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Asian Nose Job 3

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Hiya noitsyou. I've seen a bunch of comments on this particular doctor in this thread, and the older Asian Rhino thread (a couple of tpf-ers got rhino from him, and made long comments). You can do a search within the threads by keywords to find more info, hope that helps!
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Thanks, that's actually where I found the links (around 2009-2010). However, only two posters have been to him and they both have very little posts, mostly about how wonderful he is. The other poster, Taeyeon, only talks about the doctor but probably never went because she stopped posting.
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What's an irradiated implant? Google is not helping me out here--the results are mostly jaw related...

Also, even with ultra soft silicone implants, don't you still have the risk of deviation... forever?
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irradiated is donor cartilage.

Any implant poses a risk of deviation because even autologous cartilage are still foreign objects which do not belong in the implanted region. There's no sure fire way to guarantee deviation to not occur. But again with autoglous the risk is lower because it does not have the leathery pocket formation which artificial implants have. Im not sure about irradiated tho. Anyway the most important thing when it comes to deviation is not so much the implant type but rather the placement method. When placed above the bone under the periostieum, the leathery pocket formation only occurs at the top and not the bottom. And the periostieum also acts as a seal to firmly hold the implant in place. Some surgeons will also double up and additionally create a pocket just above the bridge to wedge the top part of the implant into the pocket. Thus when placement technique is done in such a manner, the implant is firmly held together by 2 seals.
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Thanks Zoey for the compliments.
I love where I am now, but there's still a few things on my plastic surgery list that I would like to do (V-line, zygoma, breast augmentation? - eh, maybe).

As Kim had said earlier, I got my procedure done at VIP Clinic with Dr. Lee. I have never been more happier with my decision. He did such an amazing job with what I had - the service was top notch and all the nurses were so kind. I know people will always say, love yourself on the inside but you know what? This procedure made me happier and I had such a huge boost to my self-esteem. Go do something that makes YOU happy. ;)

Btw, I have a mildly recent review about VIP here.

Hi Kim! :hugs:

How are you girlie?
As you can see, I am unfortunately trying to be active in the forums again..
I think I've been bitten by the plastic surgery bug again and want to go in for a v-line procedure, I've already contacted VIP and Item Clinic but I still have a lot of research to do before I book tickets (not anytime soon!)

If it's around the same time frame, we should totally meet up again. Remember that time we went out for 호박죽 with our masks on? Such a scene! I can't believe we just blended on the streets like we were normal.
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Hi everyone. I'm at the Incheon airport waiting for my flight to go back to my country, and I thought of writing about my Rhinoplasty!

I know I said that I was going to do it in a few months time, but I can't help it! I cannot wait the hassle of applying visa, arranging extra day off etc etc. so I thought, since I'm allowed to stay 90 days here, why the heck not?

This is my 11 Days Post-Op ( surgery is counted as Day 1). I had I Silicon implant and ear cartilage for the tip. At the moment I won't divulge the name of the clinic, but its located at Apgujeong.

I chose the clinic because:

I saw a blogger did it and I super lover her nose. It has got that nice curve and a defined and pointy tip. Pointy but not pinched like barbie. Her's look natural to me.

I am actually talking to the doctor as opposed to the "marketing" or whatever their position is called. I don't like that because, how would you know whats best for my nose? And really? Do you know the anatomy of the nose. Because you have seen lots of noses and eyes, that makes your "recommendations" credible? Im just scared that when the actual surgery comes and I talk to the doctor, he would suggest something differently that I might not agree.

The day during my surgery I was told to fast for 4 hours prior to the surgery. They put me to sleep through IV near my wrist. It didn't hurt at all compared to the sedation that was injected. BOY THAT HURT A LOT. It was like a really bad case of muscle cramp.

The surgery went for about 1,5 hours. I think about 30 mins? I start to wake up. I think it is bull**** when they say you "might" wake up during surgery. I think you will wake up! I suppose they just give just enough to make you sleep when they inject the LA around your nose.

So, during the surgery I can actually feel the doctor "cutting" or doing something to my nose! Scary and a bit "eew" but really there was NO PAIN. AMAZING stuff they inject to your nose. I actually told my friend that the nose and the ear sounds really crunchy! Har har!

I will post my healing experience after!

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HOW ARE YOU!??! I became active again after I made the decision to go back for rhino. Since you got into Korea earlier than me, you never got to see my nose... But it's changed since then. My nose looks EXACTLY like it was before surgery :sad:
So I decided to do eyes, nose and fat graft... haha so many things D: I already booked my ticket for December. When are you thinking of going back?

And dude. We totally stood out. When we were eating pumpkin soup at that corner soup place, the server was totally staring at us like we were freaks. Hahaha. I felt so awkward. And you couldn't walk very well cause of your rib graft... remember? OMG. Those were some crazy times. and here we are thinking about going back.. D:
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Hey kkim, I'm also interested in knowing how your nose went back to how it used to be? I'm actually leaning towards going to the clinic you did to get a nose job, but there's really no point if my nose returns to how it is now!

