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Posts posted by lanvinfiend

  1. Miss K maiden: yes I've been told that eyelids which require a significant amount of fat excision may not be suitable for non-incisional. However, what is classified a fatty eyelid can be subjective. I didn't ask too much about how much fat one needs to be considered as having fatty eyelids cos my eyelid skin tends towards thin.

    Feryn, agreed. Consults should NOT require deposits. Surgery appointments can sometimes require deposits (if there's a particular time slot on a specific day you want), but you should definitely do a full consult (free of charge, no deposits) before you consider doing any Surgery at all. Anyway, some surgeons are popular, yes, but its unlikely they'll be so fully booked that you won't be able to secure a surgery slot should you want one.
  2. Vanitygirl! I'm having trouble PM-ing you back to answer your questions, kakao me with your questions (kakao ID: lanvinfiend) and I'm happy to answer :smile:

    K, re: incisional vs non-incisional. I was told that non-incisional's risk of coming undone is quite overstated, and that the percentage of revisions due to stitches coming loose is very very low (<1%, if I don't recall wrongly). The downtime is very minimal (even for those of us who are not Wolverine).

    However, I also heard from other sources (i.e. other doctors) that incisional is better for significant corrections (e.g. where ptosis is not minor, where there is significant asymmetry, or where one requires significant increase in eyelid height).

    I haven't done any eye procedures so I can't comment based on past experience, but it seems like one of those procedures where there's little consensus. Keep us updated on what your friend chooses to do!
  3. Hi popcorn, I suggest you go for consultations before you decide about ptosis correction. It's one of those procedures where your doctor needs to see your eye in motion (like how the muscle functions when opening/closing) to advise you. Recommendations based on photos are not very reliable for ptosis correction. I think you can get the overly surprised look from epi/ptosis, if it's botched.
  4. Hi vanitygirl09, I've met with both Daphne and Unji before, they are both really sweet! I've heard people on tpf calling them consultants, but I think they are more like English-speaking customer service officers in that they help you arrange meetings with the surgeon, take you around the clinic, help you get things you need (e.g. drinks/food) -but they don't actually quote price.

    I personally don't really think it matters which customer service person helps you out on that day (as they don't quote price, and they are both equally nice). What's more important is that the surgeon you want to work with is available that day -you definitely want to meet the person who will be operating on you, so you can question them about their methods, recommendations etc.

    It doesn't really make sense to postpone your consults based on the available customer service person. Get your consults done as soon as possible, to leave you as much healing time as possible, especially if you're traveling to Seoul just for surgery,

    Good luck with your consults and surgery!!!
  5. Peachy, I asked the same thing about fg too, cos there's no way I want my face to look even wider -I want a skinny, egg-shaped face!

    Interestingly, I was told that fg at the strategic parts of your face can make your face look livelier and narrower (cos it appears more 3D). When your face is flat, it can appear wider. For example, if you have a flat forehead, the upper portion of your face could look recessed as compared to your jaw, making your jaw look wider in comparison -fg in forehead could potentially help balance things out.
  6. Hi peachy! I'm not K, but am chiming in. Why not consider fat grafting to fill the hollows on your face (e.g. Temples/sides of face below cheekbones) instead of zygoma reduction?

    Putting on weight is quite imprecise at adding fullness to your face -you never know where it's gonna end up, it could all go to your gut/thighs etc instead of to your sides of your face where u have hollows.

    Of course, this is if you have enough fat to graft, some (un)lucky people who are too slim don't. (I can't decide whether that would be a good problem to have, cos I definitely do not have that issue -I have a deceptive looooot of fat to be harvested :P grass is always greener on the other side huh?)
  7. ^I'm guilty as charged, I have definitely done the asking for something 'natural' thing. And I'm ashamed to say that I have been known to complain about results that are too natural. Oops! Thank you for being my online Florence Nightingale!!

    In my defense...I did go armed with lots of photos, both photoshopped photos of myself, and celeb photos to show my idea of 'natural' vs 'too pointy/pinched' (Exhibit A: Fan Bing Bing)

    It's really easy to be dissatisfied with what seems like tiny, barely incremental change, and wondering why you went through so much for so little change. The interesting thing is that, when you compare your b&a photos objectively, you may actually find quite a significant difference (e.g. Small bridge where there was previously none) The brain tends to forget how you used to look, really quickly!
  8. Hi Tyler, the effectiveness of ptosis correction would depend on your eyes. On somebody with moderate-severe ptosis, ptosis correction would help reveal more of the pupil, and there would be a largening effect. If you don't have moderate-severe ptosis, the correction may not be very dramatic.

