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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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I got the computer simulation too. It was ok although I wish the nose is a bit smaller though...lolx. It is really photoshopped pic and the consultant doing it probably didn't refine it better..But I won't be going BK though. :smile:

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I did a lot of research on it and they said any "monetary instruments" (ie, cash, checks, traveler's check's etc.) over 10,000 USD will have to be reported to customs or it will be confiscated. I also heard about people trying to split the money with friends, family, etc. and they managed to figure it out...custom's officers took most of the cash/traveler's checks because they suspected them of working around the system.

I'm traveling alone so I can't even do that. I was thinking about only bringing exactly 10,000 and then putting the rest of my credit card...but Zoe told me that clinics would charge me an extra 10% whenever you use the credit card+ the extra fees the credit card would charge for foreign exchange conversion.

The last thing I would want is to get a grumpy Custom's officer who takes my money even after filling out the form and saying it's for plastic surgery. I don't have bank statements either to show them since it's money my parents and I saved over the years, little by little. After 9/11 I know customs have been super strict with overseas travelers. So either 1) I take my chances and go through customs with cash with the possibility of them taking some of my money away because they don't think my plastic surgery reason is "valid" or 2) bring exactly the limit and put the rest on my card and pay the extra 10% tax and fees.

I might go with 1 and take my chances. I pray they don't take any of my money away or I'll be super screwed/start crying right there in the airport...
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Hey, no problem. Best of luck. I think that you may have a better chance asking some of ID's former patients on Purse Forum, as I remember at least two being unhappy with their results. And sorry this is a stupid question, but may I ask what you mean by 'story'? I think that most of her posts were responses to other people, but she does share a bit of her experience in the fourth paragraph. This is what I gathered from her posts:

ID is the worst clinic there is don't go back there!...I had my revision there twice for my jaw and now i look super ugly and deform! They don't even email me back at all. If he even replies to me it would be "wait til the swelling goes down". If you've read from the beginning til now i think 99% of people on this forum who had surgery at ID are unsatisfied.

I hate this place with a passion! they take your money your face do whatever they want and if they screw up then it's oh well too bad for you...doesn't even bother emailing back after they've got your money...Anyways about the before and after pics most of the clinic i've been to uses the same ones i think it's because those are the image that the people actualy approve of it.

Yes I went to Id for a revision because I made a mistake for not reading the whole thread! I had double jaw surgery and I really don't want to get into detail since I've told my stories once before already and it's a really long one.. I just want to warn the new comers about ID hospital and it was also listed on the blacklist somewhere on this forum. That's the email everyone's been complaining about how he doesn't reply back. I think I've email him at least 10 times and he has only reply twice! If you look okay right now then just live with it I mean why couldn't he fix it or make it right from the beginning?!?! So I was just like u I ask him to fix the mistake that he has made and he has turn me from ugly to handicap looking!

it has been 10 months post op and the swelling is all gone by my third months and I only gotten uglier not better. My face is so asymetrical because he shave too much bone on one side... my lip doesn't close at rest,the creases around my lip(smile line) is super deep like a 60 year old person...my nose is also affected by this it became wider and one nostril slope downward. Now you can only imagine how hideous looking I am...I will have to disagree with you that more people went with id then there should be more complaints but I've look at this Forum and some others most of us foreigner went with oz and 99 percent seem satisfied with oz. In id they advertise that two sister where those sister had the surgery for free in exchange to be on tv and advertise for them. They do look better then before but pretty not even close! Their jaw line is too fake like sorry to say they kind of remind me of aliens a total v shape chin with big eyes and a small pointy nose...I don't look any better then those girls but if that was their best surgery ever then it's not worth it. I've never seen a doctor that doesn't reply back to their patients once work is done that's just unprofessional and shows his character. Him not answering back should raise a red flag... I actually had to flew back there without him answering back my emails just to get an answer! Waste more money flying back and he said he can't fix it. But I'm not giving up yet I'm now trying to find other surgeons to help me.