Although, from what I've read, you only had tip plasty using cartilage graft? I'm thinking it dissolved or something? I've heard stories of other people going to that clinic as well and their nose comes out so natural that it looks like they had no work done/looks exactly the same...but it does make me feel comfortable that they offered a free revision as well as the other people that are going through the same thing...still though :/

I am still leaning towards the same clinic though since I'm wanting a different procedure. My nose is actually really tall and weird like a parrots beak so I want it rasped down with absolutely no implants or even cartilage grafts. Of course, I don't know if this will work for me until I actually have a face-to-face consultation with them but if they really recommend either of those two, I'll just stick to having eye surgery there. I'm thinking that there's just no way my nose can go back to how it is now if I get this procedure done :s
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Hi! Me again writing about my after surgery experience.

So, right after surgery I looked pretty good actually! Har har. Not much swelling and what's amazing is that I don't feel like there was something lodged up my nose. No pressure no anything. So that's good. And I also didn't feel like vomiting or anything.

I actually went out the next day because there was no pain at all. Although my ear rings sometimes and it is a bit uncomfortable. Also there was a slight nose bleed (kind of like "spotting") in my right nostril just at 2nd day Post-Op. Other than that, I feel fine.

My face started to swell at around 3rd day. And it wasn't until they took the cast off (6th day) that I saw how badly my face was swollen. My face looks so horrible. It looked fat. The worst was my nose. I just can't believe how short and fat it looked! But thank god I've read this forum and I know that it was due to the swelling.

So yes, the swelling spreads to around the eye area. You know the spaces between your eyes? Yup. That area was really swollen. I look like a blob fish/elephant trunk on my face. I remembered thinking, ****, I should not have told the doctor that I wanted my radix (space between the eyes) to look a bit higher. Also, my nostrils and columella looked so uneven and if I looked at it from underneath, it makes my nose look off center.

Anyways, I told myself to stay calm and positive and to remember that it is all the swelling. And guess what. I am right!

From day 7 till today, the swelling have decreased significantly! Now my nose (nostril and columella look normal. The radix have slimmed a lot, but still swollen. I don't look like an elephant anymore) looks better. I know that there will be swelling remaining, but I don't think anyone will notice that I have had rhinoplasty unless I told them so.

Still there has been no pain from the nose (or the ears, except when I hit my ears when I was asleep, that hurt). My nose twitches sometimes, but I think it is okay and good. It is really hard for me to yawn. Or cough. (Doctor says its okay). But I prefer not to over stretch or "move" my nose too much.

So yes, suppressing yawns have been really hard. My nostril doesn't feel as stiff as it did on the 6th day, but I still cannot (and don't want to) pinch them together. Around the radix area I feel that it is quite hard. I am not sure it its hard because it is swollen or if it is the implant. The tip, I would say, "medium well". Har har.

Recovery hasn't been a *****, but taking out the sutures is. Its a bit painful (for me). Removal of the sutures on the backside of my ear wasn't painful at all.

This is what I did to help speed up de swelling:
* Sleep elevated but keep head straight. No sleeping on sides.
*Cold compress from day 1 to day 5
*Warm compress from day 6
*Pineapple juice minimal once a day
*Reduce salty foods

This is my prep for surgery:
* Q tips. To apply the ointment inside of your nose. And to clean "leaking" fluids from my nose.
* Disposable mask. Sure they gave me 2, but I don't like to re use my mask over and over
* Baby wipes. I wash my face with soap since day 1 Post-op. I wet the wipes and clean my face with it. And after, I will use it as my warm compress around the cheek and forehead area. I also place the compress near my radix (around my eyes) to help de-swell.
* Acne/Pimple gel. I have a nasty pimple on my chin due to me wearing the mask. I think it is due to the fact that it is very hot (weather), oily (skin) and moist (breath) because I have been using the mask.
*Oil paper. To bolt off oil from nose and face. My nose is super oily and although I can wash it with soap, I cannot give it a good and proper "rub". So I make sure I get most of the oil off the nose and face before I wash them.

I made the mistake of eating Tom Yum Pho day 2 Post-Op. My nose became like a leaking tap. And I can neither blow or sniff my nose, so it was really awkward for me to continue wiping my nose in the restaurant. So, no spicy food. And, I kept my food to something easy to eat. I could only open a small "o" due to the swelling. So I ate noodles (I slurped them), soup, porridge, and small pieces of bread. It was only until day 9 I am able to open my mouth wider. That include smiles too. I can only manage a small and tight smile.

Yup! Hope this helps :smile:
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@Moody, @Koreasaurus

I don't know how it's possible. It could be that the procedures that were done to my nose were too minor to actually show a visible difference in my appearance after all the swelling subsided.

When I went back for check up in 2013, I was told it could be because of a lot of scar tissue formed in the traumatized areas.

Or it could be the suture that's supposed to pull together my nose has become undone. I suspect this because when I pinch my nose I can hear the cartilage rub against each other, stick for a moment and then unstick--meaning there's a gap between the strut they made with my septal cartilage and the alar cartilage that forms my nostrils. :/

After I get my revision done, I'll ask the surgeon what was wrong and let y'all know. :smile:
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It's awesome your surgery turned out well! I hope you become even more satisfied with your results once all the swelling goes down! :biggrin:
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Thanks kkim (:! I'm looking forward to hearing about your second journey and hope it'll work out this time around!

Have you decided on which clinic to go to yet? I know you were debating on a few...you're going in December right? You still have a good amount of time!
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I'm in the same boat as you, kkim! I'd like to stick to autologous materials for my bridge, but rib would be too high (and too invasive) for me.

I'm considering diced cartilage, dermis graft (or auto dermis?), and possibly even ear cartilage for the bridge.

Let's keep each other posted on how research goes!
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