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Facelift after Facial Contouring. Clinic/doc to recommend?

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Did zygoma reduction, vline and fats grafting 3 months ago. I already had a wee bit of jowls before my facial contouring, and the doc had told me that I could do with some lifting to maximise the results. I don't believe in thread lifting, been there done that, lots of bruises with no result. I also don't think that acculifting is the right solution for jowls. I would rather spend more to reposition the muscles and fats through facelift.

Do you have any clinic or doctor to recommend? No promoters, please. You know you'll look suspicious with very few postings, no profile pic, and bad English. And thanks in advance to those genuine forumers. Would truly appreciate the recommendations. :smile:
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LOLOLLL "No promoters, please. You know you'll look suspicious with very few postings, no profile pic, and bad English. "

Even though you probably already know this, it's too soon to judge. You should wait since the swelling is still present. Was there a reason why you didn't do lifting together with the procedure? Im planning to do nose and facial contouring. Still a bit iffy about FC, but I think I will end up doing it anyway.
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What so funny about that line? I know this because it's my face and the jowls are present even before the facial contouring. Doc said I'll need it after the facial contouring. Not doing now but planning in advance for another 3 months down the road. You've already said must wait after the swelling goes down so why are you suggesting lifting should be done together, and in the same surgery as facial contouring? And, no it shouldn't be done together. Most people do it 6 months after, which I'm planning. This thread is for recommendations for lifting.
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I wouldn't recommend thread lift honestly. Lots of people I talked to haven't seen much improvement after threadlifting. Unless your skin is already sagging, I can't say anything since the girls I talked to are pretty young. In my opinion, thread lift is more suitable for aged skin. Otherwise it's pretty useless before.

Acculift is a litte different, the main point is not lifting. Be careful with that cause lots of people get confused. But instead of traditional lipo, they have a special machine called AccuSculpt (I think?) which gives you the AccuLift effect. They use a more thinner needle to melt down fats and absorb them. Because of this special machine, I mean all the equipment, you should have a lifting effect. So it's a mini lipo with a lifting effect. :smile:

So I don't really understand, because you had fat grafting. Do you think it is because of zygoma + v-line surgery?

In my case, I got recommended a few times to get AccuLift because I naturally hold lots of fats around my cheek & jaw area.
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Yeah ... I'm also a little skeptical about threadlift but dunno why all the clinics are recommending me that. :sad:

Before the surgeries I already had these little strange fats pockets beside my mouth. I'm hoping to just get rid of that but I don't really have a lot of fats in my jaw area. It's so enervating.. :sad:
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Even if you don't need it some clinics would pretend to recommend you surgeries that you need, I don't think you need it though
Plastic surgery is a big business, so please be careful and focus on what you need, what you actually want to change.
If you feel the doctors/consultants are honest with you, then you might think about advice they provide
It depends on your face, but definitely, most people wouldn't need threadlifting. I'm not a doctor, doctor's advice are the ones that matters, most of the time it's consultants that give you high prices and try to get you more surgeries not the doctors.
I wish I was a doctor though, I'm really into science, anatomy and stuff.

anyway, good luck! :smile:
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  • 2 weeks later...
Agreed. There was another poster who said something like, "your age is just a number and so is your bank account. so which do you think is more important to them?" i think it is soo true
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Of course money matters lol plus not that they would be super worried, kpop stars before debut or trainees often get surgery at 16, 17, 18... It's common in Korea.
Parents offer a "package" to their child, boy or girl, to have either eye/nose/face/full face surgery before college. It might be an old-fashioned way, but Korean parents still do that nowadays. the huge gap between cultures lol. They do this for their child's sake, thinking their child may will have more success in finding a job, finding a husband, and in life in general.
And not only that, because kids see their friend having done something, getting more beautiful, they want to get surgery too. Beauty in Korea is such a strong thing

Doctors (not the concultants) would recommend to wait though because bones can still change. To me it's okay to go at 18/19

Please please everyone be careful and realistic. I've got recommended to do zygoma and chin, I've never noticed that my cheeks are protuding though. and so my chin. Think about what you actually really want to change either it's bone, fat. for me the most important thing is to know what causes that you want to change something in your face or body. I still don't understand myself, so I'd listen to the doctors recommendations, and ask what he can do.

Just so, consultants are not doctors. even if they know exactly what the problem is their are not the ones operating. And plus, they get some kind of commission per client. The more they succeed to make you get more procedures, the bigger the commission is. And if they strongly push you, they are either greedy with money or pushed themselves by hierarchy.
Have worked in sales/marketing myself...
They were a case where a consultant ripped all foreigns patients as much as she could. I think I read that somewhere else in this forum. Claire from Banobagi was fired because of that. Really pretty, really sweet. at first sight. Because foreigners don't understand Korean, she took advantage of that.

