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Posts posted by lanvinfiend

  1. Anna, how did surgery go? Hope recovery is going well!

    I've met Dr Park. I personally found him to be very informed and professional, and specific when I asked specific (and incredibly anal) questions, albeit not the most effusive/chatty. This doesn't bother me, I have lots of chatty girlfriends!

    He's not really a salesman, in the sense that he doesnt do the whole I-will-make-you-beautiful speech. I think he responds better to specific questions -infection rates, measurements etc.
  2. Could you get your nose done before fat graft? It's probably better to do it that way, as you'd want your doctor to judge your nose proportions without the swelling from the fat graft sites. Nose surgery is more complex compared to fat graft, so it makes sense to do it first.

    I know you said you want to go to a different clinic (and I understand that! cos different clinics market themselves as having different specialities), but perhaps you could consider going to a nose specialist and getting your fat graft done there?Reason being it's probably best for your body to limit the number of times you go under sedation/anaesthesia. Also, multiple procedures give you better bargaining power!
  3. I don't know anybody personally, to whom this has happened, so I'm not sure how common this practise actually is. It has a bit of the whiff of urban legend to me, honestly, cos I can't really imagine a reputable doctor letting a new doctor take over an operation, and have to live with the hit to his/her reputation, should the operation get botched. Unless this is a factory-style in-and-out clinic, where reputation doesn't matter (and I'm not saying that big clinics don't guard their reputation), I don't think this is something that happens frequently.
  4. Vichy, makeup should be fine, especially since you're at 2-month mark. I was told 2-weeks would be fine. Obviously, take precautions not too press your nose too hard when applying makeup, but other than that, you should be fine. Treat your skin gently, and that makes sense whether or not you've had surgery.

    I read that cleaning nose with q-tips dipped in water/saline works. Sounds like a conservative approach to me!
  5. Jaseaus, big clinics (eg Grand, BK) have a very mixed reputation here on TPF. It would be a good idea to check out the threads on those clinics for more information. One concern that people raise with these clinics, is the possibility of a doctor switch. I'm not sure how common that is, but it would be something to factor into your decision. Also, try to make the decision based in doctor rather than clinic, as these big clinics usually have multiple doctors, some better than others.
  6. Curved vs straight is a matter of differences in aesthetics and philosophy.

    For females, a lot of people think curved noses are more feminine, youthful and 'pretty', vs straight noses which are more sophisticated, 'fierce', classic beauty.

    I've spoken to several clinics about this. Some clinics say overly-upturned noses are trendy, and may go out of fashion (?!?!? At the though of facial features going out of fashion). Cultural differences also play a part, apparently. I was told that Asians tend to ask for upturned, curved noses vs Caucasians, who prefer straight noses. There's a school of thought that says visible nostrils makes one look younger (I dunno if I agree).

    I think most clinics have a strong view one way or another over curved vs straight being generally preferred. I personally don't think there's a one-size-fits-all when it comes to noses, it depends on what look you prefer and fits your face better.
  7. Totally agree! People in Seoul are more accepting of face masks (as in they don't stare), but bandages would raise eyebrows.
  8. K....I'm in half minds about whether I enjoyed sedation!

    On one hand, the scariest part was getting the IV drip in my arm (ugh! I always hate that!), so it's not a scary experience in general.

    On the other hand, the psychedelic lights and roller coaster feeling was quite cool. But I woke up to a pile of drool on my face -I am so not glamorous! I'm sure your sedation experience was fabulous, what with your coherent dialogue and all!
  9. Rinnon, it's not really scary, more like trippy. You will fade in and out of consciousness. But hey, having a friend wait outside works too!
  10. Hiya noitsyou. I've seen a bunch of comments on this particular doctor in this thread, and the older Asian Rhino thread (a couple of tpf-ers got rhino from him, and made long comments). You can do a search within the threads by keywords to find more info, hope that helps!
  11. Does anybody have experience with revision for non-incisional ptosis correction/blepharoplasty? I've been told the revision rate is generally low, but gave heard quite a number of anecdotes from people saying their friends have had to go for revision after non-incisional eye surgeries.

    Also, does aging (and the effect of gravity) usually necessitate multiple eye surgeries?
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