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Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea ***read 1st post before posting***

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But does it give you the confidence to hit on guys?!
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Oh this is really interesting! You'd need someone who is AMAZING at bone contouring and willing to shave the bone parallel to your current bone structure without tapering into a "v." At least, that's what I would look for. Also look into zygoma reduction. I don't know what kind of face structure you have but... Yeah. And there are limitations to jaw cutting. If your head is big from the top, I don't think there's much you can do..
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It's possible. The surgeon just trim your mandible with a bigger inner angle. But it all depends on how your nerve are spread inside, so you'll need a CT scan. And only do it with a oral and maxillofacial specialist.
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U just have to raise ur standards assuming uve had successful op! Of course guys will feel intimidated not knowing u properly. But the moment they can see through ur heart, assuming ur not on high horse, they will feel lot easier to approach u. Just my 5c
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I met my ex classmate today.She was so beautiful back then and now she looks like crap.It's so obvious she did her double eyelid, her brow, her cheek , her lips.Her face cant' even move...HOLY CRAP

She scares the bejesus out of me..

epitome of plastic surgery gone wrong.She was so beautiful but she's never satisfied
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Oh man. Stoppppp it! I don't think I look THAT bad. Just average. But I'm terrified that I'll look like a total plastic girl. D:

And recently I watched this Korean show called "Back to My Face," where they take people who had WAY TOO MUCH work done but want to do more and counsel them until they make the decision to either stop, or get work done to reverse the dramatic results of their surgery.

It only has one episode because the pilot didn't do that well in terms of ratings. This one girl had her medial epicanthoplasty, loveband fat graft and nose job reversed. She looked much more natural afterwards. But the show left me thinking... "HOLY CRAP. Eyes, nose and fat graft is what I have planned. what if these procedures look unnatural on me?!?!"

Ugh. I wish this part of my life was over already. Can't wait 'til December.
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you are also going in december? i'm should be december too, depends though, because i'm going to thailand first to do BA, and then I'll see if I can get a good deal on my forehead, face slimming and maybe eyelash and hair transplant, if not i'm heading to Seoul

booked my flight already to thailand yay
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that's absolutely right, it involves upgrading the quality of the boys :graucho::cool:
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I'm starting to think

it's not the bones, have you seen those V lift without touching the bone and completely changes square face to V face?

I think that's most likely what I'm going to get, but again I don't want a damn V face ughhh

some of the surgeons just tell me it's "possible"

that to me sounds like "i'm not sure" lol
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Also I know it's not bones because I had botox before and turned my face V which i disliked but thankfully it was temporary :peace:
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my face isn't THAT big, just on camera it sometimes looked fat :shucks:

you know the look i like right

think giselle, miranda kerr, angelina jolie, and other high fashion top models, however that look rarely works on asians, perhaps it's because we have a flatter face :thinking:
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after i get these procedures done i will have the confidence lol

hitting on guys is so much more fun than waiting to be hit on ;)
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If you're having plastic surgery for confidence to hit on guys then you are in the wrong forum and have the wrong reason. I mean have you even been under the knife? This is a major decision,that you better not take lightly, because not ony is it painful as f**k, and I mean it hurts like a mofo, there will be a period of time when you doubt your decision to get surgery in the first place. You're not going to be able to hide out in korea forever,you have to get back to work,to reality,see your friends and your face will not look the same. Honey, post op I was looking like Jack in the box meet freddy krueger and friends told me I look like I lost a fight or I got hit by a truck,men that used to chase me started running away,due to excess swelling. Please make sure you are doing it for the right reasons,do it for you and no one else because at the end of the day you are the one that has to suffer through a gruel-some,painstaking recovery and not to mention you make or may not end up with a botched job
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I know exactly what you're talking about. If you look at Asian models working in the west, they don't have that severe V-line that's so popular in Korea. Actually, if you look at Korean runway models, they don't have it either.

That being said... I think it must be possible. Lee Min Jung definitely did jaw surgery, but she still retained her square-ish jaw line... You can definitely see the square corners of her jaw in her profile photos... And I think she's beautiful :biggrin:

Still, I've no clue what you'd say to the doctor or what kind of procedure he'd have to do.
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