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Posts posted by mydeepestsecret

  1. Hello Rapid, Thank u for kind words and yes indeed surgery was the best thing i've ever done for myself so far. No regrets whatsoever. recovery wasnt very easy and specialy first few days but if u do it at the right place and u get enough support the results are all worth it in the end!! regarding Acculift, I am now few days over 2 months, my face is much smaller than before surgery even when there are still residual swelling that will last for 6-12 months, but yes and yes the acculift has a wonderful tightening effect, I look at myself in the mirror everyday and wondering where did all that tissue go lool!! if u see me before surgery u will not imagine that there will be anything to fix my saggy/fatty face before surgery. I swear its like magic but again im only 2 months post and it might change with time but so far its soo good!!!
  2. Thank u Nicole. yes I fele very happy to have decided to do surgery It really changed my life I feel confident standing at any angle and still look good and dont need any makeup for any occassion I look normal now no more witch nose lool. Aeri letting me stay at her place to be with me post surgery is part of a deal we had becuz I requested a special service which is "post op care". you can contact her thru email [email protected]
  3. Actually lenna my recovery was considered fast comparing to other patients as per my translator/friend and the clinic. the bruising under my eyes from the nose surgery took around one month to lighten but I can say there are still some color that didnt go away (septoplasty was tough surgery) and my facial swelling from v-line was subsided just a bit on day 10 but my face looked "normal" or maybe as round as how it was before the surgery. my doctor said the longer it takes to cut the chin/jaw during the surgery the bigger the swelling and the longer it'll stay but that also depending on each body and how it was prepared before the surgery. my v-line surgery took only 50 mins. only shaving, no t-cuts or screws, therefore less trauma and damage to the tissue so less swelling. but I admit I also did what it takes to reduce swelling as soon as possible, things like: limiting salty food, walking, keeping myself hydrated and drinking fluids, deswelling massage from the clinic was amazing and that gave me shocking result after just one session and I believe it helped to deswell faster.
  4. Awhh Thank u for ur sweet words ;') im glad my post helps and so far I feel great about how I look even tho final results will only show after 6 months. yepp I hope that too even tho im in my mid 20s now and married, would love to see the extra attention and feel young again lool didnt have that in my teens :P
  5. It has been a while i have not logged in, Im happy to finally be here to share with u my PS jorney that took place last october. i need to mention that im no good in writing stories nor good in english so forgive me if i mispell any word and if i miss a point or if you want to know a certain detail u can always ask me and i'll answer any question as soon as possible. please do not send me any PM or ask about my kakao ID. i'll be on the forum every day so i'll reply within 24 hours.

    i was not happy with the way i looked and whenever i look at myself in the mirror i feel surprised because i 've always imagined myself looking differently, way different than what i originally looked like in reality. Im half asian and half arabian. im in my mid 20s, never felt happy or confident in my teenage years, i thought i looked either too old or either too young, used to have a round chubby face weither i gained weight or lost it. my nose was crooked and i had a hump and tip was too low. forhead was boney and my lower face always looked too full. i looked weird!!!! no contouring or magic makeup tips could hide my insecurities. i was one of those girls who swore to never go under the knife, not that i was against plastic surgery or gainst the ppl who done it, i was just too scared to even think of going thru the pain so.. i wasted alot of money (almost more than what i paid for my surgery) on cosmetics and creams trying to fix my problems using (non invasive methods) but nothing has helped, until 3 or 4 yrs ago i took the idea of plastic surgery the other way and actually decided to do it.

    sooo.. i've been educating myself alot before planning this surgery and finally earlier this year i have managed to pull a loan to make this dream finally come true! so i was mentally ready for all the risks and complications that might come from this surgery and financialy ready too! but i was worried of going alone to a country i have not been to before and not knowing the language which makes hiring a translator a must to do, and i was also scared to end up dying from infection if (god forbids) a complication occurs while i rest in my hotel with nobody beside me. i was searching for translators and came up with few andcontacted them, i personally didnt feel 100% ok about them but that was just me.. after some time i learned that most translators take very high commissions from ur surgery price explains why forigners pay soo much while locals pay way less. i thought i was gonna end up with them any way thinking i dont have another choice since most clinics in korea dont have english translators but until a close date to my trip i couldnt choose any of those translators, and then i met Aeri online. I never met her before. but she was nice and she was speaking fairly good english. honestly i thought at the begining that she was bound to one clinic so i didnt ask to hire her as my translator but we continued to talk about other stuff and we became friends. i only recieved a good vibe from her so i was comfortable with her. i eventually i asked her if shes committed to one clinic and she said no so i asked her if she could be my translator and she agreed. i also believed that she doesnt take any commission beside translation fees and i felt happy about my decision. altho i still didnt know which clinic to go with until i was in korea. i only made appointments with 2 clinics, Girin and Goowonsesang (beautyforever).

    i arrived in seoul on 27 sep, Aeri was with me on kakao messenger all the way ever since i landed, she was providing me all the info i need and told me where to rent phone and wifi egg and which bus to take and how much to pay, she wrote me messages in korean to show them to people if in cases i get lost or needed help. things went smoothly and i arrived in the central of seoul on time to go to my first appointment with Girin clinic.

