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Posts posted by mydeepestsecret

  1. hello delores thank you for ur kind words, i hope ur nose turns out the way u like it. dr kim's work is awesome i have been researching for so long i never rily found any negative complaints about him, and yes i am willing to share what happened with me in details (the goods and the bads in my experience) and i wish to do this sooner an ever but i rily cant becuz just thinking about my problem and how i allowed myself to be in this situation depresses me alot so until i fix my problem i cannot talk about it im very very frustrated. the difference between t-cut and shaving in v-line is that ghe t-cut is more invasive facial conturing surgery and will require to cut ur chin and jaw into a T shape and will be fixed with titanium screws, which is the popular method of v-line in kore and only few clinics does bone shaving instead, i chose the other clinic becuz i ddnt want t-cut and screws inside my face and v-line was the most important procedure to me, i can never co firm if it is done properly or not before i get a secoend ct scan as the first clinic were telling me that i dont need a ct scan to see my new face after i insisted too much ey provided a low quality photos and was not even allowed to take them (i dono why!!!) but anyhow, im not happy drom te after care of that clinic and i'll mention more in details in another post after i fix my current nose problem (doctor made it too short that u can see my nostrils from front view what a nightmare my nostrils is even bigger than my eyes which i never asked for i actually asked and specified for a smaller thinner nostrils) anyways i'll be back for more detailes in another post pls wish me luck on my revision surgery.
  2. glad u chose april31 for ur nose surgery, this clinic is indeed one of the best for nose work and i hope u will be happy with ur nose surgery. april31 was gonna be my choice for primary nose surgery last year if only i didnt need v-line surgery which was more important for me back then and needed to do all my facial surgery at one clinic (i didnt choose april31 becuz they use T-cut method for v-line and i didnt want a T-cut) i went with another clinic and i thut i liked my results at first, but with all the troubles from thr after care i have recieved with that clinic i now (after one year post surgery and when most of the swelling went down and the actual nose shape appeared) i regret that i did my nose surgery there. wished i waited and did my nose surgery with april31. but we do mistakes and we learn. im saving up for my revision and still trying to research for good nose revision doctors. dr kim from april31 is on the top of my list at the moment.

  3. Hello MrsKing and thank you for your question. Only few clinics in korea shave the facial bone from the sides without the use of titanum screws (T-Cut). Which i believe is better and safer and less complication and swelling. i was always very worried from putting metal screws inside my face.
  4. hello rene_sakurai, i wanted to go to dr jae hoon kim to do my nose, but i also needed to do v-line without screws, so i chose a clinic that does it and has a skilled nose doctor aswell to do my nose. thanks.
  6. Hii and i deeply aplologize for the late reply. My nose doesnt look very different im gonna be 5 months post next week. Im not sure how many mm the implant is as the doctor has only used it to smoothen the bone shape. the doctor has used some of the septum to shape and lift my tip as it was very weak and droopy before the surgery.

    i have chosen to consult with Beauty Forever and Girin based on photos and the the help and recommendation of my friend/translator, i chose to go with clinics that didnt care about advertising very much but it wasnt also the main factor, i honestly wanted to visit more than one clinic ut because my time was very tight i needed to do surgery whenever possible because i needed to wait one month for another surgery in the states (breast revision) so i chose what i thut were best clinics.

    thank you for your compliment, i keep getting comments that i am brave and crazy lol. im not that brave rilly, i only did what i should have done long time ago and i just had the courage to get done with it lol. without the help of aeri and trusting her i wouldnt be going to korea alone and do surgeries.
  7. heyy girly thank u!!! :smile:
    i guess ur v-line took longer becuz the method is quiet complicated, my doctor only shaved the sides without cutting or adding screws. I wish u speedy recovery with no complications pls take ur medicines on time and dont forget to gargle after every meal for atleast a month and hang on there thank god u r over with this surgery and u just have take good care of ur health and nutritions and wait for the result :smile: i've been thru hell first few days but yes I didnt expect that I had a higher pain tolerance than I thut and yes I did have pain on my thighs from the liposuction that was for the fat graft and it lasted about a month.
  8. I dont remember exactly how much my nose costs becuz i did so many other things at the same time, but i can tell u it was a good price 6000 usd more or less. i was given a local price.
  9. my doctor is very skilled and has alots of experience, i got a compelte nose surgery: arrow nose correction, oteostomy, hump removal, nasal bone reduction, alar reduction, tip augmentation with ear cartliage and silicone for bridge.
  10. hi mina,
    When i did v-line in beautyforever they didnt let me wear facial compression garment they said it delays deswelling, i know 2 people from october's group whom i met and did their surgery in the clinic they did v-line and full face fat graft at the same time.
  11. Hello Gwen!!
    There is a branch for beautyforever clinic in china and the doctors in beautyforever korea travel to china once every 2 weeks to perform surgery there. good luck on ur PS :heart:
  12. Hi. I also used to think the same and was worried that the fat might dissolve unevenly and make face look weird. but i still wanted to do it becuz as much as i was researching, i have not read of ppl having fat graft in korea having this problem, i have read bad reviews of fat graft that is done in the US but i guess korea and US are doing it differently. Personally i loved the fat on my forhead but i guess since im using alot of forhead muscle during facial expressions the fat had dissolved abit but it dsnt look weird or eneven, would love to go back and top up whenever budget allowed i look soo much better with fuller forhead.
  13. Hi makemeup, I dont know the name of the injection becuz they only told me that it helped with faster recovery, im guessing it could be a stronger type of antibiotic injection? im sorry but I didnt ask them. and I cant be sure if it helped at all becuz I tried to do a lot of things to heal faster like drinking protein and taking healing vitamins etc.
    I posted a side view and front view pics of my nose 2 months after surgery, before surgery, my nose was very bad, low tip, hump, and deviated septum. 1386198761248.jpg
    I love my new nose my doctor is an artist!
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