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I am going to Korea this coming September for a rhino surgery as well. Let me know if you want to meet up.
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hey guys..
sorry for the late reply...
i just moved into my grad school and i currently do not have internet access at home.

are you going to go ahead with dr. ahn then? that is so strange that he only charges 3500 for primary sillicone. he charged me 3800 for the same procedue 9 years ago!! i wonder if he does not have enough patients?? im not sure how his work is in general. i might be one of his failure cases. overall, i do not like the tip work and he placed the silicone around my eyebrow line. i went back to him recently for consultation, and he did admit that silicone should have started around my eye fold line. he suggested to have the implant replaced with gortex implant for 2500...

i cant believe he is charging 1000 more for gortex implant.. hm.. when i asked dr. choe about gortex implant, he said he couldnt "believe" ppl are still using gortex. he say that with silicone, he can mold into diff shapes and it is easier to take out later on if you needed to.. hm.. im not sure which one is better... dr. charles lee also only uses silicone and it seems as though most korean surgeons in korea still use silicone..

my silicone implant does not bother me at all.. it only moves if i put pressure with my fingers. which i probably should not be doing.:P

when are you looking to have the surgery?
if you have gortex implant with dr. ahn, will you be able to pick diff shapes and heights of the implant?

best of luck and keep in touch!

p.s. sandra916 is my other account i made in attempt to conceal my identity just in case one of my friends come across this site.. but i dont know how to delete my previous post.. can anyone help me??
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My final selection ends up with 3 doctors in Seoul. Dr Jung, Dr Kim, Byung Gun, Dr Doo, Byung Yang. They are top surgeons in rhinoplasty.

In the States, I consulted several top surgeons Dr. Charles Lee, Dr David Kim, Dr Steven Hoppin, Dr Dean Jabs, Dr Kwak ... but I decided to make a trip to Korea for the surgery.
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Hi, may I ask why you're choosing to go to Korea instead of with one of the top suregeons here in the US? What was your impression of Drs. Lee and Kwak from the consultations? And have you consulted by email with the Korean surgeons? Did you feel that the Korean surgeons were definitely better?

Ideally I'd like to go to Seoul and seek out surgery with Dr. Jung but unfortunately I don't speak the language. There are already some things lost in translation when I speak with the assistants/office managers of the top Korean-American surgeons here; some of the office assistants I've met speak broken English and address me directly in Korean lol (till I tell them sorry I don't know Korean)....I've always been told I look Korean even though I'm not. And if a complication arises (sometimes a month post-op), it'll be hell for me to fly to Korea.....or the other alternative would be another $7-10k for a revision surgery here in the US.

I know that some US surgeons like Dr. Kwak go to Seoul every year for "training" and have held fellowships in Korea (supposedly with the top surgeons there), but I wonder if the rhino results in Seoul are drastically different from the results done here.
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did anyone have surgery with dr. jung they are satisfied with?

dr. jung's website is very impressive, but i have read two ppl on this site not satisfied with their surgery while on one happy with the result..

thph- how long will you be in korea? i am also intersted in going, but i only have 11 days i can spare. it might be not enough time...
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Dr Charles Lee is well known for eyes surgery. He has pretty impressive website regarding Asian rhinoplasty. I had a consultation with him by email and almost scheduled to have the surgery next week. However, I cancelled my appointment when I came across several complaints/unsatisfactory about the nose surgery from his recent patients.

US rhinoplasty surgeons are very good with reconstructed surgery. We asian only need to highten the bridge and have a defined nose tip. I feel comfortable with Korean doctors because they have experience and massive number of nose surgery practice.
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Hello everyone! Im new here. I googled 'rhino' and 'silicone' and imagine my surprise when i found this topic discussed in a ... purse forum? lol
Anyhoo I have already read through several pages of post...and I can see that the majority choice of implant here for many of u is still the artificial ones like silicone and gortex implant. Or maybe I just havent reach parts on cartilage perhaps?

hehe allow me to break it down...

Im from Malaysia, a chinese and currently do not have the luxury to travel overseas to taiwan or korea or even singapore lolz. So my options of plastic surgeon are really limited to just malaysia. I really want a nose job, I have a typical 'mushroom' nose and I want higher taller bridge and more defined tip. You see, very typical Asian rhino.

Due to limited resources perharps ( have been exhaustedly researching the web on local PS) I have nailed down only TWO ps currently. One of them does ONLY cartilage implant for rhino ( take out the ear cartilage, harvest it and insert in nose as an alternative to silicone implant) and another one of them specialise in silicone. The first doc...HE STRONGLY OPPOSE SILICONE IMPLANT cos of the many problems like rejection, infection etc. Im quite surprised as this is my first time hearing about the former method of procedure, so of cos I jumped at anything that remotely resembles your own flesh and bone. But downside of cos is ... it depends on the ...'softness' of your cartilage, as the doc put it and more $$ for harvesting it. And im also worried that it wont make the bridge look much more defined as a silicone would (from research too)??

And the second doc...who does primarily silicone. He's trained in taiwan. He told me that silicone is the way to go. I looked at his past cases, they look ok. But he does use the L shaped implant. And it is almost half the price compared to the aforementioned cartilage implant.