    My opinion about Girin clinic is that.. the female reciptionists looked really cute and pretty, consultant lady was really really cute!! Place was too small though.. doctor was nice. and seemed smart.. and they qouted me very good price for all the procedures i wanted.. 13 milion won. the reason i didnt go with them is that i didnt like the idea of having only 1 doctor to perform 4 procedures (v-line, complete nose reconstruction, acculift and fat graft), v-line and nose septoplasty surgery are two major surgeriesa nd prefered to have each one with a specialist. so i decided that i didnt want to go with girin and went to beautyforever.p for a consultation.

    i arrived there and met the consultant who greeted us with warm smile. my translator did the talk since she knew already what i wanted to get done, i met with 2 doctors, dr cho for facial contouring, and dr lee for nose, acculift and fat graft for my cheeks and forhead. i liked both doctors and i felt that i would go with this clinic. we discussed the price and the lowest they could give me is 17.5 mil, i was okay with the price because i expected to be charged much more knowing that most clinics charge double for forigners but what disturbed me is that i had to wait for 3 days to do the surgery. plus i needed to pay some amount to book for surgery date (i forgot how much i paid exactly) but it was not full amount because i only brought with me 10K usd in cash. and they would charge 10% more for tax if i paid with credit card. so i agreed to pay in cash and managed later to transfer the rest of the money to Aeri's personal bank account and she has withdrew them and paid the clinic on surgery day.

    this is turning into a novel so i'll try to say whats important and keep it short and informative. stayed at aeri's house for nearly one month in korea, she lived outside seoul but it wasn't very far and transportation by subway and bus was rather easy. before coming to korea i have shipped to her house some of my protein powder, vitamins and medical pillow, as u must sleep with ur head elevated for few days right after surgery, went around seoul and did some shopping to prepare myself before surgery day on october 1.

    the surgeries i have done were:
    - v-line (no t-cuts or titanium screws).
    - nose septoplasty and rhinoplasty: deviated nasal septum correction, droopy tip correction with ear cartliadge, hump removal, otestomy, I shaped silcon implant, alar base reduction.
    - Acculift: jaw line and double chin.
    - Facial fat graft: upper cheeks and forhead.

    i stayed one night in the clinic on surgery day and was discharged at 5 pm next day, had a bad experience with one of the nurses so they tried to make it up for me giving me free injection that would help me recover faster worth 300 usd. overall i was satisfied with the doctors work and the consultant. but 1st 2 days after my surgery were hell. i dont remember having pain from v-line or nose, maybe i had some pain but i felt the most pain on my eyes from breaking the nose during the surgery and that affected my eyes and caused them bruising that slowly faded with time. i also felt some pain from acculift and on my thighs where they extracted fat to implant them on my forhead and cheeks. but they were minor pain. i had no problem with my nose and v-line. i could easily eat and talk normally on day 5. i lived on porridge and protein shakes for first few days and started eating meat and solid food 1 week later. had my worst swelling starting day 3 till day 6 then it slowly subsided and i think i looked normal 3 weeks post surgery.

    please do not ask me for my before and after pictures. after so much thoughts. i decided i cant post my pics online or send them to ppl i dono. if u happen to hire aeri, u may look at my pics in her phone, she has all my before, during recovery, and after, i wont mind u seeing them, but i appologize again i wont be posting or sending pics online for privacy reasons.

    i am now 2 months post surgery and i still didnt reach my final look but so far i am very happy with my results. i thank god everyday for guiding me and making me trust and follow my instincs. i thank god for giving me the stregnth on deciding to go under the knife and finally make a change to things that have bothered me all my life. its the first time i begun feeling interested in wearing makeup now that i have a prettier face. i thank god for knowing such an amazing person like aeri to translate for me assist me and be with me on this journey, shes been awesome i swear i never think i'd make it alive if she wasnt with me first few days after surgery. she litterly saved my life. if it wasnt for her waking me up and reminding me to take my meds and help me walk, i wouldnt survive because the pain of my eyes. imagine having constant pain worse than migrane pain, not being able to open ur eyes nor closing them, was in so much pain i couldnt sleep!!! oh and pain meds in korea arent strong as the ones in the states and i am a person with high pain to,erance so BEWARE and try to bring ur own meds. aeri forced me to use eye drops to prevent any infecion that might happen on my eyes from bruising and amazingly it all cleared and pain subsided within days. she truely cared for me and she was being a real friend. i definately recommand her to anyone having multiple or big surgeries and coming to korea alone.i was very lucky having her with me.

