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i'm so glad i found dr. kim lee, cuz she is totally awesome! i really liked having a female surgeon who understands us girls and our needs!

john1, i agree, i don't know why there aren't many women--probably because the training is so brutal and long!
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Why doesn't he ever update his gallery? He was on my list when I first started researching. Yet, his rhinoplasty pictures really don't impress me.
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Heya asian90210, are you intending to get your nose done by Dr Kimberly Lee or have you had surgery experience with her?

Thanks in advance for replying :smile:

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Hi all, I just got my nose and eyes done around 2 weeks ago.
Right now, I feel really tired and have been having headaches ever since I
had it done. Been feeling like throwing up every once in awhile too.

I've been sleeping for like 3/4 of the time everyday ever since I got back.
Taking medicines after meals, back to sleep, awake for awhile, feeling all
uncomfortable and getting back to sleep again.

The skin around my eyes and nose feels tight too. I had an implant up in my nose as well if you're wondering.

Is it normal ? :crybaby::crybaby::crybaby:
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hmmm you wouldnt still be on painkillers and antibiotics would you?
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Well, as reputed as Dr. Lansangan might be, I have read a few bad reviews on him in this very thread. When I posted my experience, somebody replied to me that 3 of his friends who went under the above mentioned surgeon faced the same problem as me (I have to look up his pseudo if you want any references). Another person told that, when consulting him, she had the impression he was kind of pushy. As for me, he told that I would need a chin implant (to balance out the bloody 5mm augmentation that was definitely not indicated for me), while that was absolutely not necessary, especially if the augmentation was to be subtle. I've mailed him many times to ask him my medical report, but he would ignore my request. Of course, he wouldn't admit neither that he screwed my nose by performing nearly irreversible procedures which I hadn't ask for. OK, I admit, I should have done more research and be more careful. But at least, I've learnt my lesson.
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I wouldn't worry too much about the skin of your eyes and nose feeling tight. It will loosen as time passes.

As for the other symptoms, you might need to ask your surgeon. I can't remember having faced similar problems after two weeks post-op.
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I took a travel insurance that would last up to 1 year (because I needed it anyway for my 1-year program in Japan as an exchange student). So it covered my trip to the Philippines, which was to be made within that year.

Prices vary strongly depending on the insurance company. If you are still a student, try to figure out if they don't have special policies for students. Besides, as there is a wide range of policies you could choose from, you don't need to take an annual insurance.

In the end, it is up to you whether you want to take the risk of not buying an insurance. You might have bad luck as much as you might have good luck. You could lose your luggage, have an accident on the spot, need to cancel your trip last-minute, ...
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those can make you nauseous. not sure about tired. i only wuz on anti for 3-5 days so mebbe u can check with your doc about going off them and seeing if that relieves your symptoms.

but i was active a few days after surgery so you should check with your doc as to why you are lethargic. mebbe u are allergic or something.

as for the tightness, i agree with the other poster. for me that lasted about 4 weeks. i had eyes and nose too.
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I'm hoping it's the antibiotics that's causing me to feel this way. I was active during the first week after op when I was given painkillers. Stopped taking painkillers after a week. Ever since then I've been feeling tired and nauseous. My doctor doesn't stay in contact with patients.
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what country is ur doctor in???
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