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Posts posted by lanvinfiend

  1. Hiya Anna! I didn't have any trouble finding clinics via subway (tip: ask clinics for subway exit # when you're making your appointments). Most clinics I went to were very near the exits specified and they had obvious signage (mostly in English -I can't read Hangul!).

    There's a subway app by Jihachul, which I found very helpful in navigating the system (has both romanized and Hangul characters). I'm sure you'll have no problems navigating subway!

    Reason why I avoided cabs is cos the drivers kept getting lost, and I hear they sometimes drop you off at random places when they can't find your destination. In that respect, I found subways more predictable.
  2. Another tip: try to find a hotel within walking distance to a subway station on the same subway line as your clinic. Although taxis are cheap, not all drivers speak English, or know their way around, so sometimes hopping on the subway is the best way to get around (barring grumpy ahjummas!)
    Being on the same subway line helps you avoid annoying treks across crowded subway stations for transfers.

    Garusogil (walking distance from Sinsa) is a really nice area to walk around and shop during recovery, cos it's further from the crowded madness that's Myeongdong, and has lots of nice little cafes to rest and have coffee in.
  3. I think most Korean doctors place implants the same way you mentioned -under the tissue, and creating a pocket to hold the implant- but you can/should always ask during the consultations anyway.

    Most surgeons use soft/ultra soft silicon for nose implants, you can ask to see the implants to try out the size/width/flexibility.
  4. Good luck with your surgery! There's a thread on JW that you may want to check out though..there were some high profile 'scandal' cases (they haven't been verified but no harm reading about them)
  5. So everybody says it's common to see people walking around with bandages in Gangnam. I didn't see lots of people with bandages, but I also think people are polite enough not to stare. It's very much how comfortable you are wearing bandages in public (me, I'm a wuss!)
  6. Hi D! Hope I'm not hijacking your thread! Yes will kakao you!

    No no I'm not doing both eyes and nose, that's a bit much for me to recover from at a go! I was accompanying a friend to see the eye doctor :smile:
  7. Hi Susaki, it's my pleasure! I had a great consult with Dr Kim. I can't vouch for Dr Kim's skills, as he didn't operate on me, but I do hear that he has a great reputation.

    What I liked about the consult, is that while he had a strong point of view about what suits my face, he was also very willing to listen to what I wanted/disliked. He had very nuanced answers to my questions. For example, the question of alarplasty came up. I've been told several times that alarplasty would be beneficial for me (my alar are quite wide), Dr Kim's opinion was that the tip projection and bridge height would be sufficient to correct the appearance of wide alar, hence he could avoid alarplasty on me. He also quoted me the lowest implant height (not because my skin is not thick enough -my skin is of normal thickness) but because he took note of my (quite unusual) desire for a low-ish bridge, and made the most conservative recommendation on what would achieve a subtle and natural change.

    The term 'natural' kept coming up. It's interesting that DoloresLo chose Apr31 cos she thought it would be more dramatic than Dream, cos Apr kept emphasizing 'natural' to me. I do think there's an element of salesmanship involved -they tailor their message according to what they think you want to hear. I don't think this is a bad thing, it just means they have different styles 'subtle' vs 'dramatic' and they are adaptable enough to understand what patients want.
  8. Here are my Seoul packing takeaways! Bring:
    -hoodie: helps shield your hair/face in event of rain, double up with umbrella for extra protection. Hats/caps are not possible for some surgeries
    -compression tights: comfy for post-surgery resting
    -organic baby food in squeezy tubes: I got those with puréed pumpkin/pineapple, cos those fruits are supposed to aid healing (I'm not a fan of porridge). Organic baby food also tends to be lower in sodium/preservatives as compared to adult food. Squeezy tubes mean you don't have to bother with spoons, convenient if you don't want/can't open your mouth too wide.
    -protein powder that you are familiar with and like: it's a convenient way to get some nutrition when you can't be bothered to eat a proper meal. Make sure you've tried it before, as some protein powders can cause digestive issues if you're not familiar with them.
  9. My feedback on Apr31 is that they're very local. Even their sign in forms are completely in Korean. The doctors I met -Dr Kim (rhinoplasty specialist) and the eye doctor- were not as fluent in English as other clinics I consulted with. Dr Kim spoke English well enough to get his point across, but the eye doctor didn't speak English and the consultant had to translate.

    However, they are very foreigner friendly in that they have consultants who are fluent in English with you the whole time, accompanying you and translating; and I find their consultants very responsive over kakao (I worked with Brian).

    The consults are thorough and detailed (and long!) I liked that they had a strong point of view, and they tell you what is achievable, vs what is unrealistic, and what is achievable but doesn't jive with their aesthetic (e.g. Their preference is for tapered over parallel creases, and thin over thick creases, but they can do parallel if you insist) and which procedures give you greatest return on your dollar vs procedures that are just marginally effective for your face shape.

    They give me the feeling that they're less 'commercial' than the rest. It's definitely not a factory-clinic feel.

    They acknowledge that they are pricier and position themselves as more 'premium' than the rest of the clinics.

    I had a positive consultation experience, but they are just way too pricey for me!
  10. Wishingstar, try kakao-ing Brian directly. He's very responsive. His kakao is: godsentdevil
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