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Asian Nose Job 3

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Have a speedy recovery! Please do share you pictures. I've read mixed reviews about BK, but I'm definitely excited to visit them personally when I save enough money.
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I think Goretex used to be popular a couple years back because it was moldable and porous, but according to the consult I had with Dr. Shinji Lee in NYC, she stopped using Goretex because she realized that the infection rates were higher with any kind of injectables in the future, such as Botox.
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I've been kind of lurking for a while and wanted to kind of share my experience so far to give back to this community and anyone who is thinking about getting a nose job!

I live in NYC and thought about getting my primary rhinoplasty in Korea or Taiwan, but ultimately because of post-care, I decided to stay within the states. Price wasn't an issue for me, and I was looking for a raised bridge, a more defined tip and less nostril flare. These are the plastic surgeons I saw, and my experiences with them...

A little info about me: Female in early 30s, low asian nose bridge with slightly flat and bulbous tip seeking primary rhinoplasty. It's OK, not terrible. My alars are slightly flared and I am also considering alarplasty but from consults so far, it seems my nose flare will be reduced once an implant is in. (Anyone able to confirm this???)

Edmund Kwan
The consultation with him was short and my very first. About less than 10 mins, and all the reviews are right--he is curt. I spent most of the time talking to his office manager. I wasn't able to see any of his other work beyond the ones on his website, and those nose jobs were the ones that lured me in to go see him. But with all his horror stories, none of it has anything bad to say about his rhinoplasties. Second consultations with him are $250 and it goes toward the surgery.
His recommendation: Open rhino, 3mm silastic (pretty sure it's just silicone) bridge, and septal cartilage for nose tip
Price: $5000
Conclusion: Originally I was considering a 2nd consult since I really liked his B&A pics and he didn't have to open a hole in my ear for my tip. For me, a doctor doesn't have to have great bedside manner--he just needs to have skill... and he better listens to what I want. But ultimately I didn't like his slimey office manager and spoke to someone online who had their eyes done with him, gave him positive reviews. But she said she didn't feel comfortable with him, and he didn't explain all the risks. In hindsight, she would have picked another doctor. That sealed it for me--Dr. Kwan was out of the running.

John Kang
His office manager says he's well booked, and Dr. Kang seems to be a nice person. However he kept talking about how I should be asking about his aesthetics rather than the practical questions (like what material he would be using), and he wasn't able to tell, draw, clarify, or use hand signals to tell me what my surgery post-op would most closely resemble. His nose jobs seem very conservative from his portfolio, and he's all about natural. He did state something interesting and I'm not sure if it's true... according to Dr. Kang, cartilage harvested from the ear has a natural curve, which makes it ideal for a slightly upturned nose tip. He also put a pen in my nose (INSIDE A NOSTRIL!!!) and then started using the pen on a girlfriend who came along with me on the consult. He did, however, have a very opulent office.
His recommendation: Closed rhino, 3mm (maybe, if it had to be quantified by him) silicone bridge, ear cartilage for tip and make my nose 10% bigger to proportion out my cheekbones.
Price: $4000+ and negotiable according to his office manager. He recommended no alarplasty because he felt the skin from the sides would be pulled up by the tiplasty.
Conclusion: I think his work is conservative and he only has an office in Flushing. I do have pretty high cheekbones ^^;; but I definitely don't want my nose bigger--maybe he used the wrong choice of words vs higher. I imagine anyone who was really successful and great at what they did would have an office in Manhattan too. (I'm not trying to be elitist here--I used to live in Flushing!)

Eric Choe (Chae-In)
He's an amazing consultant. He's incredibly patient in a sea of quantity over quality doctors and my consult with him lasted over 30 mins. Dr. Choe explained and went into depth about the procedures, and also stopped me at the very end before I ended the meeting to tell me about the risks of surgery--the only doctor to do so. His office manager runs a tight ship and he only does surgery two days out of the week (which slightly worries me). In addition, Dr. Choe has a ton of good reviews online for his eyelid surgeries but none on nose jobs. I have to be honest, I didn't love his portfolio... but his staff assured me the best ones weren't in there because of privacy reasons, which I believe.
His recommendation: Open rhino, 3-4mm (if he had to give a number) silicone bridge, and mentioned I would be a candidate for alarplasty when I mentioned it.
Price: $5300 and $500 non-refundable deposit for surgery date
Conclusion: I really, really liked him and he was completely booked for the next 2 months when I initially consulted with him. He also mentioned he would refuse to operate on my eyes if I asked him to, he thought they were perfect.

Steve Lee
He shares his office in Flushing and doesn't have an office manager, just a receptionist which is a little surprising. The pictures he showed me were also of someone who was black--not asian. Dr. Lee spent his time consulting with me, and showed me something interesting. He uses these BLUE pre-molded silicone implants, while most of the other surgeons I consulted would carve or customize one on the spot.
His recommendation: Open rhino, 3mm BLUE! pre-molded silicone bridge, ear cartiledge for tiplasty, and optional alarplasty.
Price: $9,750
Conclusion: He was the MOST expensive out of the bunch, and split all the aspects of a rhinoplasty into extra prices. I kind of think a rhinoplasty should include a bridge, tiplasty and alarplasty--it's not like cutting the side of your nose is that much more of an extra step... I think he charged $2,000 extra for an alarplasty. I also know ethnic noses share certain attributes, but I would feel more comfortable with a plastic surgeon who was more familiar with asians.

