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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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Sure, I'll pm you my number. Mine's at 10am. I've actually deposited $1000

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Hello all! Time for another update! So I had counted wrong and today is actually my 4th day from day of operation and also 4th day of healing! Let me just let you all prospective nosegoers (or any operation) that the first 3 days will be ROUGH! and when I say rough, I really mean it! The painkillers and antibiotics and just the trauma from undergoing surgery whether it be local or general anesthesia will really get you in a trance like state where things are hazy and definitely happy cheery! Don't forget that these first three days are when your bruising and swelling are building up to its max so it is all natural! Be prepared as it will pass promptly! :cool:

The days on out from the 4th and counting will not be a breeze and I'm still learning as I go but as you start to get your appetite back to normal and nourish your body back to usual, you will feel much 'better' in whichever senses make sense haha. Keep your nose splints dry and take your meds! Take a stroll and let the days fly by! Keep hydrated, this is very important and eat moderate sized meals that you can handle, build up your portions accordingly!

Any specific questions, feel free to ask, all I have is time for the next few days! And one more thing! Check in with us here at the forum! Because let me tell you, it has been a great deal of comfort to myself and manymany others! Like Karime has let me know, there is always someone here, whichever timezone they may be in, there will always be someone to let you know you're not on this journey alone! :smile: Best of luck throughout everyones journeys! I'll be back soon! :amuse:
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Hey anyone anyone having surgery soon with ID, can you please ask for me if dr. Park would be able to prescribe vistaril 50mg (hydroxyzine hydrocholoride) prior to surgery. I am not fond of nausea after surgery and this helped me tremendously before.
Thanks so much!
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You sound way better!
Please stay on next month cuz I'm definitely gonna need the support! Especially if I have to spend christmas here without family. You know how big christmas is here in the states and I am a big big fan of all the lights and festivities.
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For sure Karime:smile:, the holiday season is one of my personal faves, I'm shocked you opted for xmas for your surgery, is this the only time you're available?

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Hi there I'll be ib korea during Xmas as well. What r u getting done? I'm only getting the epi for my eyes prob at babobagi
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I'm going to be getting Mandible Angle Reduction and Rhino on Dec 17 at BK clinic, is anyone going to be in Korea at that time?
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I like my new face, yes. But it was more due to Vline than due to zygoma...:P
The reason is I have a big skull, so the doctor couldn't reduce too much of my zygoma. In retrospect, I'm still glad I did zygoma reduction because:

1. My mom who's about 60 yrs old, she has really prominent zygoma. As she gets older, her soft tissues/fat disappear, leaving just skin and bone and her zygoma size really makes her face look gaunt and harsh. No offense to my mom, I just want to be a better version of her when I get older.

2. I still have high zygoma (not flat face) because my zygoma bones were very big before, now they're more like normal. From the frontal view, the zygoma reduction didn't produce much result because like I said, I have a big skull. However, from the 45 angle it's pretty obvious and it also gave me a softer overall look.

3). No noticable sagging for me, as when I did the zygoma reduction, I was in my late 30s (I already had sagging even before the surgery). Now at 1 yr post op, I don't see my sagging getting worse just because of the surgery itself. At this point, I can't tell if my sagging gets worse because of zygoma reduction surgery or because of natural aging.
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Yea, big bummer, but I have christmas break off. I wanna teach summer school in the summer so there wouldn't be enough time to do it then :sad:
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I luv hearing great outcomes! Thanks so much for the update, it helped me in my decision to not do zygoma :smile:
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