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Posts posted by denyagan

  1. because you are diverting the attention from the real problem. I came here to help people, to give people hope and to make people aware so that nobody makes the same mistake I made. DO you understand that or not? I could have just minded my own business, I didn't have to share my experience. I came here and shared my experience and spent hours answering to many private messages to help people and this is what I get in return, saying tha I am racist. How could I possibly be racist? How? That is very stupid. I did my research and spoke to dozens of people botched in Korea, I know what I am talking about.
  2. You do not understand. You simply do not understand. You refuse to pay attention. I never said that in Europe and in the US every surgeon is a GOd or perfect. For Christ's sake, there are horrible surgeons everywhere, in the US and in Europe, however, while in Europe and USA you can find very bad surgeons and very good surgeons, in Korea, most of the surgeons are very mediocre.

    People are naive and are blinded by the stupid fake before and after pictures. I have read academic papers, I have done my research, I am not pulling stuff out of my ass. I know what the **** I am talking about. I would go to Europe, Canada, US even Brazil for surgery, but NEVER to Korea, not anymore. Been there, done that. I am much much much wiser now. Again, I have done my research, you haven't. Their techniques (in Korea) suck. They do not use the proper techniques of other countries. They only care about money and quantity as opposed to quality. Enough said, you will not change my mind, since I have been there, and many other people too.
  3. Because Asia is not Korea. You understand that? Korea is one of the many countries in Asia. The education system in Japan, for instance, is million years more advanced than in Korea.
  4. my posts are 100% and I have shown before and after pictures and images from the cat scan
  5. Hello there, yes, make sure the surgeon is a maxillofacial or craniofacial. Absolutely. As for the costs of my surgery, the surgeon in Korea caused so many damages to my face that the insurance had to cover corrective surgery since it was no longer cosmetic but reconstructive. I only had to pay deductibles/copays and plane ticket and hotel.
  6. yes, yes, yes. I had botched surgery in 2014 but I started consulting and entertaining the idea since 2011. You have no idea how much time I spent online and sending e-mails. I read stellar reviews of this clinic and the doctor who botched me was very good with e-mails and always answered my e-mails. Also, please check my post history. I found this forum recently and consulted with several surgeons: Dr. Charles Lee and Dr. Kimberly Lee, plus, Ihave the CAT scan images that speak volumes.
  7. I have to completely, wholeheartedly, absolutely agree with racistdoll. FIrst and foremost, I am sick and tired of the word "racist" being thrown everywhere. It's as if I say that black people have nice curly hair and people accuse me of racism. Same thing if I said that Indians tend to be vegetarian and people accuse me of racism. It's stupid.

    Like the other person, I have worked with lots of Asian people since 2016 and Koreans are absolutely the worst. They just lack attention to detail, they focus on quantity rather than quality, they are overconfident and can get degrees very easily. Do you have any vague idea of how intensive and long a craniofacial or maxillofacial surgery trainings are in the USA or even in Europe? And yet a Korean can be 22 years old and do surgery on the face. I am sick and tired and I have seen this in other fields too.

    By all means, go to Korea if this is what you want, but, ask yourself if you have seen results in REAL LIFE. Understand? REAL LIFE! Because their unscrupulous practices and photoshopped photos are useless
  8. Thank you for asking. The facial contour looks completely better, younger, more feminine, more natural. I am still very scared because the surgery was done recently. They used plates as you can see in the cat scan images, but I am so scared the bones will move when I yawn or when I chew. I got too scared after the surgery in Korea.
  9. Please have surgery in Korea, by all means. Seriously. It is NOT a matter of aesthetics. It is a matter of lack of proper training and lack of proper technique.
  10. You all need to excuse yourself. This has nothing to do with racism. The educational and medical systems in certain countries are JUST different. Would you go to Belize or to Namibia to have plastic surgery? No! Not because you are a racist, simply because their education and health systems are JUST different. For the love of God, you sitting there and preaching have NO idea how many suicidal patients I have talked to. Patients who have been butchered in Korea and are suicidal. You have no idea how many doctors showed me cases of patients butchered in Korea. Seriously. I have gone to dozens of clinics in Korea and dozens of clinics in the US. There is absolutely no comparison. I do not care if you call me racist, the medical system there is just not stringent as in the US. Enough said.
  11. you need to be very, very careful. THe results you see from Korean clinics are not real. They are highly photoshopped and are an insult to our intelligence. Trust me, I know what I am talking about. You have no idea how much research I have done, how many people I saw first in before and after pictures and then in real life. I just would never go to Korea for a medical procedure. I made that mistake in 2014 since I was stupid to believe what I read and saw online. Also, Korean doctors will tell you what you want to hear
  12. I wouldn't even have facial grafting in Korea, to be honest. LIke you said, the level of attention to detail is different. It's like day and night. You described Deschamps, but, my craniofacial surgeon who fixed the botched surgery was equally very meticulous and we spent hours going over everything, I sent him dozens of e-mails, I spent 2 days in the hospital and we took every possible precaution. Never, ever, ever have I seen that level of precision in Korea.
  14. oh, yes, you are right.

    May I give you a piece of advice from the bottom of my heart? Do not do it. Zygomatic reduction doesn't work because if our faces are wide it's not the fault of the zygomatic arches, but, what is in between. Once you mess with your zygoma, you no longer have proper anatomical contours, the face remains STILL wide, plus flat. It's as if someone is very tall and they cut off their feet. They will always be very tall but without feet. Does it make sense? It's hard to explain why zygomatic arch surgery is so so so risky in writing. I could explain it much better in real life and in drawings and you would uderstand completely. HIgh cheekbones are incredibly attractive, trust me. Men love them.
  15. You put it really, really well: the wild wild west. A lot of people take surgeries lightly and they go to another country to have surgery. Look at that lady from Texas, Laura Avila: she went to Mexico for some surgeries, to save money, and now her brain is damaged and she is on life support. And these things have happened in Korea many times. I am not saying that US surgeons are perfect. There are bad surgeons in the US as well, of course, but, it is easier to find a very good surgeon in the US because they just have more rigid standards. I was attacked for warning people about all these Korean clinics and Korean doctors. You have no idea how many real people I have talked to in the last few years and they were butchered, they ended up with facial paralysis, or lost eyesight even after having surgeries in very reputable clinics in Korea. I am very very happy that you confirmed what I knew, because, like I said, I was attacked for saying that and all I want to do is help.
  16. starting from 2019, I will no longer have out of state benefits, so, I had to hurry up. I am glad I had the surgery before the beginning of 2019. Out of curiosity, how do you know I am out of state? :smile:

  17. Thank you so much and thanks to everybody who has posted nice things. I received some very nasty private messages from a crazy person saying horrible things, but, I am glad I can share my experience with nice people like you. So, my insurance covered for this surgery, however, I still had to pay hefty copayments, hotel, plane ticket. But, I am glad the insurance covered for everything.

    I am sharing my experience to help people here. I do not hate Asians as a crazy person said. That would be ridiculous. I am just stating a fact, that, for bone reduction surgery, you have to be very very very careful and in these years I have spoken to literally hundreds of patients who have been butchered in Korea in very reputable clinics. Again, the pictures of these Korean doctors look AMAZING, but, the real life is COMPLETELY different.
  18. no, you are stupid. I am not even American. Guess what, at least I am fixed now, whereas you will never be fixed and I put a jinx on you. Now I look great and I have been fixed, you will always look like a chinx ****. Ha ha ah, jokes on you
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