Arghhh Im torn. Its not about the money... but something about silicone...when I looked at it in his office and touched it...kinda creeps me out a lil?? to imagine it under my flesh everyday... and the convincing number of extrusion cases (from reaseach, again)?? BUT still, the first doc doesnt give me an impression that the korean or jap noses on celebs are achievable on my face. He did stated that. And he doesnt believe in any computer simulation and projection (unlike the silicone doc) and this fact make me feel very unsure as I dont know how close the result will resemble to my desired look, or to those of celebs...very vague. He just stressed that i have to BELIEVE in him. His philosophy, though, i can agree on , is to be NATURAL. And this doc... I believe is the most sought after PS on this part of our shore... I have to book 1 week in advance to see him and still cant get it. He's always FULL full full... whereas the second doc...err...I didnt see much of patients. I guess more and more people are embracing the natural 'own flesh' cartilage implant?? is it the way to go??

In the end, Im very OCD.... I cant make up my mind yet. So I hope anybody can break it down for me:-

Do u feel comfortable if the doc doesnt use any projection at all? just WORDS? how subjective is that? and doesnt disclose any previous cases?

Can ear cartilage really achieve a high bridge as good as silicone?? because it is supposedly softer than silicone.

Anybody have any complications after the silicone implant??

Ok i shall shut up now... sorry to be so wordy... as there really isnt much other option i have to turn to for guidance. Havent tell any of my frens (hehe) and Malaysia (KL at least) isnt known exactly for the hub of reputable PS.

I really appreciate your 2 cents!! pls pls!! thank you soo much!!
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I vaguely recall reading about Dr. Tseng (Taiwan) sometime earlier in the thread but just went through his website in-depth. WOW is all I can say. I really like his tiplasty style. His before/after's are consistently some of the best I've seen.

Has anyone here actually flown to Taiwan to undergo rhino with him?

His website http://www.drtseng.com.tw/ is pretty much entirely in traditional Chinese characters. For those who can't read Chinese or find it hard to navigate through, here are some before/after's that really caught my eye.

GORETEX augmentation (3 sheets, 2mm each) with septal cartilage for tip, 30-year-old female






Here's a (rare) page of before/after's all in ENGLISH:

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if i had to choose btwn ear cart and silicone id go with silicone. thats what i got. for me it was btwn silicone and rib cart. not sure how good ear is on bridge. it can curl. and since its so plentiful, id imagine more surgeons would use it on the bridge if it was good. but most use silicone, goretex, and a few will use rib tho someone on this board said some docs say asians dont do well with rib for some reason.

everything has its drawbacks and negatives. no perfect solution for asian bridges. keep in mind cartilage is hard to take out if you need a revision. and if you are limited to 2 ps in your country i would really take that into consideration.

if you are that ocd you may want to make sure you are really prepared for a rhino. the healing can be very stressful especially if you are a perfectionist.

best of luck!

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im not crazy about the last ones. the nose looks over-rotated to me.

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hmm... thanks I didnt know that cartilage is irreversible. I am leaning towards the cartilage only because i want to be on the SAFE side. And the doc meant the ear cartilage, he did mentioned rib cartilage is more invasive and he doesnt seem to perform it as much.

i do need to decide fast because i know healing takes a few weeks, like the docs point out. and there is also a possibility of going under the knife for both rhino + bone shaving. havent decide yet. I only have an open window until end of August!!

Anybody had rhino with cart implant?? would love to hear your take on cart.

So my concerns still comes down to :-

Is cart as strong a support as silicone? I know it gives good tip, but what about the bridge?

For silicone, is there any particular type that is the preferable choice?? I read that the L shape is more prone to extrusion... is it? How does it feel with the silicone after rhino? What are the chances of extrusion and infection??

I know these are particular technical questions more for the docs' expertise. But both the docs stand firm on their choice of implant, and there are some details that contradict to what i read so often on the net, fuzzy i say.

And do share which option u would go for (cart or silicone)... and why lolz. thanks
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hmmm seems theres more research you need to do before you can make an informed decision. i would suggest reading the last 50 or so pages of this thread as there is discussion about much of what you ask. then speak with your doctor and ask both docs their opinion. sometimes docs are focused on $ and do not give you completely honest answers. not saying yours are but it has happened. i get the feeling you are under time pressure but think it wise if you are fully informed before you have to make this decision.

i have not heard of anyone who has had ear cart for the bridge, i think there was one person on the board who had rib cart. supposedly ear cart is not good but that is from what i have read on the internet. mostly because it can curl and there might not be enough. also, if he has to get cart from both ears, that would make the healing process real difficult as you cant sleep on your ear for over a month due to pain. so you have to sleep on your back every night for 1+ months. cart is definitely much more rare than sili or goretex for asian bridges.

just some things to consider. but take your time and if you are still unsure i would hold off on the surgery. not the kind of thing you should rush into.

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Hi everyone, I'm new to this board and also considering rhinoplasty and chin implant. I've read through most of this entire thread in the past two weeks and after weighing the risks of each implant, I've have pretty much settled on getting autologous implant. Since I'm in the US, I emailed Dr.Shah about my case and he replied very promptly. I told him I already have a medium bridge and some definition to my tip, I want at most a 3mm augmentation and would like to use my own cartilage as much as possible. He replied very promptly! I asked if I would be a good candidate for rib graft and he actually said rib grafts are used for more 'robust' augmentation, he prefers to use septal for small to medium augmentations. I've also emailed Dr.Chuang and Dr.Kao regarding these procedures but so far no word from them.

For anyone who's had rib grafts for augmentation purposes, what was the size of your implant? Also, I'm curious to know if anyone has had any experience or knowledge of cases where ONLY septal cartilage was used for augmentation? I'd love to just have one surgical site and come out with a higher nose but I just can't imagine how I could possible have enough cartilage in my septum to increase my bridge by a good 2-3mm and still retain the minimal 1.5mm amount to support the integrity of my nose!
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