I only went back to him on the recommendation that he's the only one that knew exactly what he did to me and may be able to reverse it but he insist that it's not going to help doing another surgery. He also blame me for choosing him for secondary revision! He said that he didn't want to do work on me since I did it with someone else and he said it after the operation! but he never gave that impression when I first came in for consultation he just made it seem like he can fix anything..anyways all of my swelling is gone now and for most people you're suppose to look better but it's the opposite for me it just shows more of a blotch up job. I had two jaw surgery with him and bit of jaw shaving too. And of course going into this I knew if things go wrong I can live with it if I turn out uglier but never did I imagine looking,feeling and being more handicap! Ugly I can live with since no body is perfect but looking like I have some kind of syndrome is horrible I can only say so much just take my words and don't even step foot in there. Just because a clinic looks high end, clean and charges more doesn't mean you'll get a good result.
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From what I've researched, there is no restriction on how much currency you can bring into Korea. However, for Americans:

So from what I've seen, there will be no problem if you bring $10,000 or less. Any more, and you'll be required to fill out paperwork. Make sure you answer truthfully, so things go smoothly and quickly. Don't be worried or scared, guys. This happens all the time. Just let customs know you're going to Korea for surgery. Should they question you further, just have them call the number of a clinic you booked with. If you are honest with them, you'll be fine, and will be able to keep all of your $10,000+. ^^ If, for some reason, you aren't honest, you will likely have your money taken, along with other potentially severe consequences. Honesty is key.
There's no fee or duty on importing or exporting cash either. The government is just trying to keep an eye on large money transfers to discourage trans-national criminal enterprises, such as drug selling, laundering illicit money, funding terrorist groups, etc. So unless you're doing any of those things, you shouldn't worry. :lol:

Oh! And if you do intend on bringing large sums of money $10,000 or less, you won't need to fill out any paperwork. BUT you should plan to arrive at the airport several hours earlier, just in case they want to ask you a few questions or inspect your money to make sure you indeed have $10,000 or less. It shouldn't take that long, but better early than miss your flight. ^^

EDIT: Splitting more than $10,000 with a family member or friend so each individual carries less than 10 grand will not work, so don't do it. It'll just raise suspicion, and you'll still be required to fill out paperwork with a CBP officer. The form will look like this: http://www.fincen.gov/forms/files/fin105_cmir.pdf.
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Aaaah confusing x.x do you maybe know why they don't advice it there?

I would advice buying a T-money card if you will use the subway a lot. They Don't cost much as you can read above, they are handy, fast and they give you a discount when you check out. So it's cheaper after riding a couple of times. :smile: plus it doesn't expire for yearsss you can always use it later again!
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A highly rated Beverly Hills surgeon said:

"The lower eyelid skin is very delicate. It is also very thin. Any irregularity shows through. One of our most common reason for performing revision lower eyelid surgery is palpable and visible lumpiness from prior fat injections. Many of the revisions are minor. Often, however, there are uncorrectable problems from gristly fat located in many planes of tissue.

The reason for this is in the biology. Fat injections cells are harvested by liposuction. the fat cells are then usually spun in a centrifuge and then injected back in. During this process, most cells die. The number is debatable, depending on whether the viability is judged by microscopic examination of the cells (ie trypan blue exclusion method), or by metabolic methods, measuring the cellular machinery.

However, the number of live cells is in my opinion between 3% and 25%. The rest are dead. As the dead cells are eaten away, an inflammatory reaction develops characterized by macrophages (large white blood cells), chronic inflammation and coalescence of fatty cysts, or dead liquid fat. We have presented and published our results on the histology of fat injection specimens.

We have found the belief that volume existing at 6 months after fat injection technique consists of live cells to be false. Rather, the bulk that remains consists of all the cellular elements above, still very actively eating away and walling off the dead cells and fatty cysts. The bottom line is that intense cellular changes continue to occur with fat injection, usually characterized by further loss of fullness, even at 1 1/2 years after injection.

