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Posts posted by gmcnm19

  1. IDK about success rate, but Regen Dr. Oh definitely has a high rate of unhappy patients for facial contouring recently... Also, if you base on success rate on this forum, it wouldn't be very accurate. The forum is known for having many fake good reviews. (not saying that the clinics you mentioned have fake reviews, but just something you should be aware of).
    Consultation session actually tells you a lot. When you visit the clinic, you can see the facilities, cleanliness, if there are other patients, doctor and staff's attitude,... If budget is not a problem for you, spare some for a separate trip to consult at different clinics, take notes of how you feel, THEN do more research of their happy/unhappy patients rate and decide from there.
  2. (Almost) 5 months update – I’m having a lot of free time and I just deleted my progress selfies yesterday so I decided to write another update:

    1. Swelling:

    - At this moment, I think my swelling is gone. It’s true when they say the residual swelling (1/10) takes a longggggg time to go away; but only my mom, my sister and me myself could notice it.

    - I took many pictures from the first day post-op until now. For the first weeks, I took pictures twice a day. Then once a day at night in the following months, then once a week,.... I took a lot of pictures to see my progress and compare my swelling from time to time. I recently went back to delete all these photos . To sum up, I’d say the first week is the absolute worst. It’s from 8/10 to 10/10 swelling, I looked like a totally different person, very very ugly with the swollen face and big swollen lip. I expected it so I didn’t think I looked too bad back then, I was still very confident to go out for shopping but now when I look back I think I looked very funny and scary too. LOL. At the 2nd week, the swelling began to go down, but still swollen and bruised. As the bruises disappear, the swelling also goes down from there – that’s when you look very chubby. I also had a bit of bloody eye on my right eye (appeared after the 2nd day and slowly went away in 1 month). So don’t worry and be patient. My selfies now look greeeeeaaat. I’m really happy. I really want to share my picture sometime but again I’m still very afraid of my photos being all over the internet, so sorry guys :<

    - If you want to hide the surgery from people, it’s best if you can see them after 1 month at least. You’ll still look chubby but can get away with the “wisdom tooth removal” excuse like I did with my colleagues. Hehe. After 10 days or 2 weeks, there are still yellow bruises and the chubbiness seemed a bit unreal for "wisdom tooth removal", but my brother still trusted that reason anyway. LOL

    - At 3.5 months I went under GA again to have my breast augmentation and lipo. After that I realized my face got a little puffy. It went down after 1 week and as I stopped taking anti-biotics. Not sure if it was because I already had some residual swelling from FC or if it’s normal for other people to be puffy when going thru GA and taking ani-biotics too.

    2. Sagging:

    - Still nothing at the moment. I’m still hoping everyday that I won’t experience sagging. Dr. Kim told me that his technique for zygoma is to cut the bone at a higher position compared to other clinics to minimize sagging, but to be honest I think it’s mostly depend on the skin. If a patient has a loose skin, I don’t think any technique can help. But anyway, I still think dr. Kim did a good job. If I come back to Seoul, I’ll probably buy him tons of food like his other patients did on Instagram lol.

    - However, sagging seems to be a very typical risk of FC and people say that it’ll show after 1 year. So I’m still trying to take really good care of my skin because it had to go through this big surgery. *pat pat pat* all the good skincare ingredients please sink in and love my skin.

    - At 3 months I also shared that I have a bit of double chin and that I gained 4 kilograms so I didn’t know for sure if it’s sagging or fat. I lost only 2 kilograms at this moment (sad), the double chin is (kind of) reduced? So maybe it’s really just my fat TT_TT My mom also told me that don’t blame on the surgery, she thinks it’s totally my fat.

    3. Mouth opening & function: Normal. The jaw is not tight like a few months ago, all my normal eating activities are resumed lol. All the yelling, singing, making duck face etc. is also normal.

    4. Activities:
    - I still avoid running and jumping (running and jumping in daily life is ok, I just don’t run on the treadmill at the gym or doing jumping gym excercises). Partly to avoid any possible cause of face sagging, partly because of my new breast :biggrin:
    - Someone also asked about talking. I remember mentioning that I could talk to my family thru the phone almost immediately after I woke up from the surgery, but the pronounciation was not very good. Sounded like I have something in my mouth. After 1-2 weeks the talking improved but some words still sounded weird. I don't really remember how long it was until I pronounce perfectly again, but talking was not a problem.