    im so happy i did this, korea is beautiful and i spent too much on shoping and skin care products lol. i met with few other patients who were on october's kakao group and made good friends. unfortunately i had one friend i couldnt meet becuz i was recovering outside seoul and he was busy :@ :@ he worked for another ps clinic. but willing to visit again soon becuz i fell in love with korea and would visit there for shopping whenever budget allows =D i have beautiful memories from korea i wish u all the best of luck and have the same experience i had =')

    anybody is welcom to post questions and i'll be answering them asap.

  6. I sent my korean friend the link u posted and she said that this info is wrong and it doesnt mention on that list anything wrong or bad about these clinics.
  7. thank u for sharing with us your feedback. im glad to know that u had a good experience in korea. can u pls post for us THE clinic's website? and about opening your mouth 3 fingers,
    can u please make this one more clear for me, can you open your mouth when u need to yawn? can you not open your mouth wide because of muscle weakness or is it pain? or is it so that your stiches dont burst? im planning to do a surgery 29 days after V-line and nose surgery and my big concern is that i cannot open my mouth wide enough for anesthesia's intubation for the seconed surgery :sad:
  8. i spoke to a girl who goes to yakson house and she believes that its no joke and most korean celebs go there instead of facial contouring surgery. it requires 9 sessions and every session is so painful and sometimes unbearable.
  9. you can do fat graft to make ur face look smaller. plump ur chin, cheeks and forhead t make it more 3D, use botox or radio frequency to reduce masseter muscle. remove ur buccal fat pad (simple surgery and way less invasive than facial constiurng surgery) and u'll have a smaller looking face. i wanted to convince myself to do this instead of v-line surgery but becuz i have boxy chin that bothers me, narrow lips that cannot be widen thru surgery yet, and narrow eyes as well so my face will look big and unbalanced (i promised my husband not to do any changes to my eyes so im not planning to do any eye surgery exept maybe bleph) so i have no option but v-line or mini-v-line to shape my facial bone and make it smaller :sad:
  10. it depends on how simple or comlicated the surgeries r, and ofcorse u cant go Under general anesthesia too soon and it also depends on ur general health and ur hemo level (blood count). what surgeries would u like to do maybe we can help u plan it and how many days u have in korea?
  11. here u can click on these links to see the pics http://plasticsurgeryinkorea.tumblr.com/
    i too thinking to have my nose surgery in April31 apperantly they r the best in the field
  12. Patients who have metal plates, pins, and screws in the body are rightfully concerned about the safety and long-term effects of these devices left inside. Surgeons share those concerns but do not want to perform an additional surgery to remove them if unnecessary. And sometimes when plates are used to hold bone together after a fracture, bone grows around them embedding this fixation device too much to remove it easily.

    So just how safe are these devices? In this article, Dr. David G. Dennison from the Orthopedic Surgery department of Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota summarizes what we know from research and clinical studies on this topic. In particular, Dr. Dennison zeroes in on titanium volar plates used to treat distal radius fractures.

    Titanium has replaced stainless steel these days for fixation devices. It is more compatible with the human biology, which means it's less likely to cause a reaction. When an inflammatory response does occur, it is mild and limited (doesn't last). Titanium can also be combined with other metals such as cobalt, chromium, and molybdenum to create a lighter but more durable material.

    Volar plates refer to the location of fixation devices -- placed on the front or inside of the forearm. Radius fracture tells us the radial bone in the forearm is broken. There are two bones in the forearm: ulna and radius. The radius is on the thumb-side of the forearm. Distal means the break is down toward the hand rather than up by the elbow.

    There are all kinds of concerns about metal plates. Animal studies show there is an effect on the immune system. There is evidence that the metal can cause the entire immune system to be suppressed (under functioning). This immune system shut down could result in infections. Some studies have shown that metal implants can cause an increase in white blood cells called lymphocyte reactivity. There is a worry that this effect could cause implant loosening or failure, though it hasn't been proven yet.

    Another potential problem with titanium plates is the debris that occurs. Tiny flakes of this metal chip off and enter the bloodstream, nearby soft tissues, and/or joint. Both titanium and stainless steel have been found in all these anatomical areas of the human body (titanium slightly more often and in greater amounts than stainless steel). Metal debris is more likely to develop when the implant is rubbing against another surface. This wearing or rubbing phenomenon is called fretting.

    Then the question arises: can this metal debris lead to the formation of cancer? Studies in mice show there is the potential for metal wear debris to damage chromosomes making it a potential carcinogen (cancer producing). Next, developers of these products asked if coating the plate would protect the body from corrosion or metal debris? This question remains unanswered so far.

