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Asian Nose Job 3

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I've booked to see Dr Suh for my rhinoplasty too. Does he speak good English? Glad you say he seems very honest. The nurse that I've been corresponding with says he's the best in Asia (even I work in sales and not sure I'd go that far!)
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Yes, he speaks good English. Do you know the name of the nurse who talked to you?
When I contacted JW the first time I also got an email saying that Dr. Suh is the best Rhinoplasty surgeon in Asia and very famous in Korea !?!
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Hey, it's going ok... I find it hard to smile in this early post-op prediod (more than 3 weeks after the surgery) due to the numb nose tip. Feel like after the surgery my upper lip has changed a bit (looks much thinner than it was). I don't know if this would be a permanent change or just temporaly due to my nose tip swelling. If it become a permanently look then I'm afraid I might need a Botox or something to fatten my upper lip up.

My eyes looks nicer than before the surgery and I don't need to use the double eyelid tape anymore but it's still asymmetric. Hopefully, it's just the swelling. The part where I got epicanthoplasty seems to recovery slow, it's still red and swollen. The eyelids are recovering well, looks much less swollen than a week ago.

My nose is not doing so good since I feel the bump is getting more visible since the swollen decrease. Because of that bump my nose looks a bit crooked if it's under the yellow light or some certain lights. I read on myself about some similar cases as mine most of the doctors says patient should wait at least 3 to 6 months to make any critical judgment on the result so I still put my hope on that...

I've recalled Wonjin and Grand's doctors said my nose needs a small silicon implant because it might not look straight without an implant under a certain kind of lights , f.ex. yellow lights, camera flashes. But both Dr.Jung and Dr. Suh said I don't need any implant...
I don't know how my nose will turn out later on but at this stage of recovery right now I think Wonjin and Grand's doctors got their comments right... eventhough I don't like artificial implant materials so much.

Will Try to update my nose & eyes pictures later when I'm back from vacation on coming Monday.
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I had a tip plasty, hump reduction and osteotomy. Check my posts if u want... u might get some ideas about the hump reduction with/without implant.
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anyone doing rhinoplasty in NYC??? to be specific, i need help on which surgeon to go, to get a Alarplasty (alar-base-reduction) for an Asian noses. Help please. would appreciate any information.
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hey i also live in nyc and looking for a dr too. It is prob better to go with a doctor that does nose all day and specialize in it, it is the center of your face so its really important to find a good one. Please let me know if you want to buddy up and search for a good one together!
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im not sure, but its scary that there's no real person reviews on dr wang, in this bigggg blog at least
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hey, I am from NYC! which doctor did you go to? Do you mind sharing photos? [email protected]. hope you are happy with the results!
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i have the same problem you got =x
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yes i want perfection... need the perfect rhinoplasty doctor
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of course... two people researching better than doing it alone =)
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