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[FONT=&quot]Please recommend me the best plastic surgery clinics in Korea in terms of prices and quality. I have heard of BK Dongyang, OZ, and [/FONT][FONT=&quot]IAAN, and so far the BK website seems the most reliable, while the costs of IAAN are the highest and OZ prices run the lowest. I really do not trust this unless I get recommendations from more people.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]I personally do not know anyone that goes to Korea for plastic surgery, I just thought Korean surgeons would know the Asian woman faces the best, and can offer service at a lower price than it is here in California. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]I [/FONT][FONT=&quot]am a college student in America, and I am trying to go to there in the summer in time for me to recover and get back to school in September.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Thank you,[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Anxiousgirl [/FONT][​IMG][FONT=&quot][/FONT]
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Hi guys..
I am interested in getting a nose job in Korea around end of August or September.. Is there anyone else interested in going around that time as well to split hotel costs?
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Hi! Can you tell me who the surgeon your friend's been under is? Just PM if you can't tell on the public forum. I need to know more about GORE-tex revision PS.
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Hi, can anyone recommend a home remedy or products for my scarring problems?

My nose job from few months back has resulted in few scars that are a bit obvious, it's hard to cover up with make-up. The doctor said this is due to my oily skin which clogged my pores, which led to a hypotrophic scar (the hollow-type of scar). My doctor recommended dermabrasion but said I had to wait for few more months before I can go through it. So for the meantime I need something that can at least let the scars subside. Any recommendations?

P.S. feel free to add make-up advice on how to cover it up...tnx!
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Have you looked at those silicon stickers OR silicon gel cream like dermatix? I used dermatix for my operation scar (appendicitis) & it worked well for me, kept scar flat, & lightened the scar line - you can google to read more about silicon & scars.
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thats very bazzare...i thought u can put on scar cream after 2 weeks after surgury... 2 weeks is long enough for the wound to close...
if u wait TOO LONG the skin will already heal that way and keep the scar darker, harder to heal
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i have been looking at doctors in taiwan for a revision myself, and noticed that all of them have revised gortex noses. the doctors i've looked at are chuang, chang, hsu and kao.

here is dr. chang's before/after gallery. the google translate function can be kinda lame, but there are some cases of goretex revisions on there if you look.


i have seen similar cases on the other doctor's sites as well.

how are you looking to revise your nose? are you going to replace with rib? anyhow, goretex revisions seem commonplace and are totally do-able, so i hope you do your research and find a good doctor.
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Hi Jake~ I'm interested in having a rhinoplasty with GrandSurgery, how's your result so far? I hope it's getting better. What kind of surgery did you actually have? Did you do an implant or what? And how long did you stay in Korea? I'm sorry I ask too much, but I really want to know.. I want to have a pretty nose so badly.. haha. Can you please post your before and after pic! I would very much appreciate it. Thanks a lot! :nuts:
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hi guys
to ala ang redbenz thanks for the reply.. i am currently working in kuwait planning to visit phil this july 1st. yeah july is so soon and still cnt decide which doctor i will go with. i was told that dr. cennica is good? did anybody know this doctor? reli cnt decide yet i dont want to commit the same mistake like others did. can u recommend me a good doctor here? or better work hard save money and go in korea instead? i heard korea is d best country for noselift? their korean way of nose lift?
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Omg! You are the single person in the world i sooo have to talk to right now. Im planning to do eyelid and rhino at grand!!! Would you please please take pics of what you look like 7 days post op? REALLY PLEASE because i will go back to uni after 7 days and i want to be prepared for what i look like...please;)!! I really need your help here XD support line ahaha
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im decided to go at la nouvelle... maybe next year. yeah, korean way of nose job seems really good. my issue about going to korea though is that i dont know how to speak their language. although i know there might be interpreters, it will still be hard for me... oh life...
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