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Yea I heard about the meat! This lady in a blog I was reading was talking about how much a few grams of meat cost. And she was also complaining about how the small cereal box size cost more than the big ones back in the US. What a pain. I'm definitely eating out when I go to Korea. I hate washing dishes..xD

I love spicy food so thats why I love Korean food..haha.

I don't get the whole converse thing either. I'm not really a fan. I don't own a single pair of converse. But my other Chinese girl friends own one pair at least. Hmm eclectic...you know the style in London? Where they just seem to mix and match? With weird colors and clothing? Thats eclectic. I always see HK girls who are emo/eclectic wearing something like..baggy highwater shorts with converses, a FOB tee, a bag, and some other accessories to make it a little funky. I guess eclectic can be likened to being funky, but think of it being married to mod.

Well I'm over on the east coast of the US. Maybe If I were on the West coast (where there are more Asians) I would be able to find shoes that fit me. But there are no size 5s here! Always 5 1/2 only! >.< I remember my mom used to buy a size 6 for me all the time, I had no other choice but to wear them -.-..you know how Asian parents can be..hahaha "You'll grow into them!"

Yea you know, my friends don't really believe in feng shui, but I kind of do. Just the superstitious part of me..xD What was bad about it exactly? (if you remember)

Ok! So its good to know there are at least two options now! Dream and BK. Which one..which one..>.< When are you going back to check the clinics Jas3n??

I wanna saaaavveeee mah moolah. But I dont know how to..go about doing it..0.O. Maybe another thread on another section of this forum would be more appropriate to discuss this?

And are you guys really going to meet up? It would be best to exchange emails or PMs. =]
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Haha, glad people are still clicking on those links I posted. I remember reading that post of hers! But that was probably because she had silicone (doesn't attach itself)..I want goretex (attaches itself).

Jeon Ji Hyun has so much spunk in her acting. And shes absolutely gorgeous!

Thank you. Finally someone who isn't coming in trying to tell us we're wrong blah blah. =]
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Hey everyone:

This is Jen. I'm interested in traveling to Korea for a rhinoplasty procedure some time next year (2008). When exactly is the next "nose job field trip" planned for and does anyone intend to travel in 2008? By the way, are any of you members from Texas? Please e-mail me @ [email protected] and use "ATTN:Jen from Purse Forum" as the subject so that I won't delete your message mistaking it for a business advertisement. I'm really looking forward to this and I would hate to be on my own; so please contact me if you are on the same boat.
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Hey again everyone,

I know Korea seems to be everyone's choice here but im still keen on going to China because im also going there for vacation... Is anyone considering going to china during the summer? Plez let me know :yes:
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Hey jas3n, when are you next going to korea to check out the other clinics you mentioned

( next time i visit korea however i will hopefully be able to visit the following clinics:
AT aesthetic (not sure abt the website)
Njelim (again. but dont think the doc speaks much english)
NEO aesthetic)

Im still kinda interesting in cinderella, however they dont seem like a clinic that caters for international clients. (IE the website doenst give much info in english) Cinderellas website looks impressive, however from our experiences we've learnt not to trust websites alone.

Thanks for checking it out first hand again :smile:
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about that blog that you've been talking about... yea... she did not get a good nose job, even though she says she went to a top guy, she didn't...

I saw the video with her aftershot, after 3 weeks.. it is OBVIOUS that she has had a nose job... she photoshops the hell out of everything, so it looks ok in her blog... her nose looks constantly pinched! Yikes!
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
Watch episode 8, part 3
Not a good job...
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I am from China. I would say if you would really come to China for that, just come to Shanghai, If not, maybe Hong Kong and Koread would be better choices. I knew that there even were tourist group for Chinese people just to go to Koread for this. For anyone who is coming to China, haha, welcome to Shanghai
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im confused how things work in canada and the US? when does your um..fall semester end and how long are holidays over there? here in my particular state in Oz my 2nd semester (we dont really call it winter or summer) is normally until the end of november with a small break -like 2 weeks around sept or oct.

