through with your surgery?
Where are you originally from (if you're from anywhere in North America, why didn't you consider getting work done here?)
How's your new nose?

I've been so insecure about my nose for the longest time, and I go in and out of accepting it, but right now, I really really want all of this anxiety about it to go away.

I'm not sure if I'm ready for it though... what are the long term effects of the surgery?
I haven't done extensive research about this, but what's the difference between having silicones put in as opposed to the gortex thing?

Oh man, this letter was long. I'm sorry if I seemed to ask too many questions. I just really really wanna play it safe.
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Hey guys i want to thank everyone on this board for being so knowledgable and open with their experiences this past year.I had my consultation with a reputable facial plastic surgeon here in canada today. Apparently i have to wait for his colleague to recieve my files before i book my surgery which is in about 3 days, he is so busy that he said his soonest opening is not until september.

Felt kinda rushed ( he kept on saying, "Mmmkay?" as if to seal the deal) but he was a very kind man.
Although i'm happy that my dream is finally on its way to becoming a reality i feel kind of worse than before because i am so impatient to get my new nose. I cant stand this face.
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hey titimo! I'm from toronto too, may I ask who the doctor is?
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I got a Silastic implant because that is what he recommended. It's also easier to remove in case there is an infection.

I had a good experience. Like many of the top surgeons, he is in high demand. I did get the sense that he was busy but I wasn't bothered by it since all my concerns were addressed either directly by him or his knowledgeable and friendly staff. He told me my surgery went very well without any complications. When he was changing my bandages, he said "perfect" when examining his work. He told me that in 6 months I would have a "fantastic result." So far, I love how my nose is looking and I'm thrilled that 4 months from now it will look even better.

Are you thinking about going to see Dr Lee for a consult?
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To diank---- :smile:

Been there, done that about 3 months ago

If you are considering in having a silicone implant, you better think twice!!!

Visit the following sites to view silicone complications, very disturbing!!!


In my opinion, gore-tex is better, very light as if no foreign body is inserted
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Please do your research with implants.
Every single type of implant has its disadvantage and advantages. Be prepared to live with your decision.

Below are all well known US docs:
Dr. Palmer prefers silicone.
Charles Lee prefers silicone...
while Lam, and Nassif prefer goretex.
And,others prefer your own cartilage for the whole thing.


I went to Taiwan (Dr. Chuang) for my rhinoplasty.
The nose is doing good.
I went to Asia because I thought they would do better as they have more experience... but I think if you do enough research you can still get good results here.
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Hi everyone,

I'm new here, and just spent the entire saturday skimming through 316 pages.

I'm in NYC looking to get a nose job, and was wondering if anyone is planning a trip to Korea? Email me if you want to chat. BTW, i'm a asian male.

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