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So far my bridge looks natural, it matches my face. At this point (about 11 weeks post-op), people can't tell I had work done. You just have to consult with your plastic surgeon and take into consideration what he recommends for your face.
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do the sutures i your chin dissolve? when were you able to smile again? I cannot smile the way I use to....
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I think they dissolved in about 2 weeks. I was able to smile partially (show my upper teeth) at about 10 days post-op. To fully smile, I think it took about 8 weeks to be able to show my lower teeth. I went into surgery thinking that the results would be instant but boy does it take a long time! The recovery is so emotionally draining. You really have to be optimistic in order to get through a whole month or more of looking unnatural.
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hey! if I can, do you have an email... I would love to show you my result! Right now I am still leaning on getting them removed, probably on friday, will call them tomorrow and ask if she can schedule me for implant removal of my nose and chin. When I had the splint on i said "Oh my nose looks the same" ,but it was covering the bridge. Now I feel :wtf:. lol
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Hey everyone,

I used to frequent this forum back on page 15 of it like mid 2006 and have been lurking every once in a while to see how things are going and update my knowledge on the places to have rhinoplasty..
Since the last time I posted I've made 2 trips back to Korea, and have consequently done a little more research (i.e. visited a couple more clinics)..im in seoul atm btw

For those of you considering, Seoul as a rhinoplasty destination, hopefully what I will write may help in making your decision..

i was reading the paper the other day and saw this article:

'According to the Korean Medical Association and Gangnam District office, there were 728 plastic surgery hospitals in the country in 2007; 346 of them are located in Seoul, and 255 are in Gangnam. Sinsa-dong has 163, making it the home of 22 percent of all plastic surgery hospitals in the country.'

The main street in sinsa-dong where all the plastic surgeons are is called Nonhyeon- Ro (or No i think) and it is ridiculous..there must be 60-80 clinics along a 400m strip..possibly more..
I've walked along it 4-5 times at least and I'm still taken aback at the no. of clinics on the one street..most of them on the second floor or higher..and some even in huge stand alone buildings..
For people who've never been there you would probably be blown away if you can read a bit of korean and see the words 'aesthetic' or 'clinic' every where you look..it truly is astounding..I still remember thinking 'wtf!!!..' the first time I went there in 2006..

anyawy not wanting to offend anyone the koreans or Koreans living abroad (mostly korean americans) probably aren't much surprised by it..Plastic surgery is pretty much an accepted norm in here..as you will see in the link below

The study showed there is an estimate of around 50% of women having done cosmetic surgery..which is an extremely high proportion..absolutely huge in fact..

I think some very good words of advice to any aspiring patient is that if you have korean friends..and if you can be open about PS to them..it would be a good idea to get a recommendation from them about where to go..considering that they most definitely know someone who's had work done

anyway next im gonna write about some initial consulations i've gone to recently..

btw if ur not interested in getting PS done in Seoul..you could probably skip what i write
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The first thing to consider:
1. If you really want the best doctors in seoul Learn a little korean..because without being able to read korean..nor speak it I have really had the most difficult time as I'm sure a lot of you would too..

becuase just trying to f you're trying to make reservations over the phone or just trying to communicate the simplest of things..its just impossible..

but more importantly, some drs while ok in english just cant explain the procedures in the same way or in as detailed a manner in english as they can in korean..

worst of all..for me in looking for a clinic..i'm faced with the idea that all the work ive done in looking for a surgeon is quite bluntly a lot stabbing around in the dark..

for those who don't know much about korea and can't write/read korean...the likeliest fact is that google.com is probably the worst way to find a surgeon..especially one in korea..koreans use daum and naver -their own search engines and on it or through it there are probably countless websites and forums just like this one..dedicated to discussion about the best surgeons..and where to go..

by not being able to read korean you are also potentially missing out on the best surgeons simply because not all the best surgeons will be able to speak english..in fact it's more likely you will stumble across and go to the clinics that have put more money into advertising..
BK clinic may possibly be an example of this
quite often just being able to afford the costs of marketing doesn't always mean equate to meaning that the clinic is good..

2. only once you;ve acknowledged the above limitations of going to a plastic surgeon in another foreign country should you begin the search for the right surgeon
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ok..enough rambling..
here are the clinics i've visited this time and last time i came to seoul:

AT aesthetic (www.atro.co.kr)
clinic neo (www.clinicneo.com)
ss beauty (www.ssbeauty.kr)
VIP clinic (again)
medizianne clinic (www.medizianne.co.kr)
Logo clinic (http://www.knlogos.com/)

i was also trying to get an appointment yes clinic (http://www.yes5425.com/en.htm) as sungmina posted her experience with them 50 pages or so back..
however i think may have moved to a new clinic in Shinsa-dong because when i went to the building and showed up for my appointment i couldnt find it..:sad:

anyway all of these i either found through the ISAPS website, or by walking past LOL :P and in the case of medizianne because i had a skin laser treatment there

for a few other options maskd2003 mentioned this website as well a while ago:

unfortunately most or all of these websites are in korean..and this directory is useless unless u can read korean..:sad:

anyway of the above clinics mentioned i was extremely impressed by AT aesthetic and by ssbeauty clinic..and would consider out of these two for when i do the surgery in december..