    One thing we do know from studies -- placing a long titanium or metal pin down through the middle of a bone to stabilize it is linked with a much higher increase in the amount of metal found in the bloodstream. Chromium seems to have the highest levels reported for these intramedullary nails. Intramedullary titanium nails also increase the amount of titanium found in blood samples, but not as much as chromium. Evidently, the large surface area of the intramedullary nail exposes the bone to more titanium, thus the higher levels of serum (blood) metal.

    Removing titanium plates does slowly reduce the levels of metal in the blood and soft tissues. But it can take a year or more after removal to bring these elevated levels back down to normal. Dr. Dennison reports that there aren't specific studies of the effects of titanium plates (prolonged use or removal) from the treatment of distal volar radial fractures.

    Summarizing, Dr. Dennison says that the information found on this topic seems to suggest that the overall level of risk when leaving titanium plates in the forearm is acceptable. The volar surface plate is not a large implant and doesn't usually involve nails down through the . Instead, small screws placed perpendicular to the plate to hold it in place are more typical. Still, there are concerns and risks reported that deserve specific study and more conclusive answers. Future studies are needed to address these concerns and questions.

  13. hi and congrats on having the surgery!! now all u have to do is wait and enjoy watching the changes!! u can simply tell ur co workers that u had pain in ur leg muscles from working out too much! their problem if they dnt wana beleive it! u dont need to tell a soul about ur surgery. its completely a personal decision and since this world is a judgemental place u dnt rily need to go thru any kind of stress and definately dont need to explain to anyone anything! ur not a child u decided this for urself becuz u'll only do whatever u believe is right for u!
  14. hello visualkeno, would u please share with me ur befores and afters?
  15. i am still looking and im havng the hardest time :'(
    i have found a good doctor for facial bone surgery that does exactly the kind of contouring i want but only he doesnt do nose surgeries. it's actually Smallface clinic, i mean i was told by the translator that he does nose surgeries but its not his line or speciality and they dont have a nose specialist at their facility. hence im interested in april31 or shimmian for nose. im still looking for a good clinic that does v-line surgery (without screws) and a nose specialist for otoestomy and septum deviation correction :sad:
    seems like i'll have to man up and do em all together in 1 day unless smallface allows a nose doctor from another clinic to operate in their facility while im under GA would save alot of pain and hassle. sadly iasked them already and they wont allow :sad:
  16. oh god thats terrible im truly sorry to know this happened to u. most importantly that u r safe and not disfigured. even tho u didnt want an otoestomy is ur result ok? :sad:( did u confront the doctor???? and the nose surgery was under IV sedation right?
  17. im glad u brought that to my attention. probebly doing both nose and facial bone isnt the smartest thing to do after all. altho im very stressed about it and i dono what to do becuz of my limited time in korea and desperately wanting to do all surgeries during this trip :sad:
    do u think doing the nose under IV sedation then v-line under GA the next day would be a bit better than having them together in the same day? and may i know where did u have ur nasal oteostomy surgery?
  18. hi !! i wana do: nose surgery (deviated septum correction, droopy tip correction, otoestomy to reduce bone width, hump removal)
    .. and on the same day (or maybe the day after nose) would do: v-line, face lipo, facial fat graft, dark circle under eye correction with filler.
    and 29 days later will do a revisonary breast surgery in another country.

    the clinics i have on mind are:
    April31 for nose
    Smallface for face line
    Faceline for face
    Regen for all surgeries
    Shimmian for nose
  19. thank u very much for ur advice. it is true im a bit nervous about this decision and still thinking it over until the time comes (next month). unfortunately the i found 2 doctors good at different things that i want to do at the same time (to reduce recovery time, i thought) and i only have little time in korea. i also thought about doing the face first and then the nose, but im worried the swelling of face will affect the nose job outcome as the doctor might not know if its swelling or nose tissue and might over desect etc. i have no idea how strong i will be after the nose surgery as i never did it before and unfortunately i have too many probs with my nose bone and will need breakage and oteostomies and septum to be straightened :sad: and the idea of doctors hitting my newly operated nose crossed my mind but if i will do it on the same day (as soon as i wakeup from the nose surgery) isnt my nose still gonna be packed and that can protect it? or am i wrong? pls let me know what u think :sad:
  20. hi and thank u for telling me about this. i was terrified that i might wake up from pain because i saw a video of breaking the nose during oteostomy looks pretty intense. but im glad that i heared from u. unfortunately im not only doing otoestomy, but complete nose surgery including deviation septum correction (too much work on the bone) and i am scared that IV sedation wont be enough and might give me a terrible unforgetale awkward experience :'"(
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