    5. Result:

    - I am happy with this result. I look younger. My face is balanced and natural. Really thankful. I’m genuinely happy with my result that I even asked Kayla at EU that why didn’t they do stronger marketing, as I see so many people don’t know EU while I’m really happy. LOL.

    - I planned to see the local Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon (the one who removed my inside stitches) again to examine and do some X-rays to see how the bones and pins settle but with the covid-19 situation I got really lazy.


    I think I mostly shared about my experience because 1) it’s what I wanted to know before my surgery and 2) I thought good after care is a standard, but with a lot of people recently sharing about the bad/horrible aftercare they got at their clinics in Seoul AND with the not so good after care I got when I did my BA in my country, I want to share a bit more about the after care I got at EU.

    - Consultants & front desk staffs: I think I mentioned before, there were 3 of them to take care of me. Kayla was my translator & main point of contact but she’s only available during office hours. After office hours (even midnight or like 5AM), Lena will be there to answer my questions. It was like that from before the surgery. I message them almost everyday (so needy lol), they always respond within minutes. Only once did they reply after 1 hour. I never met Lena and don’t see Kayla everyday, but always felt like someone was there to answer my questions.

    - Nurses: I only stayed at the hospital for the first night. Nurses came in to check on me every few hours, injected antibiotics for me during the night, checked my temperature and my blood pressure many times during the night. I also rang the bell a lot, they came in quickly every time.

    - Facilities: I stayed at a single room the first night. Clean and is like a hospital room. Has a bed, side table, mini fridge, closet, mini sink. The bathroom for patients is right next to my recovery room, also very clean. Discharged patient coming for treatment or people coming for consult use a different bathroom outside of the recovery room area. Deswelling laser room is small but also clean. They have an electric blanket so it was very warm (my surgery was in January – it was skin-cutting cold).

    - Doctors:

    + Dr. Kim was my surgeon. Someone said on the forum or Kakao chat that he is very pushy, I saw this comment before I met him, if I see it again I’ll definitely defend him. He advised against a lot of stuffs that he deemed unnecessary for me during consultation like upper gum botox injection (he’s the only one who advised against it. I’m still very thankful he did). He even said he said my jaw is not that big so I didn’t really need V-line unless I want perfection. I insisted on doing Vline when I decided to do my surgery with him. Before surgery, he also told me he can either do cut 1 cm or 2 cm, which will look like this picture or that picture so that I can decide. He also told me that he would prefer this, or persuaded me that a little bit of that would suit my face, but it’s still my choice. Personally I really appreciated it because even though I have my preference, I also wanted the doctor’s opinion. It’s a good thing being able to actually discuss about what you want and what the doctor think and come to an agreement.

    + Dr. Kang (?) was the anesthesiologist – I didn’t interact with him much. I remember his face on their website. He came into my surgery room when the nurses finished prepping me, introduced himself (in Korean – Kayla translated), and shortly after that I was under GA. After the surgery I think he went in my recovery room once to check my situation. --- I didn’t get this for my BA in my country (I did it in a hospital). They told me I had an anesthesiologist, but I really don’t know who it was.

    - Booklet: They gave me documents, very specific on what to do and what not to do after surgery. I also thought that it was a standard and a basic requirement. But again, I didn’t get this for my BA surgery. I had to google everything.
  3. Personally I think you should give it time. Maybe do the nose and eye together in 1 trip would be the most ideal. However I think you can do ptosis correction immediately after two jaw - my mom did her ptosis correction and it was quick and not very invasive. I would not do anything before two jaw - feels like it's too big of a surgery to do anything before.

