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ME clinic for Rhinoplasty??

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Hi guys! Over the past month I've been contacting MANY clinics and researching the best rhinoplasty surgeons in Seoul. Recently I reached out to Me Clinic just to see what they'd quote and was shocked at the price. It was nearly a QUARTER of the price of all the other places!

Naturally that makes me sceptical. Plus, I havent seen many reviews from them pertaining to PS.

I'll post pictures so you can see what exactly my nose is like. Really what I'm wanting is a natural looking, hump reduction Rhinoplasty. ❤

If you have other reccomendations, I'd love to hear them! Thank you!
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I was really interested in them too especially after checking out their facebook but when I asked a similar question on PurseForum I was told that they are mostly known for their dermatology unit (which you can tell from their website, plastic surgery is just a side option). This combined with the lack of pictures for before and after made me reconsider them and ultimately put my deposit for another clinic even though RIP bank account.
From your picture I think that you look beautiful (I love your hair!!!) and with a natural looking rhinoplasty it'd definitely make your side profile even better.
I'm not sure what clinics to recommend you though at a decent price; nothing I found really matches the price of ME Clinic. I heard positive things about April31, JK Plastic Surgery, Dream, Cinderella etc. but they're really expensive for the surgeries I wanted to get (breast and rhinoplasty). I ended up choosing the View because it was a pretty reasonable price with decent reviews and I saw their results on the show "Let Me In" and I really liked that. I was going to go with GNG but after all those apparent "fake" reviews I decided against it; although apparently they offer up to 50% discount if you write a fake review so that might make surgery cheaper lol. I was also considering MVP and the Line but I guess I just went with my gut. I have surgery in a couple days so wish me luck!!!
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THANK YOU FOR THE RESPONSE!! That really helped confirm what I was thinking! AND thank you for the sweet hair compliment!

I also looked up the Plastic surgeons from ME Clinic and it seems like one or them used to work for Wonjin PS. So that was good to see there was a bit of experience at least. Maybe I'll go in for an in person consultation and just see how it goes! Hehe. The price is so tempting, but.... ya know.... Quality is most important.

But none the less, It is sooo much easier to make a decision when their website has a variety of before and after pictures. Other wise it just feel way too risky.

---Just sent more online consultations to the places you listed! Thank you sooo much for the suggestions!
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I actually crossed view off my list because someone made a review here about having trouble breathing after rhino and they wouldn't help etc. It was some chaos but i dont remember who posted it, its somewhere in this page
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hey how was your surgery and result?
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  • 6 months later...
Actually, I had some procedure at ME Clinic Seoul before.
i was so satisfied with my surgery after the surgery. Because the doctors are good at English and know what i want to be during the consultation.
I think everyone is worrying about the miscommunication but it this clinic solve my and my friend's concerns.
One of the doctors who is really experienced in rhinoplasty, But i am not sure with the doctor's name but i think it was Dr.Back? or Beck.

This is just my opinion:smile: hahah
Hope and wish to find a good clinic because there is a few English doctors in Korea.
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Hi did you book your consultation before you go to Korea or you went there face to face and walk-in? I'm planning to go there in April and I'm debating if I should booked it and pay down payment which saves me time and guarantee my slot or should i go to two or three clinics and check for their recommendation and pricing before i decide. If i do that way, do i have to call when i get there or can i just walk in and get a consultation. Also how long i should wait for surgery date once i choose the clinic.

Thank you
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Hello, Yes, I made an appointment before coming And i had an online consultation and i stayed in Korean for 8days
And an online consultation was really good and the best thing was there were no changes in the price.
I am not sure but i send the deposit of 10% to secure an appointment.
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Thank you for answering my question. have you tried to negotiate the price? did you have rhinoplasty? how is your healing?
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No, I did not, because the price was fixed and i think they are using a transparent price list to the foreign patient. And i got also Tax refund.:smile:
I really like this clinic because they are not teasing foreigner with a price. I had another clinic but they ask me to charge me more than the recommendation that they gave me previously.

Think wise, And be careful with the cost.:smile:
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Was the price you payed true to what they advertised? I read on another forum that another girl had to pay more than what the said on their website. I'm worried that they are doing a "bait and reel" :sad:. I really like their before and afters on their site though.
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Hello, Dear Madam.
Yes, I did it. Did you get any recommendation from them?
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I know this may be a bit late, but looking at the writing style of Eddie Lie, it is painfully similar to the writing style of the consultant on kakao. I really hope that it's not the case because of the cheap prices :sad:. But if you look at their post history it's all Me Clinic related.
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