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Thanks spritee,
I will definitely go there if my problems get worse. Thanks!
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yea, when i used to breathe in, the side of my nose goes in (kinda like Micheal jackson's nose effect) I have to hold up my nose like a piggy nose to allow air to goes in which i think make my nose even weaker after a while of doing that. :shrugs:
Same as you, my turbinates were inflamed due to allergies, the ENT doctor recommended me to use the NeilMed sinus Rinse, but it is only temporary fix.
It is so frustrating how many bad doctors are out there who are craving for money. :cursing:

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Hi Shar, sorry for this really late reply but I haven't checked this forum for a while. That would be awesome if we could go together though! Do you have an email I can reach you at? Mine is pink_peppero at hotmail :smile:
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I should also mention that I'm flying to UK at the beginning of January and will be going to Korea from there...if I know I would have someone to go/stay with, then I think that would give me the push I need to really go ahead with this...ie. hoping to decide within the next 2 days on whether I am seriously going to proceed eeek
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Hi guys, I was following your posts for a while and wanted to ask if you have found any good plastic surgery doctors in Hong Kong. Actually I am living here and would like to do the nose job here, but seems to be very difficult find some good clinic etc etc.. If you have any reccomended places just please let me know. However I would like to make my nose smaller.. Thanx!! :smile:
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happy new year everyone!
I went to take out my stitches yesterday and dr lee said i need a revision. one side of my alar base is wider than the other side. It was quite obvious but i thought it was because one side is more swollen than the other side.

so i went back to the surgery room again but i get local anesthesia this time instead cuz i drove, it was extremely painful and i wish i dont have to go through that ever again. My nose is very swollen again.

i am actually quite happy with dr lee this time as he paid a lot closer attention to me and referred me to an ENT doctor to take a look at the discharge from the left nostril. He thinks there is a blood clog stuck inside.
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all your posts are so great to read, everyone! thanks for all the information! and happy ny's to everyone too!

the more i read, the more i want to just get over to korea and get it over with - but i'd be going alone and after seeing some of the pictures of botched surgeries on the `nose.co.kr` site (who went there to get them fixed, btw), i'm reeeeeeally scared! their noses looked like they were breaking off or chunks of scar tissue were forming in weird spots! ahh! what are the chances of this happening? :wtf:

botched surgeries wanting reconstruction at nose.co.kr:

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sorry about bothering you but i'm a new user and can't pm and was wondering if you were the user who posted a blog sometime ago? i can't seem to find it again and your surgery seems to be like something i would be looking for! (i would probably need the bones to be broken, unlike a lot of the other cases on this forum?) thanks lots for your help in advance!

ps: happy 2009!
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Well, Dr. Lee at least has some conscious. I think some surgeons have become so popular that they just cannot handle that many patients. I'd prefer a surgeon with sufficient qualification and the desire to do the best for the patient but not their pocket book.

Based on the communications with the surgeons I tried to get consultations with, I think Dr. Jung (http://www.nose.co.kr/english/main/main.asp) & Dr. Park from OZ Clinic (http://drpark.co.kr/eng/sub02.htm) are on my top list. But it seems Dr. Jung is way too busy.

BTW, I have decided to have my nose done in Korea in Feb! I'm going to let Dr. Park do the job. Does any of you have advice about booking hotel, backup surgeon/consultation or anything else to do in Seoul?
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Do you know if they ar specialized in all noses or only asian nose? I would like to make my nose smaler and thinking where to go to do it... Anyone who knows if there is anything in HK? any reccomended clinic? thanx for any advice!!
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I went to Seoul with my friend who got a nose job done during Christmas. No bleeding after the surgery. No pain and little swelling for the next 2 days. Then tapes off on day 7. (could be off on day 5 but she insisted to keep them on longer...) And she has a nose looks so natural that I'm seriously considering going back to get a new nose too! She got it from Dr. Kim Byung Gun at the BK Dongyang plastic surgery clinic. Here is the link: http://english.bkdy.co.kr/
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Happy New Year Pursebao!
Why did you have stitches taken out? Did you do an alar base resection too?
I hope you are feeling better. Do they have an ENT on the premises at Dr. Lee's?

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