    I did vline and zygoma and thought about doing LAMS right after, during 1 trip (Local Anesthetic Minimal-invasive lipo-Suction), but during my recovery I don't feel like I want to do anything further so I decided to wait until 3 months later.
  4. I wore it for full 4 weeks (day & night). I switched to sport bra this Monday. At the last week the surgical bra irritated my skin, maybe because of all its lines and big seams while being very tight. The Victoria Secret sport bra is also very tight and supporting but not that uncomfortable to the skin. I regret I did not switch earlier :crybaby:
  5. I think this marketing strategy is blackfiring the clinic. I've always had a good impression of them as they are a big hospital that only do lipo and nothing else, seemed very trustworthy. But these recent thigh lipo threads are just too many and not even well written or provide any information. Feels like they're just spamming.
  6. My BA doctor gave me 2 options of Mentor and Motiva Nanochip. They told me that the Mentor was FDA approved for both its inside and outside layer, while the newest Motiva Nanochip has only been approved for its inside layer, the outside layer is in the approval process. Motiva is a popular choice at his clinic for its water drop form when stand up/laydown, but I went with Mentor because it's been used for many many years (Motiva is newer) and my breast is a little bit sagged so I don't want the water drop.
    If you have no breast, the Motiva water drop is a great choice. If you already have some amount of volume, go with the round implant.
  7. For big hospitals being in the blacklist, I think it's also important to know which doctor botched the patients, etc. I didn't go to ID but as I could see when I was there, it's a big hospital popular to both korean and foreign patients. It would not be wise to just cross them off your list without at least seeing them, even though I know the idea of going to a blacklisted hospital sounds scary.
  8. So I met him and also had another meet up with some girlfriends I haven't seen in a long time.
    My (guy) friend never comments on how I look, but he just said I looked prettier.
    The girlfriends told me I looked younger and asked if I did something like anti aging laser with my skin - they can't really tell why I look younger. Hehe.
    I still feel like I have residual swelling on my right cheek, but no one can really tell.
    My mom & sister, who are the only 2 people who know I did the surgery, also agreed that the improvement at this moment is already great yet still very subtle. My mom kept telling me she wants to do it too to look younger, I told her that the sagginess that might happen at her age might be (A LOT) different compared to me, so she better stay away from it. Hehe.

    The last one is my best friend. I haven't met her for a while due to the stay-at-home policy in our city. She can tell these thing really well so I guess she'll be my final test. HAHA
  9. I love your nose especially the side view. I can see the deviation you mentioned about your chin - this can be helped with a genioplasty. Two-jaw is really a big surgery that you really don't need. I did zygoma + vline (square jaw + genio) but personally I don't think you need zygoma. I have an Asian face and a lower nose, making my protruding cheekbone look very apparent. But with your face shape and your nose, the cheekbone looks greattt on you.
  10. I did facial contouriing and this is my thoughts:

    If your current problem/issue > potential risks => consider doing it and do proper research of where you want to do it to reduce the chance of your surgery going wrong.
    If your current problem/issue < potential risks => maybe reconsider about doing it because it might not be necessary.

    I also hesitated a lot when I saw people sharing about the side effect (sagging) or how it went wrong for them (nerve damage, wrong cut,...). But my cheekbone was so protruding it makes me look a lot older, I felt like it was a bigger problem than some skin sagging so I still went for the surgery. At the moment I think my surgery didn't go wrong, and I'm still preparing myself for the potential side effect of sagging even though I haven't experienced it yet.
  11. I don't know much about other hospitals, but how Regen is dealing with this is just so ****ty. I hope they realize that future patients MAY forgive 1 or 2 botch cases if and only if the doctor and the clinic admit their mistakes, take responsibility and do what should be done ethically. This unprofessional and unethical attitude is gonna cost them way more.
  12. My mom is the same! I saved for my facial contouring but she wanted to pay for it saying that it can be my birthday gift from her so that I can choose any doctor I like and don't feel pressured to choose cheaper options to fit my savings. When I wanted to do breast lift & augmentation last week she was also on board immediately when I mentioned it, saying that she thought I would benefit from the procedures too but didn't want to tell me if I feel confident about my breast.
  13. Hi, I actually didn't stay long enough to take after photos because it takes 3-6 months to see final results. Most of EU's IG pictures are selfies sent by their patients, I also didn't like that they're filtered. There are some Korean patients who agree to be their model and are taken pictures in a professional photoshoot (those on their website banners, profile pic,...). I saw the videos of the photoshoot behind the scenes and also some patient interviews videos showing at the clinic. Those are not filtered I think :-? I also had a very hard time deciding at first. Good luck with whichever clinic you choose :smile:
  14. A little observation: As I did my BA and went to GA again last week, I realized that the GA at EU was quite high quality (?). I breathed in 2 times and fell asleep immediately. When I did my BA, I breathed in for about 10 times and could feel a little headache at the back of my head before falling asleep. Not sure if this means anything, but I obviously prefered going under GA quickly without any worry.
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