My question (about that thread lol I've been too far) is did anyone else had acculift, threadlift or any kind of lifting after FC/v-line?
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  • 3 weeks later...
Hi @youngjeesu , I'm going Korea coming March. It's more to do a check-up for my facial contouring surgeries, re-touch on fats graft if necessary and eye bag removal and fats repositioning to get rid of my tear troughs at Regen.

I am still very undecided and conflicted on what lifting or facial liposuction I should get. I've made appointments with a few clinics to consult and hear what they have to say. I'm also looking at Singapore's plastic surgeons but none seemed very experienced?

I'm still having this inner debate about the efficacy of threadlift, endotine face lift, endoscopic facelift VS short scar MACS/SMAS facelift.

Threadlift - A lot of BS i feel.

Endotine facelift - It's like thread but they use endotine ribbon. May be palpable for thin skin, risk of device breaking and need for revision. Claimed to be stronger than threadlift but way more expensive. Also BS?

Endoscopic facelift - Based on real self, seems it's more for checks rather than lower third of the face, which is my primary concern.

Short Scar facelift - probably the most effective of all but there'll be visible scars, behind and even in front of ears.

Anyways here're the clinics I'm consulting for lifting this March:

Regen - Did my fc surgeries there in Sept. Dr Lee and Dr Oh are both Seoul Uni graduates and I trust that they are good and skillful.

April 31 - Dr Lee Joo Heon sounds like a facelift expert and he had more techniques compared to other clinics.

Banobagi - Did my rhino previously. Dr Barn is also a Seoul Uni graduate.

View - Can possibly get discounts! Dr Chang from Soonchunhyang Uni, which is the same as Dr Lee Joo Heon from April 31.

Yess... not only did I research the clinic but specific doctors doing the surgeries, where they graduate form, accolades and reviews.

From Singapore, I'm sill considering getting a consult from Dr Ng Siew Weng, Dr Colin Tham and maybe Dr Martin Huang.

How, how tell me how?!
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  • 4 weeks later...
My consultant recommended Dr Kim Woo Jung. She said he is the eye specialist. He's also a Seoul Uni graduate. If you want you can most definitely choose your doctor.
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I'm having accusculpt done end of March. It'll be just after 3 months from the date of my FC surgery. A lot of people think it's quite early, but I think it's pretty standard? Especially when I have a lot of facial fat >< Apparently it's mostly a given that people must have accusculpt after FC due to sagging and to slim the face down. I'm 21 and have pretty good skin elasticity, but I definitely feel that I need it and my mum agrees. I'll let you know how it goes.
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  • 1 month later...
So, it's been 3 weeks since I came back Korea from my undereye transconjuctival fats repositioning, which I'll probably start a new thread since this thread is about facelifting after facial contouring. I actually flew in a few days earlier before my eye surgery so that I can consult a few clinics about facelifting (thread/acculift/rhytidectomy). Here goes my consultations with:

Banobagi - Dr Barn's technique is quite unique. Incision inside the hairline and above the temples to insert undissolvable thread (elasticum) and cut off any excess skin. No visible scars at all. Attractive? Think again, it's still a variation of threadlift and only last 3 years or so they claimed. Cost 7-8million. BTW, did my primary rhinoplasty and revision with them and still not very satisfied.

April 31 - Brian made Dr Lee sounds like the best there is ever, in the whole of SK. Short scar method with part of the incisions behind the tragus to reduce visible scars in front of the ear. Did not suggest acculift at first though, until I asked. (I asked cause View suggested it). I might have choosen Dr Lee if not for the cost. It's a whooping 13-14milion! I don't print money leh, don't anyhow dok me can?!

View - Dr Yun's incisional method sounds the same as April31. Plus, he rightfully suggested some acculift around the corners of my mouth for best results, which was corroborated by Dr Lee later. The cost is 8million for the partial rhytidectomy and 2million for acculift, but I can get XX% discount. Sorry ah, cannot reveal the percentage as it may vary with individual's negotiation skills. :P View really fits my budget, especially after the discount. My only concern is ... not many reviews on Dr Yun Chang Woon' facelift.

Regen - Yes, of course I consult with Regen. Dr Oh did quite a good job with my zygoma, vline and fats graft last year. Well, he said my face looks ok (of course he'll say that) and let's see the results after the fats graft touch-up if facelift is indeed needed. But he did say his Rhytidectomy technique has incisions in front of the targus, which I prefer to be behind to minimize visible scaring.

In terms of pricing and technique, View is topping my list. Can anyone with positive/negative experience with View/Yun Chang Woon please share so that I can carve my decision on stone? Thanks all the babes and hunks here!
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