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Teium clinic and AT clinic

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Hi there,

Umm..what are you talking about..When I was at my consultation at Dream I saw a number of local Korean patients there. I'm smelling a JW promoter here.....:sneaky: It's so obvious when you look at someone's previous forum posts. Guys, if you want to know which clinics are popular among local Koreans my suggestions are: Teuim, Opera, Girin, O&Young.
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I went to Idea clinic and got double eyelid surgery and epicanthoplasty! I've been meaning to write my whole experience, but i keep pushing it back. I feel like I'm writing too much/no where near done writing my experience.

Gah, I'll get to it asap. I will quickly say, although I do like how my eyes came out, it's not perfect and I didn't love Dr. Kwon. I'm not a hundred percent sure I would recommend him.
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Hi! Does that mean magic epi won't have a chance of getting big small eye after? If so how does that work?
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Hihi~ then we won't be able to meet up over there. My flight is also booked. But flying only on 24Mar2015. Anyway, i hope all goes well for you :smile: all the best!
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Sorry to hijack this thread which says trip to S.Korea next year. Just wanna check if there's anyone heading there end December instead?

I'll be going on Dec 26 till mid Jan and looking to do revision rhino and potentially cheek/jaw surgery but haven't decided on any clinics yet. Was thinking if anyone will be there too, perhaps we can meet up and give each other moral support hahahah.

Add me in kakao in case I don't reply here - ID: Huneyybee
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I'll be in Seoul end of Dec to mid-Jan too! Except for double eyelid surgery, but we can still give each other moral support :smile:
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I'm going at end of december to early jan too! I'm checking out clinics for forehead and single cheek fat graft. Also gonna check out hair treatments they've got down there. I'm not even 30 but thinning already :sad:.

Anyone else going during this period too? My only worry is that it is holiday season so they will be closed on xmas and nye and some clinics might take an additional week off starting Jan 1st right? That could perhaps leave only a few days to do surgery and I gotta tustle for surgical spots.
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i'm gonna be there around that time too.....if i can get away from work zzzzz. I plan to party hard for christmas new years then get my fat graft top up after. Will be so tempted to smoke because my friends who are gonna be there are heavy smokers :sad: But must resist urges!!! I'll also most likely just get an open ticket in case my work schedule decides to screw me over :S

Anyways you guys should be more concerned with your surgeon being overseas and vacationing since in such a situation the clinic may assign you whoever that is available. Perhaps if you have shortlisted your clinics already, it would be wise to call and check the specialist surgeon's availability during that time. With regards to surgical slots you really can't do much about it unless you book in advance. For me its just a secondary fg top up so i'm naturally going to go with my original surgeon who administered it the first time around. Obviously don't do this until you are sure you have found the right surgeon.
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