Shinji Lee
Gorgeous office and Dr. Lee performs surgery with her husband, who is white. I guess she takes care of the asian patients while her husband takes care of the white ones, but it did seem kind of nice to have two doctors' perspective at the same time. While waiting for my consult with Dr. Shinji Lee, I actually met another girl who had rhinoplasty done with her. She was Chinese, and it was a week post-op. I got a look at when the cast got taken off, and her nose looked pretty--even though it was still pretty swollen. Altho I have no idea what her nose looked like previous to that. Dr. Lee was honest and while wasn't the most friendly but I liked her. She shared some interesting info about Goretex having a higher infection rate than silicone for future injectables. However, she didn't have a B&A portfolio at all and wasn't very specific the procedure.
Recommendation: Open rhino, no height info given silicone bridge, ear cartilage for tiplasty and she said NO to alarplasty
Price: $5,000
Conclusion: Apparently she's really well known in the korean community (according to korean friends & moms), and I've been told she does terrible work. (I didn't know this before the consult.) Korean-friend says Dr. Lee has ruined her rep in the korean community and is now heavily advertising to chinese people. Her own eyes and her office manager's bad eyelid surgery did nothing to convince me otherwise... sorry, sounds judge-y but true. Her office manager did love me and offered me a discount. I thought about going with Dr. Lee since I was able to see her work in person, but the Chinese girl never got back to me for a coffee date to show me her non-swollen results. :sad:


After all these consults, some time had passed and I decided to wait and go with Dr. Eric Choe since I felt more comfortable with his post-op care. It also was nice that he listened since many doctors don't--I've had terrible medical experiences before with doctors who refuse to listen. I still have a few concerns since I don't know anyone who's had rhinoplasty with him, but I'm hoping for positive results.

I'm booked to do my rhinoplasty with him within the next month and I hope this post has helped anyone who is looking to do their rhinoplasty within the United States.

I hope to share the experiences of my results post-op in the near future too--wish me luck!
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Hey i cant seem to find ur id either :/

Im in highland hotel not had surgery yet, on tues or monday!
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Weird! What is your email? I'll message you there.
Not sure where your hotel is in relation to mine but Im at the Ritz @ 602 Yeoksam-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul

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but why compare goretex to injectables(botox)?
when people get nose jobs, they usually use an implant. a
maybe goretex has a higher infection rate than injected silicone (i'd want to see controlled medical studies about it before :P), but it still seems to have a lower infection rate than silicone implants.
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Indeed. I wonder if pumpkin pie will be as effective. Hmmmm? After a grueling procedure, shouldn't we ladies have our cheat day now? lol.
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Good day everyone!

I have been reading this forum for a month now and I have some questions if you don't mind.

I will be going to Seoul for double eyelid and silicone rhinoplasty + nasal tip-plasty during April. I have corresponded with over 15 clinics and decided on Grand Plastic Surgery in the end.

I actually wanted to have epicanthoplasty as well but Dr Son Jiwon from Grand told me that it's unnecessary since I don't have much mongolian folds. I read that nose augmentation using silicone implants will reduce the radix as well. Either way, If I decide that I need it in the future then I can always go back for it. Planning to go for face contouring next year.

My question is, did anyone here go to Grand for rhinoplasty? So far, I have found a post about their natural adhesion double eyelid, which is the one they recommended for me as well. It was satisfactory so I am not too worried about that procedure. Unfortunately, I can't find anything much details about reviews/experiences at Grand Plastic Surgery. I would like to read more about experiences at Grand Plastic Surgery and maybe see some B&A photos of noses. Just share anything about Grand and I will appreciate it very much. It's rumoured that they have a high rate of being sued as well so I would like additional information regarding that matter as well.

Thank you for taking the time to read my comment. Have a nice day!
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It's not that Botox + Goretex = Infection go exclusively together, but it's the idea that if someone was open to the idea of rhinoplasty with implant, chances are more likely they'll get Botox in the future for whatever reason whether it's for wrinkles, a taller tip, etc. (Sorry if that was confusing.)

Based on Dr. Lee's experiences, she felt that the rates of infection were much higher with people who had Goretex implants vs silicone when it came to using any kind of injectables on a future date (such as Botox). Infection with rhinoplasty implant doesn't just always happen right after the surgery, there's always a risk it could happen months or years down the line is what I understood.
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DO NOT DO YOUR NOSE!!! I want to save some of you on here, if you are willing to listen. I've done mine twice already, second time in Korea. It makes very little difference and will always look fake. Just look at the b&a pictures on any of their websites, do you think there's a dramatic difference? That's some of their best works too. Korea has changed their methods, they used to do dramatic noses but has encountered many complications so they are now very conservative. The only plastic surgery I would recommend doing is eyelid surgery, as it has potential to change the way you look for the better if done by experience surgeon.

When you encountered a different time in your life and as a result suffer from self-esteem issues, plastic surgery is NOT the solution. It will only give you more emotional distress in the long run. Move on from it some other way. This is speaking from experience!!!
Ask me any questions, I'm willing to help.
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What a champ. Keep us posted now! I am eager to read about your experience.

Good luck!:smile:
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