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OMG, her nose looks terrible! It DOES look pinched and totally unnatural. I'm very surprised given how reputable Dr. Huang is in Singapore. He's suppose to be just as good as the doctors in Korea, at least from what I've read. I just hope none of us ends up looking like her.
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Hey numberlinh,

Did you do research on goretex vs. silicone? Besides goretex attaching itself, is there any other reason you would choose goretex over silicone? I wrote to Dr. Park of Ozclinic, and he told me that most Korean docs prefer silicone, and that 95% of nose implants are silicone, and only 5% are goretex. I think the choice of material is very important, and I saw the revision rhinos that Dr. Jung did on his website due to complications from silicone implants. I'm worried that IF I had to do a revision rhino, a goretex implant would be difficult to remove. I also heard that it's harder to carve into the right shape. Then, again, I don't want my nose shifting every time I bumped into something as is the case with silicone. Decisions...Decisions... :shrugs:

Like everyone else, my family thinks I look great, and thinks I'm nuts to want to do this. So, it's sooooooo important we make the right decisions on everything, or I'll never hear the end of it!
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Well I've done enough to know I want goretex. xD And I think if you want revision, it'll take a while (I'm not sure how long exactly) for it to attach itself.

Most Korean doctors prefer silicone cause its easier to use. But a more qualified surgeon can use goretex. Which reminds me..anyone know what type Dream and BK Clinic use???

The silicone noses scare me! >.<

Same here with my family. My mom is getting on me about finding a good surgeon, and then it always ends up with, "you know, you dont really need it" xD
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I wrote to Dr. Kim at BKclinic to ask what kind of implant he prefers and why. I"ll report back what he says. I guess I'm leaning towards goretex, too, so I hope he has experience using it.

I know parents are just showing their love and concern for you when they say that, but mine don't seem to understand how self-conscious I am with my nose. I do everything I can to make it look taller and sharper. I even turn my head a certain angle when taking pictures, just to make my nose look better than it really is. I haven't gone to the extreme of photoshopping my pictures like that girl's blog, but the thought has crossed my mind. Boy, do I sound vain!:rolleyes:
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Haha well I am pretty self-conscious too! Because of this I've missed out on a large portion of my teenage life. I'm just trying to reclaim my self-confidence (which I didnt have much of). This nose job is actually one of my last few steps that I'm taking in order to make me feel more completed. I want to look nice. (So that accounts for me in the past three months getting better skincare products, buying some fun makeup (shadows, liners, glosses, etc), dressing less like a schlob, and taking just overall better care of myself.

I don't think I would ever photoshop my picture. I don't dislike my nose to the point where I wont take pictures but I do admit, I'd probably be taking a lot more if I had a nicer nose.. :sweatdrop:

Vanity..well I could care less if someone thinks I'm vain! At least I'm not narcissistic! :P

I keep watching that clip over and over again. It really really looks so much better with the bandages on.
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The way that I see it: The major differences
Goretex- not as hard
holds on to your nose (fuses)
does not change shape over time.
harder to do a revision on
needs more skill to perfect

silicon- has a chance of changing shape over time
easier to do revision on
hard feel

If it's done right, goretex is WAY better, but you need a GOOD doctor. I read some of the previous posts for BK. they do use goretex.
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I had a sillicone implant inserted before a few years back and had it replaced with goretex last year. Have to say that I prefer gortex more. The sillicone gives a shiny effect on the nose bridge and when you touch your nose, it feels like wood (hard). :Push:
I had my last rhino done by Dr.Jung. And I'm really satisfied with the result. He shaped the implant to look like a natural nose. Wider from top then gets less wide towards the middle and wider at the bottom. He also did lengthened my tip using my ear cartilage and it's beautifully shaped :smile: I saw many results of his surgery when I was at the clinic, and most of the noses he made have that curvy side profile bridge that makes a woman look more feminine. :love:
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Hi ReenChan!

Thanks for sharing your experience. Now, I'm convinced I want goretex. Did you consider any other surgeons besides Dr. Jung? Specifically, did you consider Dr. Kim of BKclinic or Dr. Park of Dreamclinic? They are the current favorites so far in this thread, so if you have any info on either of them or anyone else that you would recommend, that would be very much appreciated!;)
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I cosidered going to BK clinic before. Both doctors have done many surgeries and equally experienced but dr.jung is more specialized in nose surgery. Dr.kim might be better at other types of PS (eyes, jaws, etc).
Just want to share my opinion. A new modern looking PS clinic doesn't guarantee you a good result. And a qualified famous doctor doesn't mean his creation will turn out good. One example is dr.Martin huang from sg. As a doctor, he's a very intelligent and highly-skilled.. but i saw many of his patients and the results is very disappointing. Another example is from my own experience. My 1st rhino i had in Japan. I had 2 clinics to choose from. One is a very famous doctor in Japan and the clinic is new, modern looking and high tech. the other doesn't have all those. I choose the first and the result is very disappointing. The doctor did it so fast (he was in a rush to go to a meeting) The sillicone implant he shaped has a bump! (so it looks like a had a hump on the bridge of my nose). A friend of mine had it done at the latter clinic, and the result is much better! So my advice is that it's very important that you see real results of the doctor's works. Find out who has done PS by him and ask for pic or meet the person. That's what I did before going to Dr.Jung.
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hi guys.. went thru abit on this thread, realised that only very little ppls mentioned about taiwan.. may i know why? cos i had my nose job done in taiwan a yr ago, and they are really experience, but i need to go back again cos i wan to change to gortex instead of silicone which i having it now.. :P
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hey jedi
im considering doing it there and not really anywhere else for a few reasons:
1. parents live in seoul so i have a place to stay + financial support + their TLC lol
2. sth korea known for PS -esp nose and eye jobs
3. cost -probably cheaper than australia on the whole
4. some experienced and good results from a few surgeons. australian PS i dont know a whole lot about..yet
what made you have your nose job done in taiwan? and apart from the experience of drs do you think there are some advantages of doing it there rather than korea?

and a quick reply:
my sister is kinda against it all cos she think it will change me for the worse even if the result was good :shrugs: dont know how she came up with that conclusion! :s..i mean she said i dont look to bad already, and if i may say so i dont think im too bad looking either ;)..but i dont think PS would make me look worse unless the surgeon did a bad job or if he tried too hard and it ended up looking obviously operated on.
honestly i just wish if she was a bit more supportive like my mum.
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