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Posts posted by mydeepestsecret

  1. Hello Soong sister,

    i am planning to have Nose surgery under IV sedation and in the same day will do Facial contouring in another clinic under GA. my nose surgery will be: Oteostomy to remove nasal hump and Reduce bridge width, Alar reduction, Droopy tip correction and Deviation septum correction. do you think my nose surgery needs to be under GA? and why:sad:
  2. which make me think that Regen could be the same thing, the best doctors perform on the clinic's models only. not sure but thats what im worried from, which made me not as interested anymore in regen. altho i havent heared any negative feedbacks about them.
  3. please let me know ur friend's experience. i'd like to see her before and afters as well.
    thank u very much
  4. i'd like to hear your stories. and would be very helpful if you send me your before and afters. i have round face (combanation of fat, muscle and bone) but i know that i have alot of fat because when i gain more weight it's the first place where it becomes (bigger and chubbier). i hate it!! im thinking about acculift or facial lipo. any satisfied patients ??? do u recommanded to slim the jaw line??:sad:
  5. Oh i see. wow! u've had implants for more than 20 years and suddenly u just wanted them out!!! i've had mine for 5 months, never liked them but only becuz they're positioned too low .. but i cant imagine to remove them and not getting them replaced i mean already i feel that those implants r part of me and wouldnt feel complete with them hehe.
    may i ask you regarding the explant, did they remove the old pocket/capsule skin?
    i'll be staying somewhere in La Mesa when i fly for my breast surgey. planning to go to korea first to have my facial surgeries, v-line, complete nose surgery, fat graft and acculift, maybe dark circles correction as well. then 3 weeks later will go to Dr Pousti. have secured my surgery date already =}
  6. i wished im living in san diego :smile:
    which area ur staying at?
    yeah dr pousti have alot of good reviews and i love his work as per what i've seen on his website. and it seems like he is pretty reputable too. hes qoute is sort of expensive but im like (anything to fix my boobs lol) so i didnt argue about e price. if u dont have any serious complication i guess its alright to have it in korea. may i ask why di u wanna have a revision? is it to fix a complication or just changing size?
  7. im gonna have a BA revision with Dr Pousti /San Diego. i chose him becuz he seems go be rily good with the Internal Bra technique that fixes bottomed out implants, my implants are 6 months and never enjoyed them unforntunately, done with another surgeon in my country. implants placed too low. im half arab and half asian ^^
  8. im gonna be there in 31 september or 1st of october.. i wanna do v-line / forhead and high cheeks fat graft / complete nose surgery with oteostomy (no implant tho) / facial lipo / v-lift. probebly fix the dark circles under my eyes as well. and 29 days later im flying to the states for Breast implant revision.

    im still having a hard time choosing a clinic becuz one clinic is good at something and another clinic is good at other things that i wanna do. im soo confused.

    im trying to find clinics that do v-line without screws or use dissolvable screws becuz i dont wanna put forign objects in my face im scared from infection. i mean its my face if anything goes wrong i cannot hide it under my clothes. so im rily frustrated and still searching and trying to decided. i've been wanting to do these surgeries for yrs and my time off work is limited so i wish that i can do all these surgeries this time and get over with it already lool.
  9. actually there is something odd about Regen, its like they choose they're patients and whoever they wana perform on they answer their emails otherwise they dont, i've been trying to contact them via email for over 6 months. they never answer. last month i posted on their online consultation web page (u need to put any telephone number not nessesarily a korean telephone number) and they sent me a reply thru the same email address that i've been that i was using to email them for months, then i replied back with more questions and they never answered back.
  10. hi winterntht, thank u for informative input.

    i heard about Smallface long ago but i also heared recently that the good doctor have left the clinic and started his own. i dono his name nor the name of his new clinic.

    i personally didnt like banobagi's pics for facial contouring on their website, but i hvnt seen any other pics than the one on the website so i rily cannot tell how is their outcome.

    View clinic, couldnt find any information on their website, http://viewclinic.com/en/e_htm/intro.php
    i dono if they have another website. or maybe i can open the page becuz im using ipad.

    ID Noooooo!! i wouldnt go there nor recommand anyone to go there after what i've read about what happened to few members who posted here and all the other horror stories.

    JK, i read on this forum before it was one of the clinics that were blacklisted for sometime along with Wonjin and few other clinics, so i woudnt risk going to them.

    im very glad to know about the dissolvable screws and tha possibility of doing v-line without titanium screws fixation. i guess i'll try to keep looking and hopefully someone who know other places that have this technique. and if you remember other clinics who do this as well pls dont forget to post!! :biggrin:

    thank u!! :heart:
  11. umm, i havent heared that they cause infection, but ofcorse, with any forign object inside our bodies we'll always be prone for infection:sad: so i was wondering if the rate is as high as silicone nose implant.
  12. hi sakurabliss, i didnt mean the two jaw, i wS told that v-line is Mandible reduction + Chin reduction, To actually have V-shape face :biggrin:

    i thught i read some where that smallface does v-line (jaw and chin) without screws but i couldnt find anything to confirm it when tried to search again, and when i emailed few clinics they all saild that fixation with titanium screws are nessecary :sad: i tried writing to smallface so many times they never reply, i tried to call them once and when i started speaking in english they hang up on my face and never answered my calls again LOL!!

    i wish if im wrong and that there are clinics that do v-line without using any titanium screws :sad:
  13. does anybody know which clinic does Jaw & Chin reduction (V-Line) without the need of using screws?? i've emailed few clinics and the ones that replied including Regen and JW said Titanium screws are nessecary for fixation.

    as much as possible i dont want any implants in my face in fear of infection.

    another thing is, have anybody heared of anyone getting facial contouring and have caught infection because of the titanium screws??

    hopefully to get some answers soon.

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