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Posts posted by mydeepestsecret

  1. i wish if you would sue them, its true that you might never get your face back, but who knows, maybe you will! you dont wait from them to offer your free revision, ofcorse you wont let them touch you again after the way they treated you, but atleast you'll force them to pay you back enought to have revision somewhere else.

    your post will never describe exactly how you feel but i can imagine how hard this is for you and i can feel the agony you are going through, i am very sorry that nothing we say can change amything for you but i am praying for you to be strong. and i pray from my heart that you dont give up, you can still fix what happened, you can still have the result you wanted.

    please use the proof you have to make that devil pay what he has done to you and other poor patients who dont have any proof to fight.

    i pray for your stregnth. please sue them, and dont stop hoping, keep on looking for a good doctor to fix everything. i hope to head good news from you soon :heart:
  2. that is sad not all forigners are rich and most of them have old dreams to do plastic surgery and must have been saving for years to be able to travel to korea and pay for all the expenses travel and stay expenses not just ps cost. i, myself, have pulled a loan. they shouldnt treat forigners like that they should be more considerate :'(
  3. just recently, like two weeks ago, by email. they knew i am forigne. but i thought 16,000,000 KW for vline is crazy! like 3 times the normal price! actually i was offended. they're not the only clinic in korea!! not going there :sad:

  4. i have been trying to email them for months and no reply. i just posted on their online consul page today and waiting now for their answer. for thd cell number issue just choose anything and enter random numbers but make sure your email address is correct because you will getting the answer thru email.

    good luck!!
  5. this!
  6. i was 25 when i had my first surgery/plastic surgery (breast augmentation with silicone) wished if i did it earlier. like 19 or 20. i would allow my own daughters in the future to have plastic surgery before the age of 18 if i find that its rilly nessecary, like, if they have rily flat chest or ugly long and big jaw, or crooked nose. i wouldnt make them wait and waste their time and not let them enjoy their teenage hood and miss out on great things for reasons like this, like how i went thru it. but other than that i,ll convince them that it's best to wait until they are 20 or when they feel like their body is fully grown because teenagers bodies change very fast.
  7. if you are already in US i strongly recommand you to have your BA in there. go for american board certified plastic surgeon. plus, its strange but BA is much cheaper in america and they have better techniques for best results. based in my research; Dr. David Kim beverlyhills, Dr. Tom Pousti san diego, Don Revis florida have the best ratings. search for your doctor on (realself), i myself going to US for a BA revision before visiting korea for the other surgeries that r not available in america or any other country e.g facial contouring. good luck.
  8. Dear Go2Kr,
    i've read ur posts and im very happy to know that u had a good experience with Regen, i have some questions but i dono how to contact u as i am a new member and cannot pm yet. my kakao is mds2013 pls contact me.
    wishing u fast and smooth recovery :heart:

  9. oh my god!!!! How evil of them!!
  10. most clinics and hospitals wouldnt allow patients to stay more than 1 day. i've emailed few and i dono its strange of them thinking all girls are superwomen and can take care of themselves perfectly even in case of big surgeries like jaw, rhino and eye surgery, i mean cmon, what if the patient have bad eyes and cannot wear their glasses first few weeks after nose and eye surgery how can they actually prepare themselves food etc
    and i did also found a place that will provide personal nurse but its too expensive like 300,000 kw 24/h per day. im looking for other cheaper deals. too bad i got no one ti travel with me ;(
  11. cant contact anybody privately becuz im a new member still in purseblog and im not allowed to pm :sad:
    i would love to meet up but im gonna be there in november.
    until when ur staying and which clinic ur going with?
  12. Hi Soong sister,

    I'm planning to have facial contouring (mandible and chin) + Full Rhinoplasty.

    please suggest me the best places please i only have one face ;'(

    thanks alott :heart:
  13. i am also planning to visit korea in few months for PS but im so frustrated because i cannot find a clinic that seems sincere and honest it seems like you can never know which doctor is operating on you and if any mistake happens you cannot sue them for signing a paper before surgery what do you guys think how can we choose the best clinic :sad:
    everytime i think i have found the one turnes out to be bad in korea and has bad reviews and complaints and if u hire a translator they'll only recommand u places where they get higher comissions like seriously ppl WTF!! :sad:
  14. i belived u from the start, brian. i talked to u before in kakaotalk. i wish u the best of luck in ur new job. and thank you for not being like the other careless ppl who only care about themselves and their pockets being filled.
  15. can you pls send me yumi's direct number/email/kakao id? :sad:
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