    Epi can really open up the eye. Oryza's eyes are gorgeous, she's even prettier now :smile:
  9. Calliecat, it's best to wait after your braces are off, as your bite/profile will probably change over the next 2 years, sometimes dramatically, which will change the way you feel about your jaw. You sound early-ish in braces process, since you have 2 years to go, so it's probably best to wait in case you experience significant changes.

    Even after taking your braces off, your teeth may shift -teeth shift all the time, due to a bunch of factors (aging, wisdom teeth, gum health etc) regardless of whether one has done braces or not, but people who've worn braces are generally more prone to teeth shifting. That's why wearing retainers are important (or so my ortho tells me!)

    Not jaw related but interesting: when I got my braces off, some parts of my face (e.g. temples) were more sunken than before -I was told that it was related to how braces affected the muscles, which I used to chew. Weird huh?
  10. milkychoco, yeah I think it depends on the type of eyes you have. I would like longer eyes, but the doctors I've consulted with have quite mixed comments on lateral's effectiveness (for my eyes). Some background: I have deep natural creases, but they're not as high as I'd like, and my eyes are quite close together. This was the advice I got:

    BK: ptosis, DES, epi, lateral. Dr Kim said lateral was optional for me, wouldn't make a huge difference, but I could do it if I wanted
    Teium: ptosis, DES, epi, lateral. Dr Kwon said he could do epi in a way to avoid narrowing width between the eyes.
    JW: ptosis, DES, optional lateral. Dr Choi recommended against epi for me, and said I could do lateral, but would only have marginal difference
    Apr: "eye contouring" -essentially ptosis, DES. Recommended against epi, said lateral not needed for me
    Dream: ditto

    I would really like to do epi to get the HUGE widening effect it can have, but it seems like I'm not the most suitable candidate. boo!
  11. Ooh please share clinic that's good at skincare/fg!!!

    I'm not very educated at osteo, as my issue is low bridge (typical Asian flat wide nose). I would think that a skilled rhino surgeon would definitely be able to do osteo though! Anecdotally, my friend got his osteo done at Oz (it's not very popular on with tpf-ers), to remove a hump and put in goretex implant! His nose looks great! I hear recovery was a real pain though..
  12. Noitsyou, I see what you mean about the bridge height drawing your inner corners closer together -it's an interesting alternative to epi. I've heard of people saying that the inner corners of their eyes look closer together as an unintended side effect of rhino with bridge height raise. I personally asked that my bridge height not be too high, so I can avoid this, as I have the opposite issue from you -I lack the width between my eyes. So I didn't want them to look closer together than they are...

    I love how your bridge looks with that bit of added height and your eyes look lengthened and more almond shaped after the injections (your eyes are really pretty either way! And I'm super envious of your nice thick eyebrows ;) ).
  13. Epi would prolly work better than implant to lengthen inner corners, implant seems like a bit if a roundabout way to do it..plus you may have to go for quite a high implant to achieve the significant pulling effect, which comes with it's own set of problems, thinning skin etc.

    I'm considering lateral to lengthen outer corners too. I'm undecided, cos I hear that as a procedure, it doesn't seem to offer a lot of bang for buck in terms of making a big difference. I would really like longer eyes though!
  14. Vanitygirl, that's super creepy but it does make sense (about the doctor/patient ratio)! I need to go read that ID thread, never really read that one cos it's not on my short list.

    Like Riel says, I would be freaked to let any trainee sit in on a regular check-up, let alone an operation!

    Randomly, the interesting thing I found about Seoul is that they are SO casual about elective surgery. They didn't even take my identification details before the procedure. It's like going to the hairdresser instead of going to the doctor. In my home country, doctors check your identification even before giving you aspirin.

    When I was sedated, I was all like -am I dying???? I bet everybody thought I was a major drama queen.
  15. Hi Kat! I consulted with Teium last month. I would definitely recommend booking a consultation cos Dr Kwon isn't there every day (the first time my friend and I dropped in without booking, he was out of the office).

    Also, Dr Kwon told us they are in the midst of moving offices (across the street, if I recall correctly) so you should check if they will be set up to consult/operate during the period that you're there. It shouldn't be too difficult to book an appointment (email/kakao) and you wouldn't want to make a wasted trip, by just walking in. If they can fit you in on that day, you should be able to consult/operate on same day. Good luck with your surgery!!
  16. Hi vanilla creme, I'm back from Seoul but sending you good vibes! What's happening with you? Did your surgeries go well? Update us! I hope you feel better soon! I know it's not awesome to be alone in foreign country after surgery...I know some tpf-ers in Seoul now..I'll pm u the contacts!
  17. Hi William, I saw a blog entry on this clinic:


    As with all online reviews, read with a pinch of salt!!
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