aside from those two I am somewhat tempted to revisit these other clinics if i have the time..and would consider them except for the following:

dreamsurgery (www.dreamsurgery.co.kr) which is one of the biggest plastic surgery clinics in seoul (iv seen 4 branches and there are probably more) is kind of out of the equation after what i read from coscrazy a while back and from the worrying aftercare i sensed when i visited last yr..its just so crowded with patients

clinic9 (www.seoulps.co.kr) one of the other large ones and really nice inside is also out for me..as the dr had a really tough time explaining in english and his results though good didnt look spectacular..the main receptionist who speaks good english for some reason didnt act as a translator which if she did may have swung my decision in his favour..
(however if you're looking for a jaw reduction you might wanna go there though as the receptionist there said that Dr Park (another one) at that clinic is very good and he speaks english, if you're interested in skin treatments you may want to go there too as anoher Dr there is a dermatologist and speaks good english)

shimmian (nose.co.kr) which i think moved to a larger place since i went there last yr is also out...because while Dr Jung seems to have done the most nose jobs and is reputed to be the 'godfather of rhinoplasty in korea' ..i really don;t like the fact that he's not a member of KSAPS (korean society of aesthetic plastic surgery)..also he seems rather salesmanish and it seems that he leans towards the goretex or silicone path a bit..which i dont like.i prefer my own cartilage..moreover..i doubt he is the top of the korean drs and i have no idea if koreans..who would know more about plastic surgery in seoul actually consider him to be the best at nose jobs..
he is also on the expensive side 4-5k maybe more..

VIP clinic..it moved into a nice new building..the interior is fantastic..all clean and modern..the second time i went there i had a consultation with a dr (not the one who performs the nose jobs) and the clinic 'counselor'/saleswoman that i meant the first time i went...theres no doubt that the main doc seems well trained and is certified (i saw KSAPS and ASAPS plaques if i remember correctly) but i didnt see fantastic results in the before and after pics and i didnt get to meet the main doctor either..
it is also expensive..i think 4.5 k or 5k..

BK..not a chance after what ive heard/read

next..why i like ssbeauty..and atro clinic..and why not the others
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clinicneo - located along plastic surgery street in shinsa dong

i had high hopes for this clinic..considering it is one of the 19 drs who are korean members of the ISAPS and that the website looks pretty damn good.
however i received the shock of my life when i visited the clinic today and have other not so good things to say about it..there are many little things that i didnt like and many significant things that added up to a poor image of the clinic
firstly my initial impression in stepping into the clinic: the worst i've been in; old, not well maintained by other clinics stds, and i doubt many koreans even go here as evidenced by an empty sitting room, empty clinic and non existent receptionist at first -the receptionist was not around at all when i came in

when she did come out i was straightaway led to a room that seemed like it was a quasi-study transported from the 80s (faux wood cabinets and shelves filled with medical journals from the mid 90s, an old circular table with two chairs..and not a painting or vase of flowers in sight if i recall correctly)..honestly i felt like i was in somewhere not much better than an 80s interrogation room..there was no soft music playing, no soothing hum of computer equipment or a familiar piece of technology in sight, and there was really nothing to suggest that the clinic was aesthetically minded

however i decided to reserve my judgement for after my appt with the dr..
after all..appearances can be deceiving..sometimes
dr jung..the head of the clinic and only dr came out to consult with me pretty quickly (btw this dr jung is not related to the doc from shimmian)..
at first i had to do a double take i wasnt sure if he was a dr or a janitor..he came out of his drs room dressed in a very unfashionable outfit and wearing slippers of all things..he also seemed to be rather neutral and not all that welcoming..

his discussion was to the point: he felt up my nose, which i think is a good thing..and determined the best course of action..
ah we were getting somewhere i thought
for me with a larger nose and wider nose..the best thing would be an silicon implant on my dorsum (the bony bit upwards) with some tiplasty using ear cartilage for the tip..
not a bad thing..but not great considering what i'd heard from other drs..
his explanation was clear but the techniques were pretty run of the mill and IMHO wouldnt get the job done properly..
he didnt suggest any alar reduction..even when i asked about it..and worse he didnt say he would correct the deviation in my septum..the only doc not to say he would..
after that he specified the price..but didnt go into detail about the process of recovery, or anything else really..