lol my parents will hopefully pay. when i was over in korea it seemed like they would. i mean they never said anything to the contrary and my mum went with me for every single field trip i did lol. its an understanding that instead of having a lavish 21st bday ill get a nose job instead and maybe have a smaller celebration as well.

btw..good luck with the cooking..that reminds me i gotta learn to cook too :Push: now that my parents are gone
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LOl now i get the HK girl look.eclectic. lol when you said funky married to mod look i had to ask my sister..lol mod?! but now i get it..altho i still dont get what highwater shorts are.!?
if ppl are intending to meet up that would be great. ill pm my email to those who have said they want to go to korea in nov/dec..dont want to reveal my email publicly as some of my friends mite be reading and know my email by sight. im not ready to reveal my intentions to them...yet..

abt dreamclinic:
i didnt exactly like the layout and physical decor/apperance of the place. i mean to me it was better than Dr Jungs, but possibly on par with OZclinic which was nice (apart from the shocking surgery and recovery rooms),CM and Real for Men. But it wasnt as modern and beautiful as Clinic 9 or as new as Njelim.
INcidentally there was a nicer looking place than CLinic 9, it was on lvl 8 of dreamclinics bldg..this one looked like a wedding reception centre or maybe a very expensive day spa. even the clients were pretty attractive people..one stunning girl and a couple -girl and guy..unfortunately that place only did eyes otherwise i would have done some more investigation.

which reminds me
i think i gotta go for a tour at dreamclinic; as in look at the facilities if possible. i would really like anyone elses opinion (apart from my mums) on this and other clinics, just to be sure.

ill be off to korea again in june/july for 2-3 weeks. thats wen ill do some more 'research'
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Jas3n... sorry to hear about the evil influences of your sis. Why is she so against YOU getting it? oh well.. siblings will be siblings.. :P

It sounds like your mother is being more than supportive... I'm pretty sure you'll still get your wishes...besides, you're going in to also fix the deviation, so it's not completely just vanity like me.
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For those of you thinking about playing stocks to get more money.. tread carefully... I would rather invest in mutual funds (a blend of stocks) ... it definitely grows faster than savings accounts, and a lot less risky than stocks...

but a few things to watch out for.. a lot of the good ones require a minimum amount... for instance, one of mine has a $4000 entry minimum, and their are expense ratios... and you can't take them out till a certain amount of time, or else you will have to pay a fee and NEVER NEVER buy a mutual fund through a bank... they will rip you off by tacking on useless bank fees... Do it through Schwab or something... and your earnings are always taxed, unless it is in Roth... which none of you want because it's not for retirement.

But, they're worth it.. and it's not really very difficult at all.. I haven't lost money overall yet... grown A LOT! and especially some of the foreign stocks of China and India have done SUPER for me.

ok... that was a boring post... I hope it was helpful and not annoying.
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It was helpful jas3n! Well at least I'll know a little of something when I go ask my uncle about these things. Hes good with money. xD

In the US there are usually two ways to do schedules. One is trimester (which I don't think is too common) and one is semester (more common). Trimesters are a bit confusing to me as I don't have any friends who go to trimester schools. But the semester ones, they're like like, Aug/Sept to First week of December. Winter break which usually lasts around 3 weeks (more or less) And then school starts at like the middle or end of January and then summer break starts like first or second week of May.

[​IMG] < There are kinda like highwaters but maybe a little bit longer. You know how the ghetto guys wear those long denim shorts that hit the calf? Imagine that on a Asian girl. Just does not look fashionable imo.

Jas3n if you decide to PM me your email (I want to go in Dec) I'll PM you back mine.

Lol, well I have a younger brother. I'd pretty against him doing it too even though its hypocritical of me to do so. But thats because I think my brother looks good already. And any PS just wouldn't make him look better. So I guess your sister is being a little over protective of you :P

@ maskd2003: wow really?! It looked so good on her blog. I've never seen an episode of GOL (Girls Out Loud). The way she talks makes me cringe, she can be so immature sometime. Actually I did see part of an episode. It was when she got the consultation with the doc. And he made her look sooo stupid..hahaha.
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