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Revisional double eyelids surgery

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Hi ! How is going now? Is good with your surgery? Did u choose MVP?
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Yeah I got it done at MVP. I’m not sure how I feel, tbh. A big reason why I went with MVP (aside from positive reviews online) is because the consultation went well; I really liked the girl who chatted with me about logistical stuff (and who would be my surgery consultant/buddy of sorts), and I thought Dr. Seo seemed to know what he was talking about, in a comfortingingly paternal sort of way. I had gotten a consultation at Teuim, but I didn’t want to get epi, purely because I rub my inner corners a lot as they’re dry and get watery frequently, so I figured epi would aggravate that. Dr. Kwon refused to do Inc DES without epi (though non-inc without epi was ok), but I wanted to get inc as I’d read that non-inc tends to loosen after a couple years. Also, the manager (?) who’s in charge of scheduling and pricing is a ****. She had this small, smug, condescending smile the whole time I was talking, and ****-talked my eyes and other clinics in that subtle but obvious way: “Yes, your eyes definitely need something done before you get even older”, “isn’t MVP a nose place?” (Haha, that last comment made me think of the girl with the desinkorea blog who also got that response from the same manager—it must be the manager’s go-to response). I was quoted 1.5 mill KRW for non inc; 2.5 mill + 1.32 mill for inc DES and epi, respectively. She offered 10% off if I booked that day. Anyway, I left with a somewhat disgusted feeling about the whole thing.

I had about an hour and a half to kill before my MVP consult, so I went to get a haircut at Juno hair near Kyobo book store. The stylists there told me about another PS right next door (in the same building as my eyebrow microblading place, actually) called Coanmi; one of them had gotten her eyes and nose done there. They both looked really good, so I went for a consult after my cut. The doctor said I should do non inc with non inc ptosis correction. He sounded so convincing that I was ready to just do it there; plus, the lady was super friendly and nice. My only hesitation was the whole non inc thing, but he explained that my problem was lack of fat in my eyes (and the ptosis), which some fat grafting would help. Anyway, I was quoted 870,000 for non inc + ptosis correction, which sounded great (the hair stylist had gotten non inc, and her eyes looked great).

I then went to MVP but they had scheduled me with a different surgeon instead of Dr. Seo, who was in surgery. I chose to wait about 40 min to consult with him. The waiting lounge seems very golden (it’s the lighting, but that’s the overall impression I keep getting). There are these adorable sheep chair cushions on the couches that I want to steal or buy. Anyway, the lady (jisun) was super cool: I expressed my misgivings about having surgery soon when I drink every day, and she said that she drank the night before hers lol. She said there’s nothing to be done about the past, just stop now (as in a day before, in my case). The doctor told me that inc would be best for me because I have a lot of extra skin that’s pushing my crease down; also if I did non-inc, I wouldn’t not be able to do it on my left eye unless I wanted a super high crease (which I don’t). So I decided to get it done with him at MVP and got the last slot before Chinese New Year (10 am on the past 9th).

I got a lot of texts and a couple phone calls from MVP on Thursday (the day before the surgery), mostly confirmation and last minute warnings about food and what to bring, etc. My consultant lady called to say she wouldn’t be there with me because of something, but that she’d see me for my aftercare on Saturday.

On Friday morning, I cabbed to the place and had to hunt around for a way in (apparently there’s an elevator entrance to the left side of their “show” door. They gave me hospital pajamas to change into (nothing underneath, except the provided disposable panties which were surprisingly comfy). Then the doc measured and marked my eyes with a pen (this took a while). After, the substitute consultant lady (I didn’t like her as much) took me to the 3rd floor to my OR, where a nurse attached an IV to my arm (this was super painful and possible the worst part. It felt like someone had inserted a thick rod in my arm and the pain and knowledge of it stay until the very end when it’s taken out). The doctor came in and drew more dots on my eyes, then got started. He makes it clear when something is not supposed to hurt, when medication will be given, etc.

I was looking forward to the ketamine, but the trip seemed disappointing compared to my first experience 13 years ago (that one was like a psychedelic roller coaster). It was still cool, with crazy colors and stuff. My LA kept running out though (I knew this would happen—my body metabolizes pain meds fast, plus I’m a smoker), so I had to get LA injected in my eyelids two times, which was painful AF. The last time when the doc asked if anything hurt, I was like yeah but the LA hurts too, possibly more! He gave me some anyway, though I think he did little pricks instead of a long injection (it’s what it felt like to me, at least... less painful that way). I believe my surgery took about an hour (10:15-11:15?), after which they had me go to a recovery room where I had an IV vitamin drip and an ice pack. I had to pee really badly so I think I ended the drip a tiny bit early (there was a healthy meniscus of the dregs, according to my bf, who was sitting in the room next to me...I’m blind without my contacts/glasses...I didn’t even realize there was a bag connected to me). Then I stopped by the downstairs pharmacy, got meds, got some tang quei (aka dong quay) as they didn’t have oral arnica except in some 148,000 won care package. Also got some vitamin vapes (I didn’t even know such things existed; they taste great btw and kinda help with my smoke cravings).

