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Posts posted by gmcnm19

  1. You read that correctly. I think I was just under sedation not anesthesia. I didn’t feel the pain when they cut or anything but definitely (& sleepily) felt it when the ear cartilage was put into my nose. Very uncomfortable. But it was yearssss ago and the results still turned out so great for me so I kinda feel normal about it now.
  2. You can consider my rhino doctor. He's not at all mentioned on this forum, I did mine when I was very young. Highschool senior year I think. I didn't do much research back then, was just recommended to him by a Korean friend. It's been many years now. His website (beup.co.kr) is all in korean but he speaks perfect English. He seems to be a nose only doctor. My sister is also considering him for her revision because she likes my result so much.
  3. What the ..... is this logic? Even if she took the discount, she only allowed Regen to use her pictures, not you. It's her rights. Even when her IG account is 'Public', it doesn't mean anyone can do anything with her pictures. 'Public' only means public access - which means other people can see it, interact with it; it does NOT mean anyone can just repost it anywhere. I can go on, but I see that you're a new user joining just today and only reply to this post, so I'm not going to discuss any further. You can suspect the purpose of her review all you want - maybe she's really doing this for the discount, but whatever it is, I'm just saying no one has any rights (not to mention it's not nice at all) to post her pictures here except for her (and maybe Regen if she allowed them to do so).
  4. I also thought that her comment was odd and not helpful for you, but now that you can see that she's real, what's the point of posting her photos all over here anyway?...

    It's her choice to share her photos on her IG/Regen's IG or on her forum post/her Realself review for whatever reason; but I don't think that gives anyone the right to share her photos here without her permission. I agree that we should raise awareness when a doctor does things like this; and we can disagree with each other all we want but all these sharing of her photos here saying that "you shared your pic there why hiding here" etc is unreasonable.
  5. When I asked my clinic, they told me their biggest competitor for local patients is ID hospital. I also know someone who did multiple surgeries at ID and is happy with her results. But on this forum there are indeed a lot of mention about bad experiences at both ID and Banobagi so also consider that. Personally if I had to choose between ID and Banobagi I'd choose ID hospital.
  6. I also thought this was a kinda weird reply but didn't notice he/she is a new user. Like I may be happy with my result but wouldn't go into a thread like this saying that I don't care what people say my doctor is the best.
    Anyway, I'm so sorry for what you're going through. It's painful just to read it. I also considered Regen for my FC surgery but Dr. Oh was busy the day I was in Seoul for F2F consultation so I skipped Regen and had my surgery done at another clinic. I'm also considering Regen for SMAS lifting for my mom but I guess I'll just cross it off my list.
  7. Better or worse, the fact that he did full vline without her consent is already unacceptable. It may "look way better" according to him and you, but it's her face and he should only do what she chose to do.
  8. Zygoma + Vline 3 month post op update (op date Jan 7 2020):

    Eating: I can eat anything and everything now. Actually I started eating normally since 2 month post op, but now I can comfortably open my mouth very wide for bigger bites, can chew chewy food like beef tendon or pork ribs,... My jaw felt tight during the first months but it gradually got back to normal and I actually didn't realize when did I start opening my mouth wide again. Just know that now at 3 months mark, my jaw could function almost like before the surgery.

    Healing & daily activities: I feel like my jaw and chin area (Vline) are completely normal now. However, it's true that zygoma surgery takes longer to completely heal. I don't feel anything too uncomfortable anymore, but I'm just naturally more protective of my cheekbone area (front and side - especially the side cheekbone because I saw that it's very thin and small. I'm afraid I might break it). Anyway, nothing really affects my daily activities anymore. I can exercise, I can sleep on my side. I also went to facial spa and didn't tell them I did any surgery. I was very scared that they might hurt me but it was ok :smile: the only thing I still refrain from doing is running & skipping rope. I never tried and don't plan to, mostly because I'm afraid it might cause sagging? I'm not sure the science behind all of this but I want my tissues to have more time to stick back to my bone before I do anything that may make it drop. LOL.

    Sagging: At this point, I still haven't experienced any sagging, but it may be too early to tell as many people said that sagging only appears after at least 1 year. My skin now is still like it was before the surgery. (BTW I have normal skin type but my skin post op was SUPER oily for 2 weeks. I was so afraid that my skin was changed forever and become oily skin type, but after 2 weeks, I was back to normal-dry skin). Right now I'm having a bit of double chin when I look down, but I also gained 4 kg since the surgery and everytime I gain weight my double chin shows so I'm not sure if it's sagging or if it's the weight gain. I'm back on my diet now and will keep you updated of the double chin situation after a few more months as I lose my weight.

    Swelling: My swelling is almost fully gone now. I look like a normal person, don't have to explain to anyone that I just got my wisdom teeth removed etc. I still feel a little swollen on my right cheek, but just a little bit. People say that swelling will keep decreasing until 6M, I can't wait~

    How I like my result: Right now, I like it very much. I don't look too different from before the surgery, but my face structure isobviously improved with the reduced cheekbone & jaw. I don't look like I just went through plastic surgery. Still very natural. When I take selfie, I don't have to take it from a certain angle to look good anymore. I can just lie down, take a selfie from flat above and still have a small face. Also, my friend thought I had a nose job because with the reduced cheekbone, my nose seems higher.

