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MVP death of 20year old on Sep 11,2018 (Rhino) : what happened to original thread

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Given the media isn't allowed to mention it's MVP and you just have to rely on word of mouth, I'm not surprised MVP is not coming out with an official statement. They want this forgotten and sadly it will be as other clinic deaths have shown. Internally I can only hope MVP has instituted new procedures, better trained their staff, acquired new equipment, etc. to better and more quickly respond to medical emergencies.
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The deceased patient was a young man in his 20s. Apparently the clinic was found to be innocent as the patient had an undiagnosed heart condition. I have been waiting to hear an official statement from the clinic but nothing has been forthcoming and it seems like business as usual. I have never heard in UK news of a patient dying in the UK from plastic surgery but we do hear of complications like a postop stroke. In the US we do hear of patient deaths like the late Joan Rivers who went to a clinic for an elective procedure and died intraop.

I think in the UK plastic surgeons tend to operate in private hospitals and have anaesthetist consultants/attendings with a 1:1 ratio. Occasionally you get surgeons using the basement of their clinics for operations under twilight sedation with a consultant anaesthetist present and administering the drugs, but I am unaware of any patient deaths. Plastic surgery clinics and hospitals here are regulated and inspected by the CQC so should be equipped with an AED etc. Here in the Uk it would hit the news fast if a patient died while undergoing plastic surgery and malpractice pay outs are now emulating USA.

I think the risk in Korea is if you do not have a 1:1 ratio of surgeon to anaesthetist attending, lack of aed defibrillator on site, an hour for a korean ambulance to reach a clinic, and have a pre-existing or undiagnosed heart condition or go into hypovolemic shock from massive blood loss from prolonged and extensive surgery like whole body liposuction. Therefore try not to book multiple procedures in one operation and if you have never had a general anaesthetic perhaps wiser to have your first GA in a hospital that can resuscitate and intubate you and has an intensive care unit.
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I have witnessed first hand in the US deaths from routine procedures. One such case occurred at my clinical last year. The patient went to EGD and died in the middle of the procedure. Apparently, the patient had a significant condition in his heath history and this was overlooked by the doctor.

Things like this happen occasionally, but that is still too often. A big issue is nurse to patient ratios. They are far to many patients per nurse to have each patient get the best care. Another issue is ghost doctors. It is a common practice that a resident will do much of the procedure with oversight, however I have seen the attending surgeon leave the resident for significant periods to do non emergent or personal things (see patients so he can leave earlier, talk on the phone with wife, grab some lunch, etc) If there are multiple surgeons overseeing the resident in a long procedure and they switch out to have breaks that's fine but the resident should not be left unattended.

I cannot stress the importance of safety when choosing your clinic. Facial surgeries and general anesthesia can compromise the airway and blood loss can lead to shock. Ghost doctors can cause serious errors. You need to have all the emergency equipment and drugs in the OR with you, and anesthetiologist with you at all times
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Good points @Chinnie. Ghost doctors ie switching doctors (you think you are getting the attending but you get the resident and it happens in the nhs too here or you get a different surgeon from the one you met at consultation) is a big problem in a busy big clinic or hospital but then a hospital is likely to have resuscitation equipment vs a small clinic with 1-3 doctors but less chance of a ghost doctor. I remember thinking pay attention to who is in the theatre before falling asleep and see which doctor visits you in recovery. I was so paranoid about doctor swapping. I thought who is that male doctor hanging around in theatre as I lay on the operating table at daprs. I was told later that it was the anaesthetist but then I thought why did he just stand there as a female was injecting my iv as I fell asleep and still worried if the surgeon had been swapped as he was not Dr Kim and I got a monster face when I awoke. I asked to see the cctv to see if Kim had entered but DA clinic refused saying it was against the law to record in theatre so I said what about the corridor cctv to see if Kim entered the theatre. After a delay they said no can't do this. Dr Kim then said no doctor switch and blamed me for my heavy bruising and swelling saying I had poor veins. I was sent home with no bandages for my thighs and only a prescription in korean. At least I survived the GA which was overkill just for fg.
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Is it possible to have a friend sit near the OR? Or is that not allowed either! At least with TL You can view the surgery room real-time anywhere inside TLPS Real-time monitoring system is available with the consent of the guardian prior to the surgery, to ensure safety and relieve uncertainty issues of the patients.
  • 0 Shadow Doctor Polity promises to have the directors of each specialization
    taking care of the patients from before the surgery until the full recovery
  • Anesthesiologist is on site 24/7 is a promise to promptly attend to the emergency
    situation with the emergency medical system at a general hospital level
  • 13-year-accident-free record promises our best effort to continue the history
    of the safest medical service to each and every patient
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PM @krod2017..She had botched rhino and nerve injury from v line at tlps.
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I just got this reply from UVOM who is a top contender to revise my nose. My silicone implant has been in for over 32 years so it will be a VERY LONG TIME to remove the old implant and replace it with a new one, plus I also want the tip done this time round.
UVOM replied to my questions: "we opened in 1999, have 20+ years' experience and have had no medical accidents. We also have in house anesthesiologist and we have safety equipments for emergency. There are a few footages about our safety system on our facebook and instagram. Also 119 Ambulance station is right next to us so that they come to us within 3 mins if we call them". Good to know and one can't be too careful. That poor guy who die was young and I am a senior.
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IMHO, MVP has very poor customer service. I had to really chase them for a consultation slot & even after I got one they told me it was a tentative confirmation & they might postpone it if Dr. Seo has surgery. I said fugg it & crossed them off my list. for me poor customer service = poor aftercare
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Do more research @SheOnlyLooks25. I just found out that uvom is blacklisted for staff writing fake reviews. Remember find real patients! I chatted for months with Rebecca from Australia who went to mvp in 2015 and she shared so many photos so I knew she was real. The best clinic is the one that gives real patients with similar noses to yours a good result. Talking to real patients is key so keep looking for a real patient who had revision rhino you like who had silicone. I know one LA lady got her silicone replaced after 15 years by Dr Hong at gng and looks fab but then if you are pushed onto Seong like I was, you are not getting Hong who imo is excellent based on his work on real patients.
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hey! do you know any good reputable clinics that do des rhino and v line? I've heard of idea plastic surgery but its never on this forum
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