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Dream Clinic, perhaps!

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Hello everyone! I am new but I have been reading this forum alot lately, and thanks SOOO much because of your advice! I was so lost when I started considering plastic surgery in Korea, this forum has been a lifesaver!
Little about me, I got some big problems: Big nose, big chin, Big droopy eye lids, big forehead!

I have actually worked in a plastic surgery clinic. We just did lipo and mini tucks in that clinic, sometimes fat grafts but all body work.

I am a white girl yes, but still I find the Korean approach and technique far better than many American surgeons. And it's sooo expensive here! Same story everywhere, it's a hit or miss with any surgeon no matter where you go!

Therefore I know how important the research is. You really have to get to know the clinic and surgeon very well to find out if they are the one for you. And techniques are very important, get to know the techniques and all their pros and cons, what they can do and what they can't!

So I have contacted about 20 clinics now
Yikes, but yes it was worth it to get all these consults. Asking what should have for what area Iwanted done (keeping in mind I knew what I should have) helped me judge the clinic. I need a chin reduction, droopy lid reduction, and nasal narrowing with graft and tip reduction. I found several proposed procedures that were not for me (Double Jaw, cheek shaving etc). Now I have a couple I am really starting to narrow down on.

Right now, Dream is on the top of my list. They were expensive, but they offered me a discount if I got all these procedures done at once (which I had intended to do). The discount made the price in the same average as the other clinics. The surgeons and the clinic look very professional.

Pitangui's rates were staggeringly low. Man, it is so tempting with that low price! But it seems there is only 1 doctor and not many good reviews. Reviews go only so far with me because I know the industry and how many fake reviews are out there! But I could only find 1 good review of this clinic. That is troubling

Another option for me is Mina. What impressed me about the line is their professionalism. Their site is more what I would expect a surgical clinic site to be like. Focused on the medical aspect. Also, they sent me an incredibly detailed email, and asked me questions about which I expected others to ask but did not! They also speak very good English. Pics were sent as well! They haven't got back to me on the consult though. I just email them yesterday

The Line I felt good about. It seems they are good at contouring. They got back to me almost instantly, which was nice. Prices were about average. I heard good things on this forum about line.

I did look into ID and Grand. These are not on my list for now and Pitangui is probably going to join them. I don't feel safe at those clinics!

Any experiences you would like to share about these clinics would be great! I am gonna add more consult reviews here as I search more. Also if you have questions about the industry I can help you! Especially body related procedures. Thanks :smile:
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That's good to hear. Hm maybe I will reconsider. I decided not to go with dream. They were really expensive and they are on the blacklist. Opera is also on the blacklist, but they are now my top choice... Similar price quote as pitangui but specialize in facial contouring. I contacted TFD too but not a response yet. My biggest thing is I don't want to look like a dollface, so I'm trying to pick clinics that know how to do western faces but the b & a pics are limited on the sites, and very few causasians. Pitangui looks like they can do the natural look though! I have till March though so plenty of time to decide.

Do most people here do the in person consults the same time as the trip? I sorta want to do this so I can go to multiple clinics and compare but I have 3 areas + fat grafts to do and will probably have to schedule in advance :/ And it's gonna be hard enough to request leave from work as it is for "elective surgery overseas" , I don't have time to wait once I get there.
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