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Posts posted by cythr

  1. I think if they are only just now using it on mice even if there was a clinic who could do it you would probably be one of the first people to be operated on (meaning probably not a very good result).
  2. All clinics should be able to give you a basic quote but not a final price until after the in-person consultation. I think for facial contouring you should have at least $6,000 saved up.
  3. ID is known a basically a plastic surgery factory (they just want to make as much money as possible and don't actually care about the patient) I would highly recommend doing lots of research into reputable clinics in kore who have results that you like as rhinoplasty and facial contouring are really major surgeries.
  4. Almost every clinic has "fake" reviews but people seem to mix fake reviews and reviews that people got a discount for writing together. At the end of the day, the doctor still performed to surgery on that person so if you like the results then it is still worth meeting with the doctor.
  5. I haven't had mine done yet but I'm planning to do Motiva implants, under the muscle with an areola incision. I'll probably go to Hyundai Aesthetics or Dream plastic surgery but I also know that the breast doctor from TL is really famous.
  6. I had sunscreen on when I got red light deswelling treatments (not at the place you are talking about) and it didn't seem to have any sort of negative effect. You can't really get a refund because you paid for a LED treatment and a Nutrition IV and they gave you a LED treatment and a Nutrition IV.
  7. If you are having problems after surgery you will be able to contact your consultant at the clinic. That's literally all that the person from docfinder would do if you told them you were having a problem anyway.
  8. The only place I know of that does good double jaw is "The Face Dental" you should contact all of these clinics directly and not through Doc finder Korea. Lots of clinics will be willing to arrange airport pickup/dropoff, Transportation to appointments and your consultant should go with you to the pharmacy. There is literally no point in going with docfinder especially when they sent you such ridiculous quotes.
  9. I think under the breast is the most common incision method. Also, be careful with teardrop shaped implants as they don't look natural when you are lying down (because obviously a natural breast moves with the body but the teardrop implant always stays in the teardrop shape). When it comes to general anesthesia it's not something you have to worry about when you are going to a clinic that has a proper anesthesiologist. You should expect to have quite low energy for a few days after but other than that you should be fine.
  10. When it comes to scaring the very common surgeries (Like nose, Chin, eyes) if performed properly should not leave visible scaring as the incisions are either internal or external but very small and on non-visible places. If you have incisional double eyelid surgery it can leave a kind of "scar" that can be seen when you close your eyes but it is usually not noticeable.

    As for recommendations of clinics, it would be helpful if you could list the surgeries that you are considering but the only clinic ive personally seen really good results for male plastic surgery is DI (not ID but DI. 디아이 성형외과 in korean) but they don't have an English translator as far as I know.
  11. It's really inappropriate to pressure someone to post photos of themselves if they aren't comfortable. She obviously isn't a promoter because she said multiple positive things about other clinics, speaks fluent English and didn't know some basic information about the clinic (like if they can speak English).
  12. Personally, my tip deswelling took a year to fully go away.
  13. The FDA's ruling isn't really relevant here as it isn't a law it's just that organization's opinion. In America and Korea, it is up to the surgeon to make the decision.

    An x-ray shows whether a person's bones have fused or not. When a person's bones have fused that would mean that they have developed enough for them to be safely operated on. The breasts are constantly changing due to fluctuations in weight, hormones and natural sagging so obviously, you can't ever say that one's breasts are in their "final form". A doctor wouldn't perform a breast augmentation on a literal child because would still have a significant amount of growth left when it comes to their chest bones and breast tissue but on a 16-year old whose bones who have already fused this wouldn't be the case so they would be eligible for surgery.
  14. I'm dense yet you are the one who believes they are enlightened due to the fact that they were insecure about having small boobs when they were younger?

    Why are you even trying fo argue with me when like I clearly stated that this is obviously not the place to do it. Just accept the fact that we have differing opinions and that the only person who could give a useful answer to her question would be someone who has had breast implants in Korea while being under the age of 18.
  15. I'm not claiming to be any sort of judge I'm just telling you what the purpose of this forum is as you are clearly confused as to its purpose.

    I'm not sure why you think you're the judge of who will regret getting breast implants?
  16. For most doctors it wether or not they would perform surgery on someone wouldn't be based on their date of birth but on their physical development which can be detirmined through X-rays.
  17. She only spoke about her level of maturity after being provoked by you to do so. If you aren't here to be helpful or give advise then why are you on this forum. It's meant for people to spread information and ask questions about plastic surgery in Korea not for you to rude and immature. I recommend that you join a gossip forum instead.
  18. You don't need a medical degree to call someone mature over the internet but in this context for it to be valid or helpful in any form you would need a medical degree and to assess to person properly instead of just judging them based off of your own personal bias.
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