    Other things:
    1. When you couldn't eat properly for a long time, you tend to eat a lot when your jaw is strong again (or at least I do). Be careful T_T. I always use "testing my jaw" as an excuse, now I gained 4 kg and regret this so much
    2. As I mentioned from the first post, this is just my experience. It's different for each person so just because my recovery process was easy doesn't guarantee that yours will be. In my opinion always take bad experience seriously so you can expect for the worst, don't count on good reviews only and have a false expectation.
    3. Choose your doctor wisely. I had to wait for a while before saying this because I want to see my results first, but at this point I think it's safe to say I made a right choice in terms of doctor and clinic. From the fast deswelling to no sensation loss to the huge change yet still very natural, I think it says very much about the doctor's skills. I stay in contact with another person who did her surgery before mine at the same clinic with the same doctor, we both agreed that our doctor is skillful but we should just cheer silently because people just assume out of nowhere that good experience = promoter. Anyway just choose carefully. Unexperienced doctors are everywhere, but so are experienced ones - you just have to find them ^^. And please DON'T CHOOSE MY DOCTOR JUST BECAUSE OF MY REVIEW. Do your own research.
  9. There are so many threads about what to expect and advices of people who did it before. Maybe try putting "zygoma" in the search bar? Not many who did their surgery 2-3 years now will still be on the forum to answer your question. If you reply to their threads maybe they'll be notified. However I also recently did zygoma reduction and I had done a lot of research before doing it, the general advice from most people is "Don't do it".
    (I did it anyway, so far so good and I'm happy with my result but I'm still waiting for the worst to come.
    https://beautyhacker.com/forums/topic/1012898-reversing-zygoma-reduction-please-help/. I saw many people who are even considering reversing it.)
  10. I don’t speak Korean at all. I used English to communicate with them. Their English was good. There was no misunderstanding for me.
  11. Thank you! I used Kakao talk to contact all the clinics :-? Hmmm maybe try again, in the search tab choose "Add by ID", once you added them they're in your contact and you can send a message.
  12. Glad to hear that Dr. Lee advised you against it in concern of sagging, maybe it's the skin texture. He told me my skin elasticity is good and it's not too thick so I don't have to worry too much about sagging. At last I didn't do surgery with him but I hope what he said about sagging for me is right. *Finger crossed*
  13. maybe I inserted the wrong way. https://beautyhacker.com/forums/topic/1025739-eu-dental-or-tfd/#post-33674453

    Sorry i totally missed your replies.
  14. Hi, did you do zygoma reduction surgery? When do theses effects start to show? I'm 2 months post op now and very prepared for any side effects that may come but I'm not sure when it'll show. Is it around 6m - 1 year?
  15. haha yes, I was very indecisive when choosing where to go to. But here is the main reason why I chose EU if you didn't see it. also another thing is I got an impression thru some group chats that EU is pushy and don't care about what you need, I think it's not true. At first he told me I didn't really need vline, just zygoma reduction would naturally smoothen my face line, unless I aim for perfection. I insisted to do vline.
    PMed you the price.
  16. EU and TFD was also my top list, I even deposited at TFD. Then I changed my mind and went to EU and at 2 months post op now I'm happy.
    In terms of skills I think they are all skillful enough. There are not many negative experiences with EU or TFD (not many, not "not any"; I think there will always be unhappy patients even at the best clinic). Anyway I did mine with Dr Kim, I'm liking my results so far, experienced no numbness/sensation loss since day 1-2 post op. I'm still early in recovery so not sure of long-term side effects yet.
    In terms of communication, even though Dr Lee is fluent in English, no one else at TFD can speak English (not sure how it's like when you actually do surgery there, but that's my impression when consulting, negotiating, sending deposit and withdrawing deposit). Dr Lee answered all my questions but sometimes it takes many hours, even 1-2 days because he's busy surgery. EU doctors can't communicate well in English and don't chat directly with you but at least 4 staffs there speak English. I preferred having a team to support me so it was a major reason I went with EU. For me there was a group chat of 3 people, my translator (to answer surgery-wise questions), the front desk staff (to arrange my time for deswelling treatments), and another staffs whom I never met but answer all questions I ask after office hours (even at late night/early morning).
    Extra points for EU is that I have deswelling treatments every day except Sunday. I'm not sure if it's that useful, but when you have SOOOOOOOOOO many free time everyday, it feels good to have something to go to. On Sunday when I didn't get deswelling treatments, I didn't get up until 4PM and felt so pointless. LOL.
    (I may sound biased haha but of course I am because I went there after all and I'm happy)
  17. Did mine 1.5 months ago, I experience no numbness/sensation loss. Still recovering and waiting to see if there will be sagging and how bad it'll be. I'm almost back to how I was before the surgery, beside the fact that my mouth still can't open as wide as before, although I can feel I can open it wider and wider week after week so it's still in the recover progress I think. The only thing I can't do yet is making the fish mouth to do contouring on my face when I do make up (like this: https://images.app.goo.gl/whGpuirKiXHKwshG6).
    Pros: I love my result - it's as expected
    Cons: None for now but I heard they say that it's too early to say.
  18. Hi! I was able to negotiate the price with them, however if you agree to share photos I believe there will be a bigger discount. I saw a lot of people shared a good offer if they agreed to sharing photos. I didn't agree to share my photos but I find their price reasonable compared to other places & with 1 night stay and other services.
    Also, I liked that the negotiated price still included tax and I could get tax refund at the airport. I prefer this compared to just getting 10% off by paying cash with no tax refund like some other places offered - it felt like I'd be doing it illegally without the government's acknowledge and if anything went wrong there wouldn't be documentations.
  19. Hi! My mom wants to save SMAS until she sag more, maybe when she's 55-60. I don't know about your preference, but my mom doesn't want a full anti aging makeover, like suddenly looking so young. She just wants to maintain the youthfulness by doing little by little... haha.
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