This does not mean that there are not many happy patients out there with fat injections to the lower eyelids. There are, especially when the technique is conservatievly performed in highly skilled hands. Just be cautious before injecting fat into the lower eyelids."

Another doctor said:
"I have had great luck with open surgical fat grafting to correct dark circles under the eyes. I avoid filler and fat injections. Injecting around the eye is dangerous, in my opinion. There has been a reported case of blindness following filler injection around the eyes in England and the companies that sell fillers do not recommend that fillers be injected around the eyes."

I personally want to have fat grafted to my hollow under eye areas, but I know this surgery has a lot of complications. :sad: I really want to go through with the surgery anyway, though, because my hollow eyes are my biggest complex.
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I'm Alice and am very very new to this forum (this will be my very first post in fact!) - I was just looking for a website that I can look at bags and look at where I got to! Honestly though I'm so happy to find a thread on PS, especially Korean PS! I'm actually from Korea and must say this is a bit bizarre to see a thread with so many posts on Korea... :graucho: such a mixture of feelings, haha! Anyway, being Korean I naturally :P have a huge interest in PS. Personally I have got my eyes done already (a convention, apparently) and now want a nose job quite badly... Maybe next summer! :cool: To be honest I'm kind of over the moon to find a place that I can share my little secret! :biggrin:

Also I see quite a lot of people travel to Seoul for surgeries and thought I might come handy (haha) especially when it comes to Seoul, even though having looking through older posts I think there is already plenty of info here... Still if there is anyone who needs advice or help, give me a shout then I will try to help as much as I can. :smile:
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Thanks mar for The info!
Wow I never knew it had so many complications x.x makes me doubt.. But I feel the same way as you ahaha I really sang to get fat graft under the eyes too. >< It's so hollow makes me look older and tired :sad:.

Welcome to the forum! ^^

Must be weird to read all this stuff while you live there ahaha. I have a question.. XD What surgery did you do in your eyes? And where did you done it? :x

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Thank you! :biggrin:

Haha yes it is a bit weird but fun at the same time! xD I had incisional double eyelid with inner corner fold removal and outer corner extension at Reborn.
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very welcome Alice.. what we need here is shortage of translator supply .. :P don't u have any friends who fluently in English and want to work part-time? because students in Singapore work part-time ( @ macdonald/KFC) while they study O/A level and university .. they learn to earn money since they are young and independent. highly appreciate if u can recommends/contribute to this forum. big thanks!!
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hello marir! my doctor actually showed me an example of patient who had fat injection 2 years ago and the result is still good. dont you think that it means the remaining fats will be permanent?

"We have found the belief that volume existing at 6 months after fat injection technique consists of live cells to be false. Rather, the bulk that remains consists of all the cellular elements above, still very actively eating away and walling off the dead cells and fatty cysts. The bottom line is that intense cellular changes continue to occur with fat injection, usually characterized by further loss of fullness, even at 1 1/2 years after injection."

yes i have also read that some people say that the fat disappears 1 1/2 year later. =( so it means even if we feel the fullness after a year, it doesnt mean its gonna be there for good? i wonder if fat injections will damage our original fats and make our eyes even hollower. if thats the case, its better to not do it!

what do you think about fat grafting on upper eyelid? dr.kwon also said its permanent. do you think "open method" and injection method makes a difference? sorry, i've got many questions hehe

please check this out, http://blog.naver.com/iougamsung/
click english on the right which is under foreigner

sigh its so confusing. theres no definite answer for this and it sounds like the successful rate of fat transfer is very low.=( I'm planning to lower my double eyelid and the method dr.kang does is to make another incision below the current line and release the old scar. and in order to prevent the old scar reattach, he injects grafted fats in between to prevent readhesion. so i wonder, if fats doesnt last, then i would get triple fold after that as there will be 2 scars? hmm only time will tell =(
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yeah its v confusing=( i guess its either korean doctors are really better and advance OR the korean doctors are just lying.-.-
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