I’m pretty sure my eyes are the most swollen out of everyone ever (the nurses were like, yeah you’re really swollen...no hesitation or sugarcoating -.-). I read about how MVP was supposed to give hobakjuk so I kept asking for mine, lol. They gave me some hobak jub (? 호박즙), which is NOT juk...maybe some sort of juice or tea? Apparently they don’t give it out to eye patients but they gave me a baggie plus an extra pair of ice eye packs (I asked for them as well). Btw, I got all of this today when I went in for my aftercare thing: cleaning of the stitches (that stung), some ice pack time (the pack is so cold! It actually hurts after a few seconds of touching any part of my skin. I feel like that can’t be too good for the skin, as you can get frostbite from ice packs), and the iv vitamin drip. I was actually pretty pissed today because my appointment was at 12:30; It was packed when I got there, and I ended up waiting until 2:30 for my ten minute aftercare. I had even called to see if I could come in later cuz I wanted more time to eat my lunch, but they were like, “We’re packed after 1 pm.” So I end up going on time but waiting for TWO hours with my glasses hurting my nose and ears...ugh. The next time I go back will be Wednesday when I get my stitches out, then I’ll see the doc another week later.

I’ve been eating so much food cuz I’m bored and craving cigarettes and alcohol, bleh. Mostly vegan food from Plant (I’m totally a meater, but Plant is super good and healthy feeling), pineapple and other fruits from All Fresh, and (though I know I should stay away from salty and spicy, I can’t resist Turkish lamb and rice from Troy ^^). I want to eat salmon but I dunno if salmon is good or not—I keep seeing mixed reviews. Anyone have a legit comprehensive list of foods and effects for after DES? A lot of stuff online seems contradictory.
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I just realized that post was huge. I wrote most of it while waiting in the lounge (for two hours -.-) today. Wanted to add that aside from the swelling and bruising, my stitches seem neat and symmetrical, but nothing is certain til after they come out and heal a bit. Tbh, my pre op eyes were so saggy and loose—my right eye was basically completely loose from inner to middle...I would have to place a finger there to pop my eye into the crease temporarily (it would disappear once I relaxed my eye/blinked). That huge asymmetry is the only reason why I decided to get my eyes done (otherwise I would normally not bother and get a new MacBook instead ^^). Anyway, I got inc DES and ptosis correction for 2.5. If everything heals well, I’d definitely recommend MVP. There are def a lot of foreigners and Koreans there (I’m assuming the Koreans—at least some of them—are locals. There are def loads of foreigners...they are super hot).
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I gonna do my eyes DES and epi but i am still considered between The LINE clinic and MVP. I don't have too much time and my schedule is litle bit tight . So The LINE ask me for 500$ deposit if i wanna do my consulation and operation at the same day. I wonder if MVP does the same. But i can not find too much about THE LINE reviews about eyes and MVP are great after all reviews i have read.
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I wasn’t charged anything for a consultation (though I think I saw a 10,000 won consult sign by reception when I went in on Saturday). I put down a 250,000 won deposit after I decided to do my surgery there. Also, what’s weird is they said they’d charge me 2.75 (2.5 plus VAT?), but in the end I paid 2.5 total (including the 250 deposit). So ^^.
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Ruby: when are you planning to come here and get your DES? If it’s after Chinese New Year, I don’t think you should have much trouble having consultation and surgery the same day. In fact, MVP offered that as an option when I realized they had scheduled a consult with a different doctor and Dr Seo was in surgery, if I didn’t want to wait an hour for him to come out. However, I was reluctant to schedule surgery without doing the consult first, so I chose to wait for the doc.

Also, I remember emailing pics to The Line last fall and getting what I thought was a ridiculous price quote (4 mill / ~$4000), though nowhere near as ridiculous as what Grand offered (~5-6 mill). Then I read about how certain PS were blacklisted (Grand def, dunno about the line), so I decided to try asking korean friends/go to places in person after more research.
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It doesn’t even look swollen or bruised! Did you get inc DES only? And where did you go? I’m guessing you’re probably fairly young and in good health for such good recovery -.-
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Hi Mazikin , i did my primary cutting incision double eyelid 10 years ago as it leave deep scar and fat on my upper eyelid so i tell doctor Shin did revision for me , he took the fat and cut new cut on my upper eyelid,im 30 yrs and after he cut i just eating fruits,some pork and rice even dr say can eat anything .As the website is (shinseung.com )not show map in english so the reception of the holtel write it down for me , sorry my english is limit
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Yeah I’m 31 y/o (32 korean age), but I’ve been smoking for over 13 years (like 2-3 packs a day) and drinking every day for the past few years. I stopped drinking a day before my surgery (smoking about 12 hours before); I didn’t realize it was that big a deal, bleh. My original crease was also scarred; doc said my lids were thin, not enough fat :-/.

Definitely a good idea to do research and quit these things beforehand. Smoking really messes things up. And apparently contact lens affect your double lids as well! Gah.

Anyway, your eyes look great~ may I ask around how much?
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Oh ... smoking will take longer to heal and scars are bigger i think ..so good to quit before you do ..
Diffrent yours is ..my upper eyelid are lots of fat and skin so doctor did take some out ..
Thank you for compliment ..it 4500000 kr
I hope you quit smoke and your eyes look Impeccable
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I didn't get DES at MVP but I felt their DES work seems good from the patients I seen there waiting. Consulted Dr. Seo on DES revision but he felt he couldn't improve my eyes. Anyways, am not nitpicking but felt MVP's scheduling was very poor! I felt I wasted so much time going for the 10-20 min followups so you're not the only one. Maybe its better during non-peak season. Just had to post when I saw you experienced the same thing.

What are those vitamin vapes btw? I'm a heavy smoker too and love my glass of wine too... felt cravings all the time.
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