quite simply after a somewhat stilted explanation, we were done..
i then asked to see b4 and after photos hoping they would vindicate my poor opinion of the place ..then to my surprise and disappointment he left the room to let the nurse take care of things even though she couldnt speak english and although he wasnt busy at all..my opinion of the place dropped from the 3/10 to a 2/10

the nurse next showed some b4 and afters in a room that seemed closer to a windowless closet..whilst i was sweating my ass off in the the closet..all she did was click through a few without any explanation (she couldnt really speak english) the pics in my opinion werent anything special..in fact some looked like they were taken 5 yrs ago..

i was beginning to suspect that i was the first customer to come by since the yr 2003

by that time id had enough..i decided to leave and look for bigger, better and more professional clinics on plastic surgery street..and before i walked out i managed to glimpse the operating theatre..
like the rest of the clinic it looked like it was out of the 80s..no technology in sight...LOL well at least it kept with the rest of the decor ..1.5/10

the price: 2 million won - 2000 USD -bargain basement

the verdict: AVOID..

and another thing..ISAPS membership doesnt mean much.especially since you can just pay to join:

http://www.ksaps.or.kr/popup/070209.html (GO TO the homepage and click on the right bit)
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logos clinic - located along apgujeong-no and in the main street of a disctrict where a lot of rich koreans hang out south of the Han river
(the area is nice..and not as dangerous dirty or seedy as itaewon in the north, it's also quite a bit classier than hongdae IMHO) it is located pretty much 1-2km from plastic surgery st and the area is about 5km from dr jungs clinic in the gangnam area

i just walked in off the street, and there was no patients in the clinic at all so i got to see the dr straight away..

this doc seemed mostly ok in every respect..a nice guy, intelligent,
KSAPS member, KPRS (korean plastic and reconstructive society i think) member, medical license all up on the wall..a decently clean and nice clinic, nice receptionists, and he spoke passable english too..i had a 30 min consult which is long by initial consutlation stds but necessary considering he was the only one to charge me 10,000 Won ($10 USD) whilst the others didnt and dont usually at all (its free usually)

his explanation of the procedure seemed a bit lacking though:
he explained his use of an L -shaped silicone implant (or gore-tex though he didnt favour this as much), and osteotomy pretty clearly..but then he suggested an alar wedge resection (or alar base reduction- same thing) and when he was telling me the order of operation he kind of got confusing and confused himself..

at this point, he pulled out a plastic surgery techniques manual for doctors off a shelf and pointed to me out of the book the order in which it would be done..
unfortunately the book appeared written in the mid to late 90s and whilst not much has changed since it seems i would hvae preferred a proper explanation rather than just getting out a book and showing me..

anyway..i felt comfortable but not great..and asked to see his operating room..he showed me it upstairs..that's what sealed the deal
IMHO there was a odour of feet coming from within..the theatre seemed ok..you would find better in a hospital no doubt but it was still ok..but the odour gave me the feeling of lack of hygiene..my discomfort increased when i saw in the corner of the room something like clothes being dried there on drying racks..It looked like the dr maybe lived in the operating room..

also the cot in a recovery room next door to the operating theatre looked kind of slept in (reminds me of Ozclinic) and the room was rather small too like 1.5x3 m.

b4 and after pics which i got to see seemed ok..sort of like clinicneo..most of them an improvement and pretty good..but not spectacular

PRICE: 5 million won (cos i am a foreigner i think) , whilst a simple augmentation costs 3 million won (+1 million won/1000 USD for alar, + 1000USD for osteotomy)

VERDICT: i dont think so..lol..you can get a better result for paying less elsewhere i think..and in a nicer clinic/operating room too
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When I called for a consult, the soonest appointment was about 5 months. When I had my consult with Dr. Toriumi, they were able to schedule surgery as soon as about two weeks + from that point. I couldn't do that because of my work schedule, etc, so I did it a few months later. I stayed at the Seneca Hotel, which is 2.5 blocks from the surgical center, and they have a contracted rate of $129/night for Dr. Toriumi patients. Call the hotel and ask for Natalie Vitek and tell her you are a Dr. T patient. She will take care very good care of you. What was nice about that hotel is that is has a full kitchenette, so you don't have to go out for all your meals; almost like an apartment. I went grocery shopping the night before my surgery so I was well stocked with food, water, etc and then I was good to go for a while. Also, they have a bath tub; you cannot shower or get your nose wet for one full week so a bath tub is very important!!
I got there the day before the sugery for my pre-op, then was required to stay for a full 7 days post-op post-op, so I left the day after that = 9 full days in Chicago. It was a hassle, but I would do it all over again considering the results I have.
About the rib scar, I have a scar exactly 1.25 inch long (a thin line) under my right breast which is exactly in the crease. Once the redness of the line fades, no one will ever notice it.
Please PM me if you have any more questions!
I am very happy with my results!!!!
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I've scheduled an appointment to have my nose done on Aug 27 with Dr. Charles Lee. I'm very nervous about the result and healing process. I'll take 5 days off work, will that be enough? Anyone here can share with me or any of you schedule an appointment around the same time?
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