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Life After V Line Surgery

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For anyone who has had revision surgery, can you tell me how long you waited after initial surgery? Do you have to wait for all numbness to go away? I still have some stiffness in my chin/below the lip. Not quite numb, just stiff, and it looks normal.

And to @tracylimmm, no sagging by the masseter, just the mid-jowl area on one side. This side I only had the square jaw portion reduced a bit, so I guess the skin sinks down to a lower point (but I could be completely wrong).
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Hi acq, you did jaw reduction? Where did you get that done? Aside from sagging issue are you OK w the shape?
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i have just passed the 1 year mark and literally my very slight "double chin" just disappeared this last month. If it doesn't go away there are many options depending on its cause. Sometimes its fat (so mini lipo to fix), sagging skin(if your young they will use dissolvable threading usually), or if its the neck muscle they have a procedure that ties it up and actually make it impossible for you to even try to make a double chin!
I suggest give it more time and then carefully figure out its exact cause.
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Oh wow! Was it noticeable to anyone but you? I know swelling can be very subjective that way.
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Haha. A little. Only if I pointed it out. At first I thought it was a scar and was shocked cause all my incisions were inside my mouth.
But one day a girl who owned a coffee shop was secretly drawing me and when I saw it it was so nice but then I noticed... She did a slight double chin line!! But seriously this last month it finally just went away. Also losing weight helps in balancing out the swelling.
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Did you lose weight after the surgery?
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Haha. Yes. For sure. I couldn't chew or eat solid food for a month. I had two jaw, v-line shaving, and genioplasty. So I couldn't do the tie method that lets you talk after. I mean I could have but it increases risks of healing correctly. My body eats itself pretty quickly. So I basically relaxed on my diet before surgery.
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I thought so from my research.

I think I need 2 jaw surgery for the result I want. I don't think power V is going to get it alone. And I need some fat grafting as well. Not a lot, just a little around my temples. I am planning to go back in 6 months after my surgery to be checked out and get some more Snow White injections. :graucho:
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Do you mind me asking if you really need two jaw surgery? Have you talked to any doctors yet about your jaw placement? I'm just wondering because for me I was supposed to have the two jaw surgery when I was 19 in the states but my mom was scared of the doctors ability and results (I was on family government healthcare so it was to be done by a maxillofacial surgeon who usually did surgery on war victims)
My top jaw was slightly underdeveloped and my bottom was overdeveloped, hence why I required both jaws to be operated on.
Some doctors operate on patients who dont really require the two jaw process and most have said afterwards that they are not happy with the results.
Also fat injection in the temples is a very had spot to take. Since fat doesn't naturally want to deposit on most people in that area many times the fat reabsorbs after a month or two. Most always have to go in for a "refill after about 3-4 months for that area.
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Of course I don't mind! :P

No, it hasn't been said that I need it. But I am doing at least 4 in person consults, so we will see what the collective thought is. I thought with FG it was a given that you need to do at least 2 for it to "stick", as they say? I might not even need it. I just notice EVERYTHING. :lol:

I love that you contribute so much. I truly appreciate it.
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PM'd you :smile:

Has anyone who's tried acculift, thread lift, or other methods to fix skin sagging give an update? And happy new year all!
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Aw. Thank you^^ I totally understand about noticing everything. Lol. Yeah. Most everyone has to get two times with the fg. But I have heard some people complain about that area. My dermatologist said it is really dependent on how your body devours muscle. They say if when you lose weight and it shows in your face first- it's a sign that you have low fat deposits in face. For me when I was at modeling weight my body looked great and lean but my face in person made me look anorexic. Many Asians have fat deposits in the cheek and jowl areas. Hence why as the age the forehead seems to show hollowness. Also why maybe some 40 somethings quickly go back to bangs even if they don't necessarily like them! Lol. But yeah. Always have a game plan and price point and then take in the different doctors opinions. The most important thing is to achieve harmony and balance. It does no good the have the perfect feature of it doesn't compliment the rest of the face! Also. Your happiness is important. If it bothers you and you know it can be resolved than go for it!
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