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Cost: 5 million won cash

I had revision eye surgery with Dr. Kang.

He lied to me to get my business. He said I would not scar and that he could lift my epicathal. I have scars and my epicathal is worse than before. My eyes don't close because he lowered my eyelid too much.

He tried to blame my eyes not closing on me since I had this problem before. But, he made it 4 times worse! Other doctors said they could easily fix this now it will be much harder because there is no skin left!

Dr. Kang took inaccurate pictures of me while I was on operating table of my eyes not closing all the way. He already shot my eyes and body with drugs, and my eyes were rolled back. He covered my lids with a towel so you cannot see injection marks. He showed me these picture as evidence but my eyelids not closing was not that bad.

I was able to close my eyes fully while sitting down, now there is a huge gap! Almost 1/3 my eye cannot close!

Shame on Dr . Kang for lying to me and making my eyes more difficult to fix. I had other doctors promise to fix all my problems but I would scar.

Dr. Kang lied after surgery saying he only promised lid lowering and scarless revision for 5 million won which is a lie.

There is no such thing as a scarless eye revision for my eyes. Dr. Kang says I can come for scar revision 1 year later for free just to get rid of me. This is a complete joke and awful what he put me through.

I paid 3 million to get my epicathal fixed by another doctor because it was so bad. I will have to wait longer to see if anyone can fix my eyes not closing. My eyes are so dry and hurt. I don't know if anyone will be able to fix it because I have so little skin.

IOU Botched surgery DR. KANG
Dr. Kang LIES to get your business!

Moderator note: Member has revised her opinion

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I wrote a bad review about IOU Dr. Kang and I would like to erase it.

He did not do a bad job but I think the communication could have been better.

It had been two months after surgery so I will wait longer.

Sorry I wrote such a nasty review.

Please disregard above review that I wrote under UNHAPPY
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  • 2 weeks later...
I think the price reduction was majorly due to the taken out of the nasal osteotomy.
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Hi PS Addict,

May I know for lower eye far graft how is it done.? Does the fat stays or you will have to repeat it again few months later. Are there scars?

I am planning for a lower blephoroplasty and fat graft for upper eyelid.

Hi 1stTimer, will be great if you can share your experience for eye wrinkles removal.

Many thanks to you gals!
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Hi Gernic,

For mine he took some fat from my cheeks and injected the fat on my lower lashes area. Not all the fat stays, I had to have injections back in France. There is no scars at all that's why he prefers to inject fat on the lower lashes area.

If you have any questions let me know ! :smile:
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Hi PS Addict,

How long does the bruise stay after the fat injection? I intend to go back to work after 10days and hope no one will notice ;p

Is it true that we can't have any excercise for 3 weeks after fat injection? I will surely gain fat in other place as well if I can't excercise :faint:
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What does VAT mean? Whats the extra 10% for?
Im planning on doing my surgery end of June. Is anyone going around then? It will be nice having a surgery buddy lol.
I hope DR Kwon is working at the clinic still.
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Hi Gernic,
Yes im back! I have had Ptosis and upper blepharoplasty plus fat graft on my wrinkly sunken eyelids. Its all done by Dr Kwon. So far I quite like the result, only that I felt like he has put a little too much of fat on my above right eyelid, so it looks a bit too puffy. Maybe its still a bit too early for me to see the final result yet. Now is my 1 month post op. So I will still keep observing my eyelids for few more months. Hopefuly those fat will be absorbed a bit down the road. Finger crossed! :smile: . Overall, Dr Kwon is proffesional/ expert in eyes surgery imo. During the pre op consultation, he seemed to be very confident with what he would be doing to my eyelids, compared to other Drs from some other clinics that I went for consultations right after I visited Dr Kwon. So yeah, I went with my instinct! And I have no regret! I thinki have made the right choice! :smile:
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Hi 1st timer,

Glad to know that all is well :smile: Dr Kwon is on my list too and reading your review gives me more confidence.

How many days for stitch removal and how many days were your swell and bruise?

Does Dr Kwon speaks English?

How much did you pay for it, is there room for bargaining? I wrote to Item and they were steep on pirices 1,650,000 for lower blephoroplasty and 1 million for fat graft.

Hi Popcorndreams,

I will be arriving 25th Jun. Dr Kwon is now at AT clinic www.atro.co.kr.
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Thanks for sharing your experiences to us, is glad tht you happy with your result, would u mind sharing your b&a pic with me??
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Hi Gernic,

My bruises stayed for two weeks but they were really small, you can easily hide them with make up. So don't worry no one will notice ! :smile:

Yes it is true, it is not advised to exercise less than 3 weeks after the operation because it can slow the healing process. I'm sure you won't gain that much weight in 3 week. ;)
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Hey PSaddict u mind telling me ur cost? Thnkss!
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