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Dr Jong replied me on the previous email.

He said basically what you said!

Other procedures to make the eyes bigger include EPI, which is the only thing he said. It costs NT12,000 for that.

He also recommended me to do nose.... lol I havent told him that I'm going to another place for that. But his price quoted for that was pretty much lower than Dr Chuang!
He quoted NT30,000.
Didnt explain what he will be doing though.

Dr Chaung explained 4 procedures which he will want to do on my nose, costs NT 68,000

When I asked Dr Jong about revisions and stuff. He said that rarely his patients do revisions..
But he still didnt reply on what IF....
(I asked him 2 times.. haha)

For Dr Chuang, he said that of course if there are any complications, he will do revision for free.

So... about Dr Jong.. he is NOT good with nose? hahaa:P

Just checking out all the options.
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Thanks for sharing that!

But, can you write in chinese? That would be easier! haha

Any idea how much it costs?
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Did Ayumi Hamasaki do that? I saw a before and after PS pic of her.. its shocking on how big her eyes became.
He original eyes were small.:wtf:
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I don't know Korean... sorry. And, I really haven't seen it on the Korean websites... although, I may be wrong... since I can't read Korean... haha. BUT, I am sure doctors such as Dr. Park from OZ and BK know about it.

umm... Ayumi... I cannot tell. It looks like it... but keep in mind, some people's eyes get a lot bigger when they get procedures such as double eyelid done, even if they already had double eyelid to begin with.

I really don't like the look of that procedure... kinda looks fake and :wtf:... but if you're interested... contact a doc and just ask him about it in the english term.

Dr. Chuang's office is so much girlier and has more nurses, etc, and Dr. Jong is very to the point... while Dr. Chuang is always smiling... but rest assured, both do a good job. Dr. Jong is all about being meticulously PERFECT... I know because I was awake during the procedure.
This is my opinion of the doctors. Dr. Chuang is NOT conservative. He does all the facial plastic surgeries under the sun...levator, bone shaving, etc, and neither is his taste... which can be a good thing but bad also... for nose, I like his taste.
Dr. Jong used to work at the hospital, and he did these procedures, but he will not do them in his clinic because he thinks they are extreme, there are other options, and/or thinks the result looks unnatural.

Yea... I never asked Jong for a discount, because his price was already so low... 900 for eyelashes! Here in the US, it is 6000, and he did a WAY better job!
I don't think he will give you a discount.

I don't know how good Dr. Jong is at nose, because there is not enough forum information....
Also, keenose, once the doctor feels your nose, only then, he will be able to determine silicone or goretex will be better... but I'm assuming Dr. Chuang is guessing from the photo.

Also, Dr. Jong also does goretex.

Dr. Chuang is on the expensive side of Taiwan... but compared to Korea... very cheap.

keenose: you need to ask Dr. Chuang if you are going to have to wear a hard cast after the goretex surgery, and for how long. If he says no, or only for a few days, DO NOT go to him... I know he is very good with silicone... but he may not be with goretex. Goretex is going to widen if it's not constrained in the beginning. From many doctors, they say it's hard even in the beginning when they put it in to make it skinny.. although the patient will NOT be able to tell anyway, because the nose is going to be SWOLLEN!

You know I keep reading on the Singapore forum of these people who keep redoing and redoing their noses because they are unhappy... Please keep in mind that PS is not magic... the anatomy of your current nose limits the abilities of PS. Ultimately, I fear that something bad will happen to these patients since revision is harder and what they ask for may look very unnatural especially if they bump into a doctor who will just do what they say and not warn them of the potential bad look afterwards.
And, kimosa, I am NOT referring to you.

I like everyone in this forum and the Soompi one, and I think everyone is pretty levelheaded! Everyone is so sweet too!:heart:
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One last thing.

I saw on the other forum that Dr. Chuang made a patient wait hours from their set appointment. I'm sure he got held up with previous surgeries.

Both doctors can be very busy.

For Dr. Chuang set the appointment up in the morning. That's what I did, and show up like at 9:30, even though they are not open supposedly. Just ring the bell and they'll get you. I did not have to wait.

Dr. Jong.. I did :sad:.. because he says a lot of his foreign patients don't show up and he had a full day of surgeries that day with locals... so i waited HOURS... and got done at 8 PM! Make sure you know you are going to show up, and tell him this and make sure he knows you are going to show up... give him a call at the hotel when you get there or give him a call from the US... although, he may have already set up the appointments. He did apologize and so did the nurses.
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Yeah I agree with you that his taste of the female nose is nice, and its to my liking too! I believe he will do a good job with silicon, but its goretex that really worries me.
Since there's not much information or people who have done that with him.

Thanks so much for advising what to ask him. I will ask him about the hard cast thing.

Have you ever seen cases of goretex noses still being able to acheive natural, and slim bridges?

I just havent seen one good case yet.

I find that its harder to communicate with Dr Jong, because of his short emails. He doesnt seem to like to talk much. LOL
Maybe only a consultation will work.

But I really would feel insecure if I were to go to Taiwan, meet both the doctors THEN...... decide who to do it with then. It feels so unprepared.:wtf:

PS: Dr Chuang seemed really certain about using goretex on me .. since the way he said it, that is the ONLY option he will choose for me. He didnt say anything about consultation then deciding etc. It seemed straight forward.

Yeah... I have been reading alot about people redoing and redoing. Not from the other forum, but other places. There are some who have become addicted to it.
I saw one case where this gorgeous lady, made her boobs SOOOOOoooooooo huge... then after awhile.... made her boobs small... then made her nipples smalller... and many many many other procedures. Its like... hmmmm well.. quite speechless to the number of PS she did. To her whole body...
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That's the thing that sucks about being overseas... you need to schedule an appointment at least 2 weeks ahead of time. otherwise, they will not be able to fit you in.

They will both do a consultation. Do not worry about this They will go over it with you once again... and more extensively.

I'm just curious... what forum are you talking about in your last post? I wanna read... haha
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Oh time is not an issue. I can schedule my timing not a problem! ;)

But the thing is.. I dont want to go there and then decide which doctor to choose! Feels so unprepared! hahaha no security!

I just realised Dr Jong does facial bone shaving too!
How come Dr Jong doesnt say on his website that he does nose jobs? I cant find any pics of that!


Ok I'll PM you.. its sensitive. :P
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I don't think Dr. Jong is known for the nose jobs.. that's why? Dr. Jong's known for calf reduction, and eyelashes. Other procedures such as eyes I think he is good at too.

Now, Dr. Chuang is known for nose, breast, and bone shaving.

Dr. Jong will NOT do bone shaving. He believes it is too dangerous of a procedure to have in a clinic. He used to do it in a hospital. Also, he doesn't like the risks that come along with it... He says there are many alternative ways to reshape the face.

Personally, better to do nose with Chuang, eyes with Jong... the others, I don't really have a strong opinion on.
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Yup! Well noted!

I didnt think of doing nose with Dr Jong, till he suggested it.. and the price. LOL

Anyway, I guess at the end of the day.. its for the best. If price is slightly higher, cant complain IF its good.

Gosh I wish Dr Chuang can reply sooner. LOL he is slower in emails.... then again.. I'm not going so soon. JUST very very anxious.

In the SG forum, Jovin did her nose in Taipei also.. I might look into that doctor too. She recommended another doctor, which she was GOING to go to.. but happened to be renovating... so she went for this one.

There seems to be alot of people in that forum, speaking well of doing it in BKK, Yanhee hospital! Hmmm

But that website doesnt have ANY pics whatsoever.
I just wonder if Thai's perception of Asian beauty is the same as us.
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Keenose, don't do that. In one the posts on the Singapore forum, one of her friends told me that something bad had happened to Jovin's nose a year or two later. The doctor she went to did a closed incision. You DO NOT want this. Implant should NEVER be done by a closed incision!
I don't think (for some reason) she wanted to share her bad experience with the job with the public....

The Yanhee in Bangkok... Please don't do this either... I pm privately with some people who had gone there, and they say alar reduction is unnoticeable work there and other complaints.

If I were you, I'd try to research a whole heck of a lot about goretex and doctors who specially use this material... ask Dr. Jong what are the downfalls of goretex, etc. Also, ask him what he would change about your nose.

At this point, I really don't think anyone knows about London or else they would have responded... sorry.
In many reports, it is stated the Asian rhinoplasty is very special and requires a lot experience, skill and attention.... If you do find a good doctor in London, please make sure he has had a lot of experience with Asian noses.

You know... I never thought about this recently...but if you do get goretex, it is much harder to redo if you don't like the result... so MAKE sure the doctor that you go is good with it! But, honestly, even though it has a short history, I think it is a safe material.
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oh yea... I got my eyes done today!
wah... so swollen...haha... I'll post later when it's not so bad.

It wasn't painful at all cuz they give me a shot to make me drowzy, and I didn't even really feel the shots to the eyes, etc...
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hi, kneenose, what do you mean goretex is a permanent thing? silicone is not?
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Does anyone have Dr.Jung's email address, the Korean doctor known for nose job? so you guys besically concluded that Dr Jung is best for nose job, Dr. Jong for eye job, and Dr. Chuang for both? I received an email from Dr. Chuang. wow, I'm impressed by his English if he replied that email himself. he said I need NT70000 to do another rhinoplasty. how much is NT70000 in US dollars?
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nini... both goretex and silicone are meant for your lifetime.

Goretex is harder to remove because your bone cells bond to it. But, it is doable if you go to a specialist, but you risk mutilating the nose.

I don't like Chuang for eyes. sorry. If you go to him, make sure you tell him exactly what you want, or else, he may make them unnatural... At least I think it's unnatural.

There are money converters all over the internet. If inflation hasn't been crazy, it's about 2000 USD.
what is he doing for you for 70000 NTD?
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