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Posts posted by enlighten99

  1. I’m so glad you are feeling better and I still can’t believe he cut your chin off! I
  2. Wow that is beyond rude! They need to take responsibility and the doctor should answer a patient who is asking to speak with them. Dr. Oh is the worst of the worst
  3. I meant assistant like the person you were communicating with on WhatsApp I’ve seen a few names Alice Lee and Suyoon lee.
    yes I saw Regen’s Instagram and he seems to shave off all their cheek bones and give them a very very small jaw and their eyes look huge like a doll. It seems like it’s just one look and he’s ignoring the patient and what they want. I’ve seen his scans and he cuts so much off the Jaw.
    I can’t believe he cut off your chin after he told you he wouldn’t ! He thinks he’s doing you a favor but you didn’t ask for it! And it’s not what you think looks good. It’s not his face it’s yours. He should be sued
  4. Thank you for sharing your experience. Dr. Oh is beyond horrible. Thanks for warning everyone I can’t believe he wouldn’t look you in the eye when you flew all the way to South Korea to see him for a second time using all your vacation and savings. Which consultant did you go through ?

  5. Yes the thread is here

    She agreed to a mini v line and he changed it to a full v line without her consent and told her the next day after the procedure you can see the ct scans how much he shaved off and she has permanent numbness on her Jaw and lip.
  6. That is great, please stay strong and positive. I really hope you can be happy again and feel good.
    Please update us
  7. Yes I think you do need to let your face heal. Maybe you can research custom jaw implants they have to do CT scans and design it with you. They can cost a lot of money too. Which is another sad thing because you've already spent so much money and had a bad outcome, which you need to also fight for you refund.
    There is so much tissue and bones to think about, and yes it's not good for your face in the long run. Nerves and sagging skin. I agree people should just get the surgery if they have a true jaw functional deformity or jaw pain , but just for aesthetics it is a very invasive surgery.Also with the sagging skin side effects they sell the face lift or thread lift in 1 year like it is candy and easy to do.
    Dr. Oh I heard does two jaw surgeries at least 5 a week. That shows he is really trying to push this surgery as no big deal. He also loves to recommend zygoma and v line.
    Not everyone wants to look the same.
    they really don't stress the side effects
    The best surgeon will tell you what you need and don't need and not be money hungry.
    Did you look into the custom jaw implant?

    It is scary to imagine just a few hours can change your whole life. and to think about another surgery.

  8. I feel so sad for you. This is very distressing physically and mentally. Did you look into getting your jaw advanced back to how it was? Or fillers? I’m glad your sister is with you to support you.
    are your incisions inside your mouth? I wonder if you need to have them looked at. I hope you are getting therapy too.
    doctors really need to stop pushing surgeries on pretty girls just to make money.
    It’s hard not to look back at your old photos too.
    I’m sending you positivity and hope you can fix some of these things and find a good and trusting doctor
    They aren’t all bad but there are a lot of greedy surgeons
  9. Your surgeon needs to take responsibility. I hope you can get it fixed. It’s quite distressing. When are you going to get another opinion?
    Yes I also saw on real self Dr. Oh admitted he cut a patients chin flat without her consent when she just wanted a v line and not change her chin shape which she liked having more forward. He admitted it after when he reviewed the scans with her but told her before he wouldn’t touch the chin.
    surgeons are so dishonest it’s hard to trust them.
  10. Wow that sounds awful. I hope you can recover and get your money back for the damages. Are you looking into going to South Korea to get a second surgery? How long has it been since your surgery?
    They really need to stop over cutting peoples jaws and bones
    It is a very big surgery
  11. Yes it’s the same Dr. Oh from Regen. That guy did a whole YouTube video from Russia so Dr. Oh likely did it himself or tried harder. Also on Regen Instagram. Plus he’s a man so he didn’t do a v line on a man. There’s plenty of bad reviews of Dr. oh over shaving the jaw and people looking into jaw implants. Read real self reviews Theres so scary ones he doesn’t call them back. I would stay away from him.
  12. No it doesn’t seem trustworthy. I’m not going to South Korea for plastic surgery. There’s a lot of great PS in America.
    South Korea has ghost doctors and doctors who don’t talk to the patient after surgery. They seem very greedy to lock in the date for the price and giving promotions for discounts. If you take the discount is it going to be the real doctor or the ghost doctor ?
    It looks like plastic surgeons are doing jaw surgery. In amercia it’s an oromaxillofacial surgeon not a plastic surgeon.
    Also I don’t want to look like every Korean girl. Double eyelid, v shape and pointy chin and no cheekbones.
    are you taking the risk
  13. Yes I read your story will stay away from Regen and Dr. Oh
    Who can we trust !
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