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@ - if u were a doctor would u go ahead with a procedure knowing the patient wasn't ready for it? Shanshan has asked the doctor if her filler would impact the procedure and he said no probs and now its stuffed! Do u blame shanshan or the monkey who should've known better or at least provided better aftercare post stuff up? Seriously since when did paying CUSTOMERS deserved to get punished for products they've purchased? Yes, cosmetic PS is a product as its an elective procedure and customer is the KING! IF U STUFF UP U FIX IT! If u can't well atleast provide right referrals and aftercare not bloody mofing denial! Seriously do u not have heart for this poor girl who could've been U?!
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xxxx Shanshan has specifically written that her xx doctor had reassured that her filler won't get in the way of her rhino. Did u see her photos post op? She has also wrote how he'd just ripped off sutures causing her indescribable pain. Would u want that to happen to ur mom or daughter? She also complained bout lack of communication post op re her concerns. Is that the way to treat ur source of bloody income? TLPS IS OFF MY LIST FOREVER. PERIOD. Personally I want to see these docs in pig pen. xxxx
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Shanshan, just to repeat again, u ain't done NOTHING wrong. TLPS does not deserve second chance after ripping ur dream apart! Theyve had their second chance btw - during ur post op contact with them. I hope intelligent forummers here will use ur terrible experience as valuable lesson to make sure TLPS does not receive a single cent more from now. Disgusting and horrifying display of behavour as well as violation of the first hippocratic oath - DO NO HARM. xxxx Big hugs for SAVING OUR LIVES!
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what shan shan did wrong is a lack of research on her part. She herself admited she did not seek out multiple opinions and made a rather unsound decision to go with tlps. This is what she needs to take responsibility for and judging by her response she has acknowledged this. In her situation all she needed to do was to seek out varying opinions with different surgeons regarding her concerns and they would easily warn her against the use of fillers. Just because one surgeon/clinic claims its ok doesn't mean we should believe it. You should always get multiple opinions if u are unsure. Same deal with the cheekbone procedure. There are certain surgical facts that we must know before we select our surgeons. If a surgeon claims that a patient wont experience sagging from a zygoma reduction, you can immediatedly cross them off because that is a fat lie. There is always 100% going to be sagging. The degree to which the sagging occurs depends on whether the patient is a good candidate for the procedure. These are information which we must equip ourselves with as it is our responsibility to educate ourselves so we can make the most empirical decision to our benefit. The bad surgical job and post op care shan shan experienced at tlps is their responsibility. The decisions shan shan made due to a lack of research are her responsibility. I myself have been botched during 3 surgeries in one way or another back when i was younger. While the surgeons who operated on me certainly were lacking in skill, I am able to acknowledge the foolishness i exhibited in making the decision to go with them. Its only made me more prepared and experienced for future procedures.
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Hello, sorry to hear about ur infection, u mentioned u were going to tw for procedures, was it there that u got ur infection?
I'm thinking of silicon, and I have acne prone skin so I'm concerned. Would u mind pm me so we can chat?
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Agree to u, plz do update us after ur july visit, and hope ur recovery will become better.

I do support u tell ppl abt bad experiences, act many korea clinics will look at purse forum, of coz they will afraid comments tht will ruin their reputation. And hope every clinic can try to treat every customers with their best service.
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Vichy I've sent you a PM.
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I disagree with u here kouture. The doctor was meant to be a board certified plastic surgeon. It was up to him to let shanshan know that her existing filler would have got in the way of her rhino. Oh he didn't know that? He shouldn't have offered to do the surgery in first place. We have medical incompetence and negligence issue here not poor skill. Lack of research from shanshan should not play a part. DO NO HARM is the first thing all docs should abide by. Shanshan has had her trust ripped apart. This doc needs to be struck off registration.

Ps - how was shanshan ought to know which part of consult she shouldve been UNSURE about? I'd hope to be able to BELIEVE my doc should I ever end up in ER.

Believing a doc is different to agreeing with a doc.
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unfortunately we don't live in a world where everything is sunshine and rainbows, where we can take what others say word for word. And this applies regardless of the profession. When you opt for elective surgery you know that you are essentially entering into a business agreement. Only a fool would partake in an investment without ample knowledge, research and security. Same goes with plastic surgery. I personally couldn't care less what title one has to their name, be it doctorate or professor. The code of ethics which are supposedly tied to their professions doesn't change the fact that when money is involved you never know who you can trust. This is a basic fundamental fact everyone must acknowledge. Hence when choosing a surgeon the responsibility lies with the patient. Fault for her unsatisfactory results may lie with the surgeon but her lack of research is her responsibility. Researching and building up a knowledge base on the clinic, surgeon and methodology are all the responsibility of the patient. If it were me consulting at tlps and the surgeon told me that a zygoma reduction would cause no sagging i would know immediatedly that he is not being honest. If i was told my exisiting filler would not get in the way I would also know he was lying immediatedly. Why? Because I do my research. What shan shan did was essentially go in blind. As i said previously, she herself admitted she did not do much research or sought multiple opinions. Burden pertaining to the screening process lies solely with us. It was unfortunate what happened to her but that all can be easily avoided.

Also i personally don't feel her review was entirely warranted. There are just too many intervening factors involved which can skew the perception of events. I'm not saying she is lying but i do feel her tone was exaggerated in some but not all aspects. Understandably one can get overtly emotional whilst recovering post op. She also hasn't given herself enough time for sufficient healing to take place to gauge her situation and the causes objectively. That i'm sure is why as she mentioned, is returning to Seoul for a review.
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This makes me so angry and sad for you. I mean it´s not about the money, but how plastic surgery can scar you for life. I admire you for sharing your story